Welcome to the Sentiment Investor API wrapper. This package can be used to easily access trending stocks and individual ticker data from the sentimentinvestor.com website.
SentiPy can be installed with pip:
$ python3 -m pip install sentiment-investor
On macOS, it can also be installed via MacPorts:
$ sudo port install py-sentipy
To use this package you will need a developer token and key, which can be obtained from sentimentinvestor.com/developer/dashboard.
SentiPy has usage and reference documentation at sentimentinvestor.com/developer/python-docs.
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
First, fork the GitHub project to your account. Then, run the following with your GitHub handle in place of INSERT_GITHUB_NAME
$ git clone https://github.com/INSERT_GITHUB_NAME/sentipy
$ cd sentipy
$ poetry install && poetry shell
$ pre-commit install
This then runs the formatters when you're about to commit any changes.
The following people have made notable contributions to the development of this library (in chronological order):
The full list of contributors is here.
SentiPy is made available under the MIT Licence. For more details, see LICENSE.txt.