All basic polynomial operations in C. Polynomials are stored as linked lists.
- Create polynomial - p = create_poly()
- Read a polynomial string 'str' and convert it into polynomial type p - read_poly(p,str)
- Add two polynomials p1 and p2 - p3 = add_poly(p1,p2)
- Subtract two polynomials p1 and p2 - p3 = subtract_poly(p1,p2)
- Multiply two polynomials p1 and p2 - p3 = multiply_poly(p1,p2)
- Evaluate a polynomial p with a double value val - result = evaluate_poly(p,val)
- Display a polynomial p - display_polynomial(p)
- Delete a polynomial - delete_poly(p)
- polynomial.h - Header file containing all the function prototypes and data structures.
- polynomial.c - The implementation of the polynomial functions.
- test.c - Test file .
For compiling and linking both test code and library functions in gcc compiler.
> gcc test.c polynomial.c -o polynomial -lm
For running the executable.
> ./polynomial
For read_poly(), the parsing was done using the concept of context free grammer. -[Erik Jansson] (