Rubicure-graphql is Precure, Japanese battle heroine "Pretty Cure (Precure)" GraphQL implementation based on Rubicure gem.
ruby >= 2.7.0
rubicure >= 3.2.2 (uses #members)
Compose V2 (when deploy into container)
- Install
$ brew install mutagen-io/mutagen/mutagen
cp compose.override.yaml.example compose.override.yaml
docker compose build
mutagen project start
$ docker compose build
$ docker compose run --rm web bundle install
$ docker compose up -d
You have to set environment values if running in production env.
SECRET_KEY_BASE=(generate with `docker compose run --rm app rails secret`)
RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES=true (or enabled)
With Heroku CLI
$ heroku login
$ heroku create
$ git push heroku master
With EB CLI (using mini/eb-cli Docker image) If you have EB CLI natively, feel free to use native EB CLI.
$ docker run --rm -it -v $HOME/.aws/:/home/aws/.aws -v $PWD:/data mini/eb-cli init
( answer some questions )
$ docker run --rm -it -v $HOME/.aws/:/home/aws/.aws -v $PWD:/data mini/eb-cli deploy
You have to set environment values if running in production env.
RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES=true (or enabled)
SECRET_KEY_BASE=(generate with `rails secret` in your ruby env)
Call from your GraphQL client. This app includes rails-graphiql, but disabled by default. Set ENABLE_GRAPHIQL environment variable to any value except empty, and then restart app and access http(s)://(hostname):(port)/graphiql to try API in GraphiQL.
In my server
or Heroku (Deprecated)
or AWS (Elastic Beanstalk) (Deprecated)
- Clone this repo
- Build your Docker image first ( docker compose build [--no-cache] )
- Checkout "testing_new_precure" branch
- Fix "Gemfile" ( branch name, upstream repo )
- Update "Gemfile.lock" by following commands:
$ docker compose run --rm web bundle update --conservative rubicure
$ docker compose run --rm web bundle install
- Rebuild your Docker image ( docker compose build )
- Launch the development server ( docker compose up )
- Fork this repo
- Create your feature branch ( git checkout -b features_or_fix_or_chores_or_something/patch_name )
- Fun with this code and commit your changes ( git commit -am "I have made some modifications" )
- Push to your forked repo ( git push origin features_or_fix_or_chores_or_something/patch_name )
- Create new pull request