This API provides simple restful API access to Amazon's ECS Fargate service.
- Table of Contents
- Endpoint Summary
- Definition
- Docker Image verification
- Service Orchestration
- Managed Task Definitions
- SSM Parameters
- Secrets
- Development
- Author
- License
GET /v1/ecs/ping
GET /v1/ecs/version
// Docker Image handlers
HEAD /v1/ecs/images?image={image}
// Service handlers
POST /v1/ecs/{account}/services
GET /v1/ecs/{account}/clusters/{cluster}/services[?all=true]
PUT /v1/ecs/{account}/clusters/{cluster}/services
DELETE /v1/ecs/{account}/clusters/{cluster}/services/{service}[?recursive=true]
GET /v1/ecs/{account}/clusters/{cluster}/services/{service}
GET /v1/ecs/{account}/clusters/{cluster}/services/{service}/events
// Log handlers
GET /v1/ecs/{account}/clusters/{cluster}/services/{service}/logs?task="{task}"&container="{container}[&limit={limit}][&seq={seq}][&start={start}&end={end}]"
// Tasks handlers
GET /v1/ecs/{account}/clusters/{cluster}/tasks/{task}
DELETE /v1/ecs/{account}/clusters/{cluster}/tasks/{task}
// TaskDef handlers
POST /v1/ecs/{account}/taskdefs
GET /v1/ecs/{account}/clusters/{cluster}/taskdefs
DELETE /v1/ecs/{account}/clusters/{cluster}/taskdefs/{taskdef}[?recursive=true][&force=true]
GET /v1/ecs/{account}/clusters/{cluster}/taskdefs/{taskdef}
POST /v1/ecs/{account}/clusters/{cluster}/taskdefs/{taskdef}/tasks
GET /v1/ecs/{account}/clusters/{cluster}/taskdefs/{taskdef}/tasks
GET /v1/ecs/{account}/clusters/{cluster}/taskdefs/{taskdef}/tasks/{task}
DELETE /v1/ecs/{account}/clusters/{cluster}/taskdefs/{taskdef}/tasks/{task}[?reason={reason}]
// Secrets handlers
GET /v1/ecs/{account}/secrets
POST /v1/ecs/{account}/secrets
GET /v1/ecs/{account}/secrets/{secret}
PUT /v1/ecs/{account}/secrets/{secret}
DELETE /v1/ecs/{account}/secrets/{secret}
// Parameter store handlers
POST /v1/ecs/{account}/params/{prefix}
GET /v1/ecs/{account}/params/{prefix}
DELETE /v1/ecs/{account}/params/{prefix}
GET /v1/ecs/{account}/params/{prefix}/{param}
DELETE /v1/ecs/{account}/params/{prefix}/{param}
PUT /v1/ecs//{account}/params/{prefix}/{param}
// Load balancer handlers
GET /v1/ecs/{account}/lbs?space={space}
provide groupings of containers. Clusters control the default capacity provider strategy which determines when to leverage spot and on demand containers.
are long lived/scalable tasks launched based on a task definition. Services can be comprised of multiple containers
(because multiple containers can be defined in a task definition!). AWS will restart containers belonging to services when they exit or die. Services
can be scaled and can be associated with load balancers. Tasks that make up a service can have IP addresses, but those addresses change when tasks are restarted.
, in contrast to Services
, should be considered short lived. They will not automatically be restarted or scaled by AWS and cannot be associated with a load balancer. Tasks
, as with services
, can be made up of multiple containers. Tasks can have IP addresses, but those addresses change when tasks are restarted.
An ECS Task definition
describes a set of containers used in a service
or task
. The resources managed by the taskdefs
endpoints in this API manage task definition lifecycle in addition to dependent resources for a task (clusters, tags, etc).
store string data in AWS SSM parameter store. By default, parameters are encrypted (in AWS) by the defaultKmsKeyId
given for each account
Image verification checks if an image is available. Currently, this endpoint is a simple HEAD
request. Successful http response
codes mean the image is available.
HEAD /v1/ecs/images?image={image}
Passing the X-Registry-Auth
header with a base64 encoded JSON payload will attempt to authenticate to the registry using the passed credentials.
The JSON payload should be of the form:
{"username": "foouser", "password": "foopass"}
Note: Header values are not URL encoded.
Response Code | Definition |
200 OK | image is available |
400 Bad Request | badly formed request |
404 Not Found | image wasn't found (or requires auth) |
500 Internal Server Error | a server error occurred |
The service orchestration endpoints for creating and deleting services allow building and destroying services with one call to the API.
The endpoints are wrapped versions of the ECS, IAM, Secrets manager and ServiceDiscovery services from AWS. The endpoint will determine
what has been provided and try to take the most logical action. For example, if you provide CreateClusterInput
, RegisterTaskDefinitionInput
and CreateServiceInput
, the API will attempt to create the cluster, then the task definition and then the service using the created
resources. If you only provide the CreateServiceInput
with the task definition name, the cluster name and the service registries, it
will assume those resources already exist and just try to create the service.
Example request body of new cluster, new task definition, new service registry, repository credentials and the new service:
"cluster": {
"clustername": "myclu"
"taskdefinition": {
"family": "webservers",
"cpu": "256",
"memory": "512",
"containerdefinitions": [
"environment": [{
"name": "API_HOST",
"value": "localhost"
"name": "API_PORT",
"value": "1234"
"name": "webserver",
"image": "nginx:alpine",
"ports": [80,443],
"logConfiguration": {
"logDriver": "awslogs",
"options": {
"awslogs-group": "myclu",
"awslogs-stream-prefix": "www",
"awslogs-region": "us-east-1",
"awslogs-create-group": "true"
"PortMappings": [{
"ContainerPort": 80,
"protocol": "tcp"
"secrets": []
"service": {
"desiredcount": 1,
"servicename": "www"
"serviceregistry": {
"name": "www",
"cluster": "myclu",
"dnsconfig": {
"namespaceid": "ns-y3uaw6neshhbev3f",
"dnsrecords": [
"ttl": 30,
"type": "A"
"credentials": {
"webserver": {
"Name": "myapp-webserver-cred",
"SecretString": "{\"username\" : \"supahman\",\"password\" : \"dontkryptonitemebro\"}",
"Description": "myapp-webserver-cred"
"tags": [
"Key": "CreatedBy",
"Value": "netid"
"Key": "OS",
"Value": "container"
Example request body of new service with existing resources:
"service": {
"cluster": "myclu",
"desiredcount": 1,
"servicename": "webapp",
"taskdefinition": "mytaskdef:1",
"serviceregistries": [
"registryarn": "arn:aws:servicediscovery:us-east-1:001122334455:service/srv-tvtbgvkkxtts3qlf"
Service update orchestration currently supports:
- updating tags
- forcing a redeployment without changing the service
- updating the task definition and redeploying
- updating the service parameters (like replica count, or capacity provider strategy)
PUT /v1/ecs/{account}/clusters/{cluster}/services/{service}
"ForceNewDeployment": true,
"Tags": [
{"Key": "MyKey", "Value": "MyValue"},
{"Key": "Application", "Value": "someprefix"},
"TaskDefinition": {
"family": "supercool-service",
"cpu": "256",
"memory": "1024",
"containerdefinitions": [
"environment": [{
"name": "API_HOST",
"value": "localhost"
"name": "API_PORT",
"value": "1234"
"name": "webserver",
"image": "nginx:alpine",
"ports": [80,443]
"ForceRedeploy": true
"Service": {
"DesiredCount": 1,
"CapacityProviderStrategy": [
"CapacityProvider": "FARGATE_SPOT",
"Base": 1,
"Weight": 1
The example below adds a privateapi
container definition with the associated new credentials, or adds credentials to an existing privateapi
container definition. If repository credentials are passed with a container definition (see the next example), the credentials will either be
kept and continue to be associated with the container definition (if no associated credentials are passed in the credentials
map) or the value of
the secret with that ARN will be overwritten by the credentials passed in the credentials
map if they exist!
"TaskDefinition": {
"family": "supercool-service",
"cpu": "256",
"memory": "1024",
"containerdefinitions": [
"name": "webserver",
"image": "nginx:alpine"
"name": "privateapi",
"image": "myorg/privateapi:latest"
"credentials": {
"privateapi": {
"Name": "privateapi-cred-1",
"SecretString": "{\"username\" : \"myorguser\",\"password\" : \"super-sekret-password-string\"}",
"Description": "privateapi-creds"
"ForceRedeploy": true
In this example, the privateapi
container definition exists and we want to update the credentials. By passing the repository credentials ARN
along with the container definition, this instructs the API to attempt to update that secret from the passed credentials
map. If no associated
credential exists in the credentials
map, the container definition will be updated to use the passed credentials ARN.
"TaskDefinition": {
"family": "supercool-service",
"cpu": "256",
"memory": "1024",
"containerdefinitions": [
"name": "webserver",
"image": "nginx:alpine"
"name": "privateapi",
"image": "myorg/privateapi:latest",
"repositorycredentials": {
"credentialsparameter": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:001122334455:secret:privateapi-cred-1-Ol7mhU"
"credentials": {
"privateapi": {
"SecretString": "{\"username\" : \"myorguser\",\"password\" : \"new-super-sekret-password-string\"}",
"ForceRedeploy": true
The response is the service body.
Response Code | Definition |
200 OK | okay |
400 Bad Request | badly formed request |
404 Not Found | account, cluster or service wasn't found |
500 Internal Server Error | a server error occurred |
Service delete orchestration supports deleting a service or recursively deleting a service and its dependencies.
DELETE /v1/ecs/{account}/clusters/{cluster}/services/{service}[?recursive=true]
The response is the service body.
Response Code | Definition |
200 OK | okay |
400 Bad Request | badly formed request |
404 Not Found | account, cluster or service wasn't found |
500 Internal Server Error | a server error occurred |
GET /v1/ecs/{account}/clusters/{cluster}/services/{service}/logs?task="foo"&container="bar"....
Get the logs for a container running in a task belonging to a service, running in a cluster belonging to an account. The request can be for just the task and container, in which case up to 10,000 (or 1MB) of the most recent log messages will be returned. A limit can be passed to limit the number of records returned, and a sequence token, seq
can be passed to support paging. Additionally, start
and end
times can be passed in milliseconds from the unix epoch. More details can be found [in the documentation][]
GET /v1/ecs/{account}/clusters/{cluster}/services/{service}/logs?task="foo"&container="bar"
GET /v1/ecs/{account}/clusters/{cluster}/services/{service}/logs?task="foo"&container="bar"&limit="30"
GET /v1/ecs/{account}/clusters/{cluster}/services/{service}/logs?task="foo"&container="bar"&limit="30"&seq="f/35313851203912372440587619261645128276299525300062978048"
GET /v1/ecs/{account}/clusters/{cluster}/services/{service}/logs?task="foo"&container="bar"&start="1583504305223"&end="1583527860973"
GET /v1/ecs/{account}/clusters/{cluster}/services/{service}/logs?task="foo"&container="bar"&start="1583504305223"&end="1583527860973"&limit="30"&seq="f/35313851203912372440587619261645128276299525300062978048"
The ECS-API allows for creating a task definition that fits into the service paradigm for Spinup. This will create a runnable task definition as well as any dependent services such as clusters, secrets and tags.
POST /v1/ecs/{account}/taskdefs
"cluster": {
"clustername": "myclu"
"taskdefinition": {
"family": "supercool",
"cpu": "256",
"memory": "512",
"containerdefinitions": [
"name": "nginx",
"image": "nginx:alpine",
"portmappings": [{"ContainerPort": 80}]
"name": "api",
"image": "yaleits/testapi",
"portmappings": [{"ContainerPort": 8080}]
"credentials": {
"api": {
"SecretString": "{\"username\" : \"myorguser\",\"password\" : \"new-super-sekret-password-string\"}",
"tags": [
"Key": "Application",
"Value": "myclu"
"Key": "COA",
"Value": "Bill.Me.Please.COA"
Response Code | Definition |
200 OK | okay |
400 Bad Request | badly formed request |
404 Not Found | account, cluster or taskdef wasn't found |
500 Internal Server Error | a server error occurred |
DELETE /v1/ecs/{account}/cluster/{cluster}/taskdefs/{taskdef}
The response is the service body.
"Cluster": "myclu",
"TaskDefinition": "supercool-service"
Response Code | Definition |
202 Accepted | okay |
400 Bad Request | badly formed request |
404 Not Found | account, cluster or taskdef wasn't found |
500 Internal Server Error | a server error occurred |
List returns an array of task definition families - there may be multiple revisions of a task definition.
GET /v1/ecs/{account}/cluster/{cluster}/taskdefs
The response is the service body.
Response Code | Definition |
200 OK | okay |
400 Bad Request | badly formed request |
404 Not Found | account, cluster or taskdef wasn't found |
500 Internal Server Error | a server error occurred |
Gets the details about a managed task definition
GET /v1/ecs/{account}/cluster/{cluster}/taskdefs/{taskdef}
The response is the taskdef body.
Response Code | Definition |
200 OK | okay |
400 Bad Request | badly formed request |
404 Not Found | account, cluster or taskdef wasn't found |
500 Internal Server Error | a server error occurred |
Runs a task definition
POST /v1/ecs/{account}/cluster/{cluster}/taskdefs/{taskdef}/tasks
The input for running a task uses the RunTaskInput and overrides with our standard required values. Tags are propagated from the Task Definition.
The startedBy
parameter is optional and can be used to group tasks started by the same process.
"Count": 1,
"StartedBy": "camden"
The response is the tasks output and any failures.
Response Code | Definition |
200 OK | okay |
400 Bad Request | badly formed request |
404 Not Found | account, cluster or taskdef wasn't found |
500 Internal Server Error | a server error occurred |
GET /v1/ecs/{account}/cluster/{cluster}/taskdefs/{taskdef}/tasks[?status=RUNNING][&status=STOPPED][&startedBy=foobar]
The response is the tasks list
Response Code | Definition |
200 OK | okay |
400 Bad Request | badly formed request |
404 Not Found | account, cluster wasn't found |
500 Internal Server Error | a server error occurred |
GET /v1/ecs/{account}/cluster/{cluster}/taskdefs/{taskdef}/tasks/{task}
The response is the tasks list.
"Tasks": [
"Attachments": [
"Details": [
"Name": "subnetId",
"Value": "subnet-aaaaaaa"
"Name": "networkInterfaceId",
"Value": "eni-vvvvvvvvvvvv"
"Name": "macAddress",
"Value": "12:89:50:8d:21:a7"
"Name": "privateDnsName",
"Value": "ip-10-1-2-3.ec2.internal"
"Name": "privateIPv4Address",
"Value": ""
"Id": "69403df1-ca83-480d-8fb2-80891ab065b8",
"Status": "DELETED",
"Type": "ElasticNetworkInterface"
"Attributes": null,
"AvailabilityZone": "us-east-1d",
"CapacityProviderName": null,
"ClusterArn": "arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:001122334455:cluster/myclu",
"Connectivity": "CONNECTED",
"ConnectivityAt": "2021-06-02T16:15:08.273Z",
"ContainerInstanceArn": null,
"Containers": [
"ContainerArn": "arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:001122334455:container/myclu/25cb8e5435b04a0396c1fea4db587b8b/6fd8e73b-ccea-4a54-b52d-8f64fafb1f92",
"Cpu": "0",
"ExitCode": 0,
"GpuIds": null,
"HealthStatus": "UNKNOWN",
"Image": "busybox",
"ImageDigest": null,
"LastStatus": "STOPPED",
"Memory": null,
"MemoryReservation": null,
"Name": "sleeper",
"NetworkBindings": [],
"NetworkInterfaces": [
"AttachmentId": "69403df1-ca83-480d-8fb2-80891ab065b8",
"Ipv6Address": null,
"PrivateIpv4Address": ""
"Reason": null,
"RuntimeId": "25cb8e5435b04a0396c1fea4db587b8b-1634946175",
"TaskArn": "arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:001122334455:task/myclu/25cb8e5435b04a0396c1fea4db587b8b"
"ContainerArn": "arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:001122334455:container/myclu/25cb8e5435b04a0396c1fea4db587b8b/bd3ec6ff-0cff-4d06-bfa9-843ba9195b85",
"Cpu": "0",
"ExitCode": 2,
"GpuIds": null,
"HealthStatus": "UNKNOWN",
"Image": "something/testapi",
"ImageDigest": null,
"LastStatus": "STOPPED",
"Memory": null,
"MemoryReservation": null,
"Name": "api",
"NetworkBindings": [],
"NetworkInterfaces": [
"AttachmentId": "69403df1-ca83-480d-8fb2-80891ab065b8",
"Ipv6Address": null,
"PrivateIpv4Address": ""
"Reason": null,
"RuntimeId": "25cb8e5435b04a0396c1fea4db587b8b-946514567",
"TaskArn": "arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:001122334455:task/myclu/25cb8e5435b04a0396c1fea4db587b8b"
"Cpu": "256",
"CreatedAt": "2021-06-02T16:15:04.391Z",
"DesiredStatus": "STOPPED",
"ExecutionStoppedAt": "2021-06-02T16:16:48.968Z",
"Group": "family:supercool",
"HealthStatus": "UNKNOWN",
"InferenceAccelerators": null,
"LastStatus": "STOPPED",
"LaunchType": "FARGATE",
"Memory": "512",
"Overrides": {
"ContainerOverrides": [
"Command": null,
"Cpu": null,
"Environment": null,
"EnvironmentFiles": null,
"Memory": null,
"MemoryReservation": null,
"Name": "sleeper",
"ResourceRequirements": null
"Command": null,
"Cpu": null,
"Environment": null,
"EnvironmentFiles": null,
"Memory": null,
"MemoryReservation": null,
"Name": "api",
"ResourceRequirements": null
"Cpu": null,
"ExecutionRoleArn": null,
"InferenceAcceleratorOverrides": [],
"Memory": null,
"TaskRoleArn": null
"PlatformVersion": "1.4.0",
"PullStartedAt": "2021-06-02T16:15:29.45Z",
"PullStoppedAt": "2021-06-02T16:16:26.565Z",
"StartedAt": "2021-06-02T16:16:29.066Z",
"StartedBy": null,
"StopCode": "EssentialContainerExited",
"StoppedAt": "2021-06-02T16:17:24.104Z",
"StoppedReason": "Essential container in task exited",
"StoppingAt": "2021-06-02T16:17:10.101Z",
"Tags": [],
"TaskArn": "arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:001122334455:task/myclu/25cb8e5435b04a0396c1fea4db587b8b",
"TaskDefinitionArn": "arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:001122334455:task-definition/supercool:43",
"Version": 5,
"Revision": 43
"Failures": []
Response Code | Definition |
200 OK | okay |
400 Bad Request | badly formed request |
404 Not Found | account, cluster or taskdef wasn't found |
500 Internal Server Error | a server error occurred |
DELETE /v1/ecs/{account}/cluster/{cluster}/taskdefs/{taskdef}/tasks/{task}
The response is the tasks list.
Response Code | Definition |
200 OK | okay |
400 Bad Request | badly formed request |
404 Not Found | account, cluster, def or task wasn't found |
500 Internal Server Error | a server error occurred |
Parameters are automatically creating in the org
path. A prefix
should be specified in the Name
POST /v1/ecs/{account}/params/{prefix}
"Description": "a secret parameter",
"Name": "newsecret123",
"Value": "abc123",
"Tags": [
{"Key": "MyKey", "Value": "MyValue"},
{"Key": "Application", "Value": "someprefix"},
"Tier": "Standard",
"VersionId": "592CEFAE-7B74-4A22-B1C9-55F958531579"
Response Code | Definition |
200 OK | okay |
400 Bad Request | badly formed request |
404 Not Found | account wasn't found |
500 Internal Server Error | a server error occurred |
Listing parameters is limited to the parameters that belong to the org. A prefix
is also required.
GET /v1/ecs/{account}/params/{prefix}
Response Code | Definition |
200 OK | okay |
400 Bad Request | badly formed request |
404 Not Found | account or prefix wasn't found |
500 Internal Server Error | a server error occurred |
Pass the parameter prefix
and param
to get the metadata about a secret. The org
will automatically be prepended.
GET /v1/ecs/{account}/params/{prefix}/{param}
"ARN": "arn:aws:ssm:us-east-1:001122334455:parameter/myorg/someprefix/newsecret123",
"Name": "newsecret123",
"Description": "a test secret shhhhhh! 123",
"KeyId": "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:001122334455:key/aaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeee",
"Type": "SecureString",
"Tags": [
"Key": "MyKey",
"Value": "MyValue"
"Key": "spinup:org",
"Value": "myorg"
"Key": "Application",
"Value": "someprefix"
"LastModifiedDate": "2019-10-09 15:43:44 +0000 UTC",
"Version": 1
Response Code | Definition |
200 OK | okay |
400 Bad Request | badly formed request |
404 Not Found | account, param or prefix wasn't found |
500 Internal Server Error | a server error occurred |
DELETE /v1/ecs/{account}/params/{prefix}/{param}
Response Code | Definition |
200 OK | okay |
400 Bad Request | badly formed request |
404 Not Found | account, param or prefix wasn't found |
500 Internal Server Error | a server error occurred |
DELETE /v1/ecs/{account}/params/{prefix}
"Message": "OK",
"Deleted": 3,
Response Code | Definition |
200 OK | okay |
400 Bad Request | badly formed request |
404 Not Found | account or prefix wasn't found |
500 Internal Server Error | a server error occurred |
Update the tags and/or value of a parameter. Pass the prefix
and the param
PUT /v1/ecs/{account}/params/{prefix}/{param}
"Value": "abc123",
"Tags": [
{"Key": "MyKey", "Value": "MyValue"},
{"Key": "Application", "Value": "someprefix"},
Response Code | Definition |
200 OK | okay |
400 Bad Request | badly formed request |
404 Not Found | account, param or prefix wasn't found |
500 Internal Server Error | a server error occurred |
store binary or string data in AWS secrets manager. By default, secrets are encrypted (in AWS) by the defaultKmsKeyId
given for each account
POST /v1/ecs/{account}/secrets
"Name": "sshhhhh",
"SecretString": "abc123"
"ARN": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:001122334455:secret:sshhhhh-Z8CxfW",
"Name": "sshhhhh",
"VersionId": "592CEFAE-7B74-4A22-B1C9-55F958531579"
Response Code | Definition |
200 OK | okay |
400 Bad Request | badly formed request |
500 Internal Server Error | a server error occurred |
Listing secrets is limited to the secrets that belong to the org. Optionally pass key=value
to filter on secret tags.
GET /v1/ecs/{account}/secrets[?key1=value1[&key2=value2&key3=value3]]
Response Code | Definition |
200 OK | okay |
400 Bad Request | badly formed request |
500 Internal Server Error | a server error occurred |
Pass the secret id to get the metadata about a secret.
GET /v1/ecs/{account}/secret/{secret}
"ARN": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:001122334455:secret:ShhhDontTellAnyone-123-BFyDco",
"DeletedDate": null,
"Description": null,
"KmsKeyId": null,
"LastAccessedDate": null,
"LastChangedDate": "2019-07-01T21:30:54Z",
"LastRotatedDate": null,
"Name": "ShhhDontTellAnyone",
"RotationEnabled": null,
"RotationLambdaARN": null,
"RotationRules": null,
"Tags": [
"Key": "spinup:org",
"Value": "localdev"
"VersionIdsToStages": {
"12345678-9012-3456-7898-123456789012": [
Response Code | Definition |
200 OK | okay |
400 Bad Request | badly formed request |
404 Not Found | secret wasn't found in the org |
500 Internal Server Error | a server error occurred |
Pass the secret id and an options window
parameter (in days). A parameter of 0
will cause the secret
to be deleted immediately. Otherwise the grace period must be between 7
and 30
DELETE /v1/ecs/{account}/secret/{secret}[?window=[0|7-30]]
"ARN": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:001122334455:secret:ShhhDontTellAnyone-123-BFyDco",
"DeletionDate": "2019-07-13T11:18:33Z",
"Name": "ShhhDontTellAnyone"
Response Code | Definition |
200 OK | okay |
400 Bad Request | badly formed request |
404 Not Found | secret wasn't found in the org |
500 Internal Server Error | a server error occurred |
Pass the secret id, the new secret string value and/or the list of tags to update. Currently, updating binary secrets is not supported, nor is setting the secret version.
PUT /v1/ecs/{account}/secrets/{secret}
"Secret": "TOPSEKRETsshhhhh",
"Tags": [
"key": "Application",
"value": "FooBAAAAAR"
When only updating tags, you will get an empty response on success. When updating a secret:
"ARN": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:001122334455:secret:ShhhDontTellAnyone-123-BFyDco",
"Name": "ShhhDontTellAnyone",
"VersionId": "AWSCURRENT"
Response Code | Definition |
200 OK | okay |
400 Bad Request | badly formed request |
404 Not Found | secret wasn't found in the org |
500 Internal Server Error | a server error occurred |
GET /v1/ecs/{account}/lbs?space={space}
"test-tg-1": "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-east-1:001122334455:targetgroup/test-tg-1/0987654321",
"test-tg-2": "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-east-1:001122334455:targetgroup/test-tg-2/0987654321"
Response Code | Definition |
200 OK | okay |
400 Bad Request | badly formed request |
500 Internal Server Error | a server error occurred |
Returns a list of load balancers in a given space. For each load balancer we also get a list of configured listeners and their rules, as well as any associated target groups and the health status of their targets.
GET /v1/ecs/{account}/lbs/{space}
"LoadBalancerArn": "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-east-1:012345678901:loadbalancer/app/zee-special-alb/1b12a9c2316583d9",
"LoadBalancerName": "zee-special-alb",
"LoadBalancerType": "application",
"DNSName": "",
"Listeners": [
"ListenerArn": "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-east-1:012345678901:listener/app/zee-special-alb/1b12a9c2316583d9/64e675c6f7554ed1",
"ListenerName": "HTTP:80",
"Rules": [
"RuleArn": "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-east-1:012345678901:listener-rule/app/zee-special-alb/1b12a9c2316583d9/64e675c6f7554ed1/8980e764316b7e1b",
"If": "Default",
"Then": "redirect to HTTPS://#{host}:443/#{path}?#{query}"
"ListenerArn": "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-east-1:012345678901:listener/app/zee-special-alb/1b12a9c2316583d9/998b8bb49534c4c7",
"ListenerName": "HTTPS:443",
"SslPolicy": "ELBSecurityPolicy-TLS-1-2-2017-01",
"Rules": [
"RuleArn": "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-east-1:012345678901:listener-rule/app/zee-special-alb/1b12a9c2316583d9/998b8bb49534c4c7/1c75ae42a6a1e567",
"If": "host-header:",
"Then": "forward to tf-20211109200946929800000001",
"TargetGroups": [
"TargetGroupArn": "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-east-1:012345678901:targetgroup/tf-20211109200946929800000001/60cd460879687ff5",
"TargetGroupName": "tf-20211109200946929800000001",
"TargetType": "ip",
"Targets": [
"Id": "",
"Port": "443",
"State": "healthy",
"Reason": ""
"RuleArn": "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-east-1:012345678901:listener-rule/app/zee-special-alb/1b12a9c2316583d9/998b8bb49534c4c7/89e4837fe23d18c3",
"If": "Default",
"Then": "fixed response: status code 412"
Response Code | Definition |
200 OK | okay |
400 Bad Request | badly formed request |
500 Internal Server Error | a server error occurred |
- Install Go v1.11 or newer
- Enable Go modules:
export GO111MODULE=on
- Create a config:
cp -p config/config.example.json config/config.json
- Edit
and update the parameters - Run
go run .
to start the app locally while developing - Run
go test ./...
to run all tests - Run
go build ./...
to build the binary
E Camden Fisher [email protected]
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 (GNU AGPLv3) Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Yale University