I promised that I won't write even a single line of documentation, unless I've been asked to do so. Regardless, here's what you would have to know: This code is in beta stage and here's what is missing:
- Missing visualisation: The image provided is static.
- Fine-tuned UI to compensate for results with no annotation.
Here's what is actually working:
- Interface. Well, we have to start with something.
- Interface details: See how cool the delete button is on History. Check the hover actions on columns (which had to be custom-made as CSS can only target rows for hovering effects).
- Light (default) theme and dark theme - just set your desktop to dark and enjoy.
And that's why this app is still in alpha and if you are reading this, then thank you.
Also, I have been asked to not write any documentation unless someone asks me to do so, therefore this README.md is simply a figment of your imagination or my personal diary.
VSCode + Volar (and disable Vetur) + TypeScript Vue Plugin (Volar).
See Vite Configuration Reference.
Use this project's version of Node.js:
nvm use
Install the project:
npm install
nvm use
npm run dev
npm run build
Lint with ESLint
npm run lint