Repository of R packages for Schola Empirica
Install packages from this repository like so (example for the reschola
options(repos = c(getOption("repos"), "scholaempirica" = ""))
Or, to gain more direct access to this package repository, put this in your .Rprofile:
local({r <- getOption("repos")
# add drat repo
r["scholaempirica"] <- ""
...then you will be able to do just
without any prior commands, even though the reschola
package is not on CRAN.
This may be preferable to using e.g. remotes::install_github("scholaempirica/reschola")
since you
- always get a release, rather than the latest snapshot, which may be broken.
- get a binary package if available
- get a package with the vignettes built by default
Currently the repository contains the following packages:
- reschola for reproducible research at Schola Empirica
- redoc, a custom patch of noamross/redoc fixing documentatio and an RStudio addin
You can run available.packages(repos = '')
to see what is included.
Source code for all the packages is hosted on Github.
The repository has been created using the drat
package by @eddelbuettel; see more at