Team : Nghia Duc Hong - Duy Anh Vu
In the first summer in Finland, a second year student want to discover the second-biggest city in Finland : Tampere. He realizes that there is some mysterious creatures living in the Tampere city. Unluckily, he only owns a bike. Your dog, Brian,is your sidekick. He also able to fight the pokemon too. But he can not use the bus as the bus driver want to keep his bus clean! That means he would only be able to go somewhere in short distance and slow. Tampere has developed its bus system - fast and omnipresent. As the situation that mysterious creatures are affecting the city, the city gives him permission to use the public buses for free if he can catch the Pokemons. Those Pokemon some want to stay at a point. Some naughty Pokemon would want to amble in the city. If you catch a pokemon with a high score, the player would be inspired and restore up some energy (10%). He would also want to discover the bus system of the Tampere as well, for example which bus line often has the most passengers. The buses are given thank to TIE-02408 course staffs and Pokemon are imported from the Pokemon original resource.
Game-start: Player is greet with a brief backstory. In this dialog, the player can set some setting in game also. Start time is in format hour and minute. This is the real time that buses are proceed on the day. Remember that most buses will not run at night ( 00:00 - 5:00). Number of pokemon balls is how many pokemon balls should be generated on the map of tampere city. (max 100) Fuel is how much the energy of the player has. (max 10000) Speed is how fast the player can move in one press. (max 10) After this, player can press OK to save setting. After player press OK in the greeting dialog, they will get back to game play main window. If he presses Cancel or X symbol, the game is exited.
In game play mainwindow, player presses start to play the game. The player should again click on the city map to use control key SPACE properly. The player is placed in the middle of the map. He will see buses are running, some pokemon balls are in somewhere, some moving, some not. He has to catch many ball as possible to get high score. The pokemon will be catch if the player move towards close to the pokemon. After catching a pokemon, there will be a dialog telling player that what kind of pokemon did he catched. The score then would be updated. Every time he catches a Pokemon, another is respawned.
When the player moves by himself, by pressing W-S-A-D to move to respective directions, the energy decreases as well when he moves. If in multiplayer mode, the dog are able to move with I-J-K-L key to move to repspective directions, the energy of the dog is summed to your energy as well.
The player can decide to use a bus to preserve his energy. If he get close enough to a bus stop, press SPACE to get to the stop. If there a bus going to this stop, the player would get on the bus. If he presses SPACE, he would leave the bus, even the bus is not stop at bus stops. The player would also leave the bus immediately when the bus go outside the map. When in the bus, if he doesnt leave the bus, he cant move.
The number of passengers on the bus can be checked by hover the mouse on the buses.
The player can anytime press bag button to view all his pokemons have been catched as well. If a rare pokemon has been caught, the energy is partly restored (10%) to the player. The game is over when the player energy(fuel) is empty. There will be a dialogo tell the player the scores he has gained. After he press OK to confirm, the game is ready to be restarted with start button again.
Score of pokemons: The Pokemons have different levels, ranging from 1-5; The higher levels, the higher score he gains. A 1-star pokemon would only give 100 scores while a 5-star pokemon would give 500.