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React Native Tab View

A cross-platform Tab View component for React Native.

This is a JavaScript-only implementation of swipeable tab views. It's super cutomizable, allowing you to do things like coverflow. Run the example app to see it in action.



npm install --save react-native-tab-view


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { View, StyleSheet } from 'react-native';
import { TabViewAnimated, TabViewPage, TabBarTop } from 'react-native-tab-view';

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1,
  page: {
    flex: 1,
    alignItems: 'center',
    justifyContent: 'center',

export default class TabViewExample extends Component {
  state = {
    navigation: {
      index: 0,
      routes: [
        { key: '1', title: 'First' },
        { key: '2', title: 'Second' },

  _handleChangeTab = (index) => {
      navigation: { ...this.state.navigation, index },

  _renderHeader = (props) => {
    return <TabBarTop {...props} />;

  _renderScene = ({ route }) => {
    switch (route.key) {
    case '1':
      return <View style={[, { backgroundColor: '#ff4081' } ]} />;
    case '2':
      return <View style={[, { backgroundColor: '#673ab7' } ]} />;
      return null;

  _renderPage = (props) => {
    return <TabViewPage {...props} renderScene={this._renderScene} />;

  render() {
    return (


The package exposes the following components,

  • <TabViewTransitioner /> - container component responsible for managing tab transitions

    It accepts the following props,

    • navigationState - the current navigation state
    • configureAnimation - optional callback which performs animation and returns a promise
    • onRequestChangeTab - callback for when the current tab changes, should do the setState
    • onChangePosition - callback called with position value when the it changes, avoid doing anything expensive here
    • render - callback which renders the tab view, gets a special set of props as argument
  • <TabViewAnimated /> - a convenience wrapper around <TabViewTransitioner />

    It accepts the following props in addition to navigationState and onRequestChangeTab,

    • renderHeader - callback which renders a header, useful for a top tab bar
    • renderFooter - callback which renders a footer, useful for a bottom tab bar
    • renderScene - callback which renders a single scene
  • <TabViewPage /> - container component for individual pages

    It accepts the following props,

    • renderScene - callback which receives the current scene and returns a React Element
    • panHandlers - pan handlers used for gesture (default is TabViewPage.PanResponder.forHorizontal(props)), pass null to disable gestures
    • style - style object (default is TabViewPage.StyleInterpolator.forHorizontal(props))
  • <TabBar /> - basic tab bar

    It accepts the following props,

    • pressColor - color for material ripple (Android > 5.0 only)
    • renderIcon - optional callback which receives the current scene and returns a React Element to be used as a icon
    • renderLabel - optional callback which receives the current scene and returns a React Element to be used as a label
    • renderIndicator - optional callback which receives the current scene and returns a React Element to be used as a tab indicator
    • tabStyle - style object for the tab
  • <TabBarTop /> - material design themed top tab bar

    It accepts the following props in addition to the props accepted by <TabBar />,

    • renderLabel - optional callback which receives the current scene and returns a React Element to be used as a label
    • indicatorStyle - style object for the tab indicator

Check the type definitions for details on shape of different objects.

Optimization Tips

  • The renderScene function is called every time the index changes. If your renderScene function is expensive, it's good idea move it to a separate component if your renderScene function doesn't depend on the index, and apply shouldComponentUpdate to prevent unnecessary re-renders.

  • If you've a large number of routes, especially images, it can slow the animation down quite a lot. You can instead render a limited number of routes. In your renderScene function, do the following to render only 2 routes on each side,

    renderScene = ({ route }) => {
      if (Math.abs(this.state.navigation.index - this.state.navigation.routes.indexOf(route)) > 2) {
        return null;
      return <MySceneComponent route={route} />;