This is a simulation of a dual readout crystal calorimeter (currently the code is work in progress). See for the concept.
Some instructions on how to use:
Each subsequent time $ cd dd4hep/DD4hep $ source /cvmfs/
$ source bin/
To make changes When make change, go to DD4hep/build and do “make make install” To visualize the geometry cd examples/SingleDualCrystal/compact geoDisplay DRSingleCrystal.xml
to run cd examples/SingleDualCrystal/compact ddsim --steeringFile --compact ./DRSingleCrystal.xml --runType batch --part.userParticleHandler='' -G --gun.position="0.,10.,0." --gun.direction "0 -1 0" "1*GeV" --gun.particle="mu-" --gun.distribution=uniform -N 1 -O out.root
to run interactively DOES NOT WORK ddsim --compactFile=./DRSingleCrystal.xml --runType=vis -G --steeringFile --outputFile=testSCEPCAL.root --part.userParticleHandler='' -G --gun.position="0.,10.,0." --gun.direction "0 -1 0" "1*GeV" --gun.particle="mu-" --gun.distribution=uniform
/control/execute vis.mac
/run/beamOn 1
On the window that pops up, choose “Miscellany” and “Exit to G4Vis >”
Then do typical GEANT4 visualization commands like:
/vis/viewer/zoomTo 10
/vis/viewer/pan -100 200 cm