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Merge pull request #30 from saniho/AddLimitOfHourForPrevision #78

Merge pull request #30 from saniho/AddLimitOfHourForPrevision

Merge pull request #30 from saniho/AddLimitOfHourForPrevision #78

Workflow file for this run

name: lint_python
on: [pull_request, push]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: actions/setup-python@v2
- run: pip install --upgrade pip wheel
- run: >-
pip install bandit black codespell flake8 flake8-2020 flake8-bugbear
flake8-comprehensions isort mypy pytest pyupgrade safety
# Skipping rules that would block the flow at this moment
- run: bandit --recursive --skip B101,B105,B110,B307,B310,B311 .
- run: black --check . || true
# Skipping codespell because of french comments
# - run: codespell --ignore-words-list="hass"
# Ignoring rules to avoid blocking, and complexity level too high
- run: >-
flake8 . --count
--ignore E401,F401,W503,F841,E266,E402,E722,C416,B001,B008
--max-complexity=35 --max-line-length=184 --show-source --statistics
- run: isort --check-only --profile black . || true
- run: pip install -r requirements.txt || pip install --editable . || true
- run: mkdir --parents --verbose .mypy_cache
- run: >-
mypy --ignore-missing-imports --install-types --non-interactive . ||
- run: pytest . || true
#- run: pytest --doctest-modules . || true
- run: shopt -s globstar && pyupgrade --py36-plus **/*.py || true
- run: safety check -i 43975