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πŸ‘‹ Hi, my name is Samarth Ghag

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    πŸ‘‹ Hi, my name is Samarth Ghag

Connect with me:

πŸš€ Passionate full-stack web developer, creating robust and scalable web applications. Skilled in both front-end and back-end technologies, with a keen eye for user experience and performance optimization.

Rapid Fire

  • πŸ’Ό I'm currently working on: πŸ’» Developing an app in Visual Studios for the domain of Digital Service Agency
  • 🌱 I'm currently learning: πŸ“š Exploring C# , Advance Java , React ,JS , Three Js
  • πŸ’¬ Ask me about: πŸ’‘ JavaScript, Node.js, JavaScript, Node.js and Java, Web Development, Graphic Design
  • ⚑ Fun fact: 🎒 I once debugged an issue while on a roller coaster!
  • πŸ“‚ Portfolio:


JavaScript Python Java CSharp C++ C Kotlin JQuery React Angular Tailwind CSS Bootstrap Node.js Express ASP.NET MySQL Androidstudio TensorFlow VSCode Visualstudio Eclipse Figma

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  1. Eco-Tech-Start-Website Eco-Tech-Start-Website Public

    I build the website in the Competition Conducted our department called STEP and I take part in the Tech Event Called Site Sphere in which as mentioned early we have built website using HTML CSS JAV…


  2. Financial-Task-Scheduler Financial-Task-Scheduler Public

    This is my 3 end sem project , in the i Implement any of the Operating system concepts my domain is Finance and Investment we have built the prototype in python for the os concepts like FCFS, SJF,…


  3. Weather_App Weather_App Public

    This Weather app is the first project that i got as Java Intern. Through this project Know new about java also how to make website through java. How to add Api. Add request and response form the Ap…


  4. Smart-Home-Management-Website Smart-Home-Management-Website Public

    This CIA 3 Project of Full stack Development Subject, Me and My Team Created This project aims to develop a user-friendly website for managing smart home devices and providing related services and …


  5. Ai-BootCamp-RAg-s-Homework Ai-BootCamp-RAg-s-Homework Public

    The AI boot camp rag's system was given by dataart . So, I take that course after that. I tried this last homework. Still, the errors are coming. I explained, everything in the readme file, it can …


  6. Prompt-Dodge Prompt-Dodge Public

    This Python game combines a car racing segment with an engineering-themed quiz. Players must navigate obstacles while also demonstrating their problem-solving and technical knowledge.
