Brute force your Wifi Pineapple Mk. 7 Handshake Workflow!
Author: salt-or-ester (geek with a cold heart)
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\_ |__ ____ _______ ______ ____ _______ | | __ ____ _______ | || || |
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This simple python script is an aggressive handshake brute-forcer for the Hak Wifi Pineapple Mark VII to fully automate your recon, de-authing and handshake capturing. Turn this thing on, take your Pineapple for a walk around town, and collect handshakes without any effort.
- requests library
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run on your local machine, not the Wifi Pineapple (better performance)
- Edit
- Modify "config" to match the pineapple server, port, username, password, etc
- python3
This is the workflow the script performs:
- set pineAP settings to AGGRESSIVE, broadcasting, allowing connections, auto-restart, etc
- run recon for 90 seconds, identify all APs with associated clients
- start handshake capture
- de-auth all clients related to AP, repeat 20 seconds later; total 2 mins
- handshakes captured, available for use
- repeat: move to next AP with associated clients, de-auth, etc.
The script output will tell you when a capture is collected, but many like to run this over
an extended time (ie: overnight), so just take a look in the Pineapple UI or your handshake
directory and you'll see everything that was collected. By default it's in /root/handshakes
on the Wifi Pineapple device.