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v0.9.0 iOS SDK - Getting Started

Here you will find everything you need to build experiences with video using 100ms iOS SDK. Dive into our SDKs, quick starts, add real-time video, voice, and screen sharing to your web and mobile applications.

Pre requisites

  • iOS 10.0+
  • Xcode 11+



CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. For usage and installation instructions, visit their website. To integrate Brytecam SDK into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

pod 'HMSVideo', '~> 0.9.0'

Quick start

Checkout example app at


  • Room - A room represents a real-time audio, data, video and/or screenshare session, the basic building block of the Brytecam Video SDK
  • Stream - A stream represents real-time audio, video and data media streams that are shared to a room
  • Peer/Participant - A peer represents all participants connected to a room (other than the local participant)
  • Publish - A local participant can share its audio, video and data tracks by "publishing" its tracks to the room
  • Subscribe - A local participant can stream any peer's audio, video and data tracks by "subscribing" to their tracks
  • Broadcast - A local participant can send any message/data to all peers in the room

Create and instantiate HMSClient (100ms Client)

This will instantiate an HMSClient object

//Create an HMSPeer instance for local peer
let peer = HMSPeer(name: userName, authToken: "INSERT TOKEN HERE")

let config = HMSClientConfig()
//config.endpoint = "Override endpoint URL if needed"

//Create a 100ms video client
client = HMSClient(peer: peer, config: config)

Click here to see how to generate your token

Use wss:// as endpoint URL for production and wss:// as endpoint URL for staging

Setup listeners

After joining, immediately add listeners to listen to peers joining, new streams being added to the room

client.onPeerJoin = { (room, peer) in
    // Update UI if needed

client.onPeerLeave = { (room, peer) in
    // Update UI if needed

client.onStreamAdd = { (room, peer, streamInfo)  in
    // Subscribe to the stream if needed

client.onStreamRemove = { (room, peer, streamInfo)  in
    // Remove remote stream view if needed

client.onBroadcast = { (room, peer, message) in
    // update UI if needed

client.onConnect = { 
		// Client connected, this is a good place to call join(room)

client.onDisconnect = { error in 
		// Connection lost or could not be established. 
		// Good place to retry or show an error to the user.


After instantiating HMSClient, connect to 100ms' server

//The client will connect to the WebSocket channel provided through the config

Join a room

//Pass the unique id for the room here as a String
let room = HMSRoom(roomId: roomName)

client.join(room) { (success, error) in
    //check for error and publish a local stream

Generate a unique roomid for each session to avoid conflicts

Create and Get local camera/mic streams

//You can set codec, bitrate, framerate, etc here.
let constraints = HMSMediaStreamConstraints()
constraints.shouldPublishAudio = true
constraints.shouldPublishVideo = true
constraints.codec = .VP8
constraints.bitrate = 256
constraints.frameRate = 25
constraints.resolution = .QVGA

let localStream = client.getLocalStream(constraints)

Please use the following settings for video that looks good in postcard-sized videos - codec:VP8, bitrate 256, framerate 25. We will extend this in the future to add more options including front/back camera

Apple requires your app to provide static messages to display to the user when the system asks for camera or microphone permission:

If your app uses device cameras, include the NSCameraUsageDescription key in your app’s Info.plist file.

If your app uses device microphones, include the NSMicrophoneUsageDescription key in your app’s Info.plist file.

For each key, provide a message that explains to the user why your app needs to capture media, so that the user can feel confident granting permission to your app.


If the appropriate key is not present in your app’s Info.plist file when your app requests authorization or attempts to use a capture device, the system terminates your app.

Get local media for screen share

This will not be covered by v0.9 SDK. Coming soon.

Display local stream

//The following code is a sample.

//Get the video capturer and video track
let videoCapturer = stream.videoCapturer
let localVideoTrack = stream.videoTracks?.first

//Begin capturing video from the camera

//Create a view for rendering video track and add to the UI hierarchy
if let track = localVideoTrack {
    let videoView = HMSVideoView()


A local participant can share her audio, video and data tracks by "publishing" its tracks to the room

client.publish(localStream, room: room, completion: { (stream, error) in
    //Handle error if any, update UI if needed


This method "subscribes" to a peer's stream. This should ideally be called in the onStreamAdd listener

client.subscribe(streamInfo, room: room, completion: { (stream, error) in
	//Handle error if any, update UI if needed


This method broadcasts a payload to all participants

client.broadcast(message, room: room, completion: { (stream, error) in
	//Handle error if any, update UI if needed

Unpublish local stream

client.unpublish(stream, room: room, completion: { (stream, error) in
	//Handle error if any, update UI if needed

Unsubscribe to a peer's stream

client.unsubscribe(stream, room: room, completion: { (stream, error) in
	//Handle error if any, update UI if needed

Disconnect client

//The client will disconnect from the WebSocket channel provided


HMSVideo iOS Framework






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