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template: titleslide
Writing efficient software, more than anything, requires you to choose an appropriate algorithmic approach for your problem.
For lots on how to do this well, take Parallel Design Patterns next semester!
Here we want to take a lower-level approach and talk about how to implement patterns efficiently using C++.
Both HPC and data science, when you actually come to running a program, are about getting a large amount of data from memory to a core, doing something useful to it, and storing it again.
This is why FORTRAN is still relevant!
But it does force you to confront this all time.
I've mentioned previously than C++ is all about building abstractions and composing them.
![:thumb](I will talk about a few today and give some suggestions of default rules)
The standard library has 13 container template classes, but we'll only touch on a few.
- a dynamically sized contiguous array -
- a statically size contiguous array -
- a doubly/singly linked list -
You will be using this a lot, because the elements are contiguous in memory.
#include <vector>
std::vector<int> primes(unsigned n) {
std::vector<int> ans;
for (auto i=2; i<n; ++i) {
if (isprime(i))
return ans
![:thumb](Use by default - data locality often wins over algorithmic complexity)
random element access by index
resize (and pre-reserving memory)
element insertion
element deletion
Note that when it destructs, contained elements will also be destroyed (i.e. it owns them).
Also be aware that resizes may force reallocation and copying!
Contiguous in memory but the size is fixed at compile time.
Almost like a vector, but you can't change the size.
Only difference is construction:
#include <array>
typedef std::array<int, 3> GridPoint;
GridPoint p1 = {1,2,3};
GridPoint p2{{5,2,5}};
// horrible extra brace can go in C++14
std::cout << p2.size() << std::endl;
// Prints 3
Almost always implemented as a doubly (singly) linked list.
Elements are allocated one by one on the heap. Traversal requires pointer chasing.
Fast element insertion and deletion (if you don't have to look for the element!)
![:thumb](Use when you will be adding and removing from ends a lot and the contained objects are expensive to copy/move.
These are associative containers implemented as sorted data structures for rapid search.
is just a set of keys,map
is a set of key/value pairs (types can differ). -
You must have defined a comparison function for the key type.
![:thumb](Use if you either
have a large key space that mostly lacks value, or
will be looking up unpredictable values a lot or frequently adding/removing values. )
For example, describing your communication pattern between MPI ranks with a domain decomposed problem
std::map<int, BoundaryComm> rank2comms;
for (auto p =0; p != MPI_COMM_SIZE; ++p) {
if (ShareBoundaryWithRank(p)) {
rank2comms[p] = BoundaryComm(my_rank, p);
// later
for (auto iter = rank2comms.begin(),
end = rank2comms.end();
iter != end; ++iter) {
auto& bc = iter->second;
C programmers are used to:
unsigned n = 100;
double* data = GetData(n);
for (auto i=0; i != n; ++i) {
data[i] *= 2;
More old-skool C programmers will prefer this:
unsigned n = 100;
double* start = GetData(n);
double* stop = start + n;
for (auto ptr = start; ptr != stop; ++ptr) {
*ptr *= 2;
These three humble pointers can implement the concept of traversing every element in the array (in order).
They also model the concept of an iterator which is a vital for using the standard library effectively.
There are a few different categories of iterator (forward, backward, random, etc) but they all can traverse the elements of something (e.g. a container, data in a file, input from keyboard) and provide access to them.
A C++ equivalent of the previous might be:
std::vector<double> data = GetData(n);
for (std::vector<double>::iterator iter
= data.begin();
iter != data.end();
++iter) {
*iter *= 2;
Or equivalently
std::vector<double> data = GetData(n);
for (auto iter = data.begin();
iter != data.end(); ++iter) {
*iter *= 2;
What do we gain? Separation of concerns!
We can separate the data and how it's stored from the way we're traversing it, and also from the operations we apply to it.
template <class ItT>
void doubleInPlace(ItT start, ItT end) {
for (auto iter = start; iter != end; ++iter)
*iter *= 2;
std::vector<double> data = GetData(100);
doubleInPlace(data.begin(), data.end());
std::list<HugeMatrix> mats = GetMatrices();
doubleInPlace(mats.begin(), data.end());
All the STL containers contain two iterator types, for example:
- instance must be non-const
- get withbegin()
. -
- if the instance isconst
you get one of these frombegin()
, if non-const, you can get one withcbegin()
You can also get iterators from e.g. std::map<KeyT, ValT>::find(search_key)
, which will give and iterator pointing to the element you want or to the end()
Note that an iterator pointing to the end is not valid! Dereferencing it may have undefined behaviour...
To define your own iterator, you need to create a class with several overloads (exactly which one depends on the category of iterator you need).
derefence operator (
) - you have to be able to get a value (either to read or write) -
pre-increment (
) - you have to be able to go to the next one ![:fn](Why not post-increment? Because this has to return the value ofit
from before it was incremented. This usually means a copy.) -
assigment - you need to bind it to name
inequality comparison (
= end!) - you need to know when you are done
Any class instance with begin()
and end()
member functions that return iterators can be used in a range based for-loop.
std::vector<int> primes = getPrimes(5);
for (auto p : primes) {
std << p << " " << std::endl;
// 2 3 5 7 11
Almost "pythonic"?
The compiler will translate this for us into something approximating the following
auto&& _range = <range expression>;
for (auto _begin = _range.begin(),
_end = _range.end();
_begin != _end;
++_begin) {
<range declaration> = *_begin;
<loop body>
Going to quickly compare three implementations
C-style array indexing
Standard vector with iterator
Standard vector with range based for-loop
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
int size = std::atoi(argv[1]);
std::vector<float> data(size);
for (auto& el: data)
el = rand(1000);
Timer t;
scale(data.data(), data.size(), 0.5);
std::cout << size << ", "
<< t.GetSeconds() << std::endl;
Just showing the main loops: .columns[ .col[ C-style loop:
movups -16(%rdx), %xmm2
movups (%rdx), %xmm3
mulps %xmm1, %xmm2
mulps %xmm1, %xmm3
movups %xmm2, -16(%rdx)
movups %xmm3, (%rdx)
addq $32, %rdx
addq $-8, %rcx
jne LBB4_6
.col[ Range-based loop:
movups (%rax,%rsi,4), %xmm2
movups 16(%rax,%rsi,4), %xmm3
movups 32(%rax,%rsi,4), %xmm4
movups 48(%rax,%rsi,4), %xmm5
mulps %xmm1, %xmm2
mulps %xmm1, %xmm3
movups %xmm2, (%rax,%rsi,4)
movups %xmm3, 16(%rax,%rsi,4)
mulps %xmm1, %xmm4
mulps %xmm1, %xmm5
movups %xmm4, 32(%rax,%rsi,4)
movups %xmm5, 48(%rax,%rsi,4)
addq $16, %rsi
addq $2, %rdi
jne LBB4_5
template: titleslide
# Object oriented C++
Object oriented programming is one of the major paradigms supported by
> OOP is based on the concept of "objects", which may contain data and
> code. A feature of objects is that an object's procedures can access
> and often modify the data of the object with which they are
> associated.
Last time we briefly covered how to create classes - here we'll go a
little deeper.
# Inheritance
- Inheritance is a method for deriving a new, related class from
another one (called the base class, parent class, or super class).
- This relationship says that the derived object also *is* an object
of the base class too!
- The new class (derived, child, sub) has all the data and function
members of its parent, but you can add new ones and *override*
existing ones.
- The derived class member functions can access the base class members
that are public, but not the private ones. There is a third access
specifier `protected` that allows derived classes to access the
- It's use should be minimal as you are promising to all subclasses
that this interface will not change!
# Inheritance
Suppose you had to process a lot of image files. You might start with
a JPEG file:
class JpegFile {
string _fn;
int _nx, _ny;
unique_ptr<char> _pixeldata;
JpegFile(string fn) : _fn(fn) {
// read _nx/_ny/_ncols from header
_pixeldata = new char[_nx*_ny*3];
// decompress data from file
char& GetPixel(int x, int y) {
return _pixeldata[x*_ny + y];
But then you have to add PNG, and GIF, and ...
Might want to do the same for each one, but:
code duplication :(
the types are totally unrelated :(
So instead create a base class and several derived classes
class ImageFile {
string _fn;
int _nx;
int _ny;
unique_ptr<char> _pixeldata;
ImageFile(string fn);
char& GetPixel(int x, int y);
So instead create a base class and several derived classes
class JpegFile : public ImageFile {
JpegFile(string fn) : ImageFile(fn) {
// read _nx/_ny/_ncols from header
_pixeldata = new char[_nx*_ny*3];
// decompress data from file
class PngFile : public ImageFile {
PngFile(string fn);
One important thing to know is that a pointer to a derived class
) is type compatible with a pointer to the base class
JpegFile jpg("cat.jpg");
ImageFile* img = &jpg;
// also works with references
ImageFile& im_ref = jpg;
What if we have some behaviour, like writing the image data to file, that varies between the subclasses?
We ideally want to have a uniform interface and when we call it as run time the pointer-to-base knows which subclass method to call.
Enter virtual functions!
class ImageFile {
virtual void Write(string fn} = 0;
class JpegFile : public ImageFile {
virtual void Write(string fn) {
// write header
// compress + write data
ImageFile* img = new JpegFile("cat.jpg");
Through a virtual function table.
Each class has a static table of function pointers that point to the code of its virtual functions.
Each instance of the class has a pointer to the table that belongs to its actual class (filled in by the compiler in the constructor).
To call, the object's "vtable" pointer is followed, the offset for the method added, and the function called by pointer. Clearly slower than a simple function call by compile-time constant! Worse it make inlining of the function impossible.
You really don't want to use virtual functions in an inner loop!
(By all means use them outside!)