A simple way to track your subject wise Attendance manually.
* add work manager for periodic reminders to mark attendence
* UI: every subject should have a fixed color:
* - could store in database and make it user customizable
* - could simply have it stored temorarily in a list of colors in recycler view only
* - make a theme out of it : theme 1 : colorful : every subject has its own color
* - theme 2 plain : every subject has blue color
* UI : total percentage in collaspable action bar and other details like total classes , total attended , classes missed
* UI: bottom lines
* preferences : able to set text sizes/ whole object size via settings
* permissions for vibration
* UI : sortable, multi select
* UI : place holder when data is 0
* UI: navigation drawer/ about page/settings
* Ui: delete all button dialog
* Ui: if screen is bigger, we can have a staggerred grid like view
* */