ssh port forwarding + easy - dependencies = ssh-tunnel ✨
No more command hassles. Easily manage multiple SSH tunnels (standard or dynamic) from your CLI.
Tested on Debian & macOS. SOCKS support only on macOS
TL;DR - Install
Create a port forwarding tunnel
$> ssh-tunnel up --host --port 5900 --name vnc
[action:up] Creating tunnel (port: 5900, name: vnc)
[action:up] Connected
List all active tunnels
$> ssh-tunnel list
List of active tunnels:
Name: vnc [PID: 8233]
Stop a tunnel
$> ssh-tunnel down -n vnc
[action:down] Closing tunnel vnc - PID: 8233 ...
[action:down] Tunnel closed
Create a SOCKS forwarding tunnel
$> ssh-tunnel up --host --port 32000 --name socks-wifi --socks MyWiFi
[action:up] Creating tunnel (port: 32000, name: socks-wifi)
[action:up] Proxyfing connection MyWiFi through tunnel
[action:up] Connected
Kill all tunnels
$> ssh-tunnel kill-all
[action:kill-all] Killing all tunnels ...
[action:down] Closing tunnel socks-wifi - PID: 5903 ...
[action:down] Removing proxy configuration for MyWiFi
[action:down] Tunnel closed
Connect to a SSH server with a specific user, key and SSH port
# Assuming your SSH is listening on port 23
# everything after '--' will be passed as options to the ssh command
$> ssh-tunnel up -h [email protected] -p 32000 -- -p 23 -i id_rsa_mykey
[action:up] Creating [email protected]:32000 tunnel (port: 32000, name: 32000)
[action:up] Connected
Works with interactive prompt as well (password, otp, ...)
$> ssh-tunnel up -h [email protected] -p 32000
[action:up] Creating [email protected]:32000 tunnel (port: 32000, name: 32000)
[action:up] Connected
warning - only tested on MacOS and Debian
Run this command that download the executable and voila.
wget -q && \
([[ ! "`sha1sum ssh-tunnel`" = "42c6b8338242f68f8537447794c379633c01e9c8 ssh-tunnel" ]] && rm ssh-tunnel) \
|| chmod +x ssh-tunnel
You then should have the executable file on your machine if checksum was correct. Test it:
$> ./ssh-tunnel help
ssh-tunnel [action]
up -h <host> -p <port> (-l <local> -n <name> -s <connection>) Create a tunnel. (local and name defaults to remote [port]) (-s: activate socks proxy on <connection>)
down -n <name> -p <port> Remove a tunnel by name or port.
list List all active tunnels.
kill-all Remove all tunnels.
- SOCK functionality uses MacOS tooling for now (feel free to PR)
- multiplateform untested but should probably work - handles lsof or fuser.
- basically fits my needs for now but open for improvements