Assignment given during interview process of TRELL
- Compressing video files in our local storage system with desired bitrate
- We have used Kotlin as the primary programming language
- This application takes advantage of MVVM architecture
- Activity, ViewModel, Repository, LiveData, ObservableFields, DataBinding are the basic building blocks of this architecture
- All the UI related work like showing Toast, starting a new activity, showing the progress bar, etc is done in the Activity.
- Business logic is written in the ViewModel. Also the observable fields are present in the ViewModel which are observed from the XML when we use data binding.
- All API calls, DB calls, File operation and major calculation or operation happen from within the repository.
- It's a 1 way reference flow from Activity -> View Model -> Repository. For ViewModel/Repository to communicate back in the chain we use live data which is observed by the concerned entity.
- Constraint Layout has been used to design the UI
- nl.bravobit:android-ffmpeg:1.1.7 library is used for video compression
- Glide is used for loading thumbnail of the videos