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Wildfly JBoss puppet module

Build Status

created by Edwin Biemond email biemond at gmail dot com Github homepage

Big thanks to Jairo Junior for his contributions

Should work on every Redhat or Debian family member, tested it with Wildfly 8.2, 8.1 & 8.0

Vagrant fedora example with wildfly and apache ajp, postgress db

Vagrant CentOS HA example with two nodes and a load balancer (Apache + mdocluster)


This module requires a JVM ( should already be there )

Module defaults

  • version 8.2.0
  • install_source
  • java_home /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_75/ (default dir for oracle official rpm)
  • manage_user true
  • group wildfly
  • user wildfly
  • dirname /opt/wildfly
  • mode standalone
  • config standalone-full.xml
  • java_xmx 512m
  • java_xms 128m
  • java_maxpermsize 256m
  • mgmt_http_port 9990
  • mgmt_https_port 9993
  • public_http_port 8080
  • public_https_port 8443
  • ajp_port 8009
  • users_mgmt user 'wildfly' with wildfly as password


class { 'wildfly': }

or for wildfly 8.1.0

class { 'wildfly':
  version        => '8.1.0',
  install_source => '',
  java_home      => '/opt/jdk-8',

or for wildfly 8.0.0

class { 'wildfly':
  version        => '8.0.0',
  install_source => '',
  java_home      => '/opt/jdk-8',

or you can override a paramater

class { 'wildfly':
  version           => '8.1.0',
  install_source    => '',
  java_home         => '/opt/jdk-8',
  group             => 'wildfly',
  user              => 'wildfly',
  dirname           => '/opt/wildfly',
  mode              => 'standalone',
  config            => 'standalone-full.xml',
  java_xmx          => '512m',
  java_xms          => '256m',
  java_maxpermsize  => '256m',
  mgmt_http_port    => '9990',
  mgmt_https_port   => '9993',
  public_http_port  => '8080',
  public_https_port => '8443',
  ajp_port          => '8009',
  users_mgmt        => { 'wildfly' => { username => 'wildfly', password => 'wildfly'}},


From a source:

Source supports: http://, ftp://, file://

wildfly::standalone::deploy { 'hawtio.war':
 source   => '',
 checksum => '303e8fcb569a0c3d33b7c918801e5789621f6639' #sha1

From Nexus:

wildfly::standalone::deploy { 'hawtio.war':
  ensure     => present,
  nexus_url  => '',
  gav        => 'io.hawt:hawtio-web:1.4.36',
  repository => 'releases',
  packaging  => 'war',

User management

You can add App and Management users (requires server restart).

wildfly::config::add_mgmt_user { 'Adding mgmtuser':
  username => 'mgmtuser',
  password => 'mgmtuser'

wildfly::config::add_app_user { 'Adding appuser':
  username => 'appuser',
  password => 'appuser'

And associate groups or roles to them (requires server restart)

wildfly::config::associate_groups_to_user { 'Associate groups to mgmtuser':
  username => 'mgmtuser',
  groups   => 'admin,mygroup'

wildfly::config::associate_roles_to_user { 'Associate roles to app user':
  username => 'appuser',
  roles    => 'guest,ejb'

Module installation

Install a JAR module from a remote file system.

wildfly::config::module { 'org.postgresql':
  source       => '',
  dependencies => ['javax.api', 'javax.transaction.api']


Setup a driver and a datasource:

wildfly::standalone::datasources::driver { 'Driver postgresql':
  driver_name                     => 'postgresql',
  driver_module_name              => 'org.postgresql',
  driver_xa_datasource_class_name => 'org.postgresql.xa.PGXADataSource'
wildfly::standalone::datasources::datasource { 'DemoDS':
  config         => {
    'driver-name' => 'postgresql',
    'connection-url' => 'jdbc:postgresql://localhost/postgres',
    'jndi-name' => 'java:jboss/datasources/DemoDS',
    'user-name' => 'postgres',
    'password' => 'postgres'

Alternatively, you can install a JDBC driver and module using deploy if your driver is JDBC4 compliant:

wildfly::standalone::deploy { 'postgresql-9.3-1103-jdbc4.jar':
  source => ''
wildfly::standalone::datasources::datasource { 'DemoDS':
  config         => {
    'driver-name' => 'postgresql-9.3-1103-jdbc4.jar',
    'connection-url' => 'jdbc:postgresql://localhost/postgres',
    'jndi-name' => 'java:jboss/datasources/DemoDS',
    'user-name' => 'postgres',
    'password' => 'postgres'

Datasource configuration uses a hash with elements that match JBoss-CLI datasource add elements name. More info here:


wildfly::standalone::undertow::https { 'https':
  socket_binding    => 'https',
  keystore_path     => '/vagrant/identitystore.jks',
  keystore_password => 'changeit',
  key_alias         => 'demo',
  key_password      => 'changeit'

Identity Store sample Configuration:

file { '/opt/':
  ensure  => file,
  owner   => 'wildfly',
  group   => 'wildfly',
  content => file('demo/'),
  mode    => '0755',
file { '/opt/demo.private.pem':
  ensure  => file,
  owner   => 'wildfly',
  group   => 'wildfly',
  content => file('demo/demo.private.pem'),
  mode    => '0755',
file { '/opt/identitystore.jks':
  ensure  => file,
  owner   => 'wildfly',
  group   => 'wildfly',
  content => file('demo/identitystore.jks'),
  mode    => '0755',
java_ks { 'demo:/opt/identitystore.jks':
  ensure      => latest,
  certificate => '/opt/',
  private_key => '/opt/demo.private.pem',
  path        => '/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_75/bin/',
  password    => 'changeit',

Server Reload

Some configurations like SSL and modcluster requires a server reload, it can be achieved with the following snippet:

wildfly::util::exec_cli { 'Reload if necessary':
  command => 'reload',
  onlyif  => '(result == reload-required) of read-attribute server-state'

Messaging (Only for full profiles)

wildfly::standalone::messaging::queue { 'DemoQueue':
  durable => true,
  entries => ['java:/jms/queue/DemoQueue'],
  selector => "MessageType = 'AddRequest'"

wildfly::standalone::messaging::topic { 'DemoTopic':
  entries => ['java:/jms/topic/DemoTopic']

Modcluster (Only for HA profiles)

wildfly::standalone::modcluster::config { "Modcluster mybalancer":
  balancer => 'mybalancer',
  load_balancing_group => 'demolb',
  proxy_url => '/',
  proxy_list => ''

Instructions for Developers

This module is based on three custom types:

wildfly_cli { 'Enable ExampleDS'
  command => '/subsystem=datasources/data-source=ExampleDS:enable',
  unless  => '(result == true) of /subsystem=datasources/data-source=ExampleDS:read-attribute(name=enabled)'

wildfly_resource { '/subsystem=datasources/data-source=ExampleDS':
  state => {
           'driver-name' => 'postgresql',
           'connection-url' => 'jdbc:postgresql://localhost/example',
           'jndi-name' => 'java:jboss/datasources/ExampleDS',
           'user-name' => 'postgres',
           'password' => 'postgres'

wildfly_deploy { 'sample.war':
  source => 'file:/vagrant/sample.war'

They all require a management username, password, host and port params, as it uses Wildfly HTTP API. Host defaults to and port to 9990

You can do virtually any Wildfly configuration using these custom types. Also this modules provides some defines in wildfly::standalone namespace which are built on top of these custom types. They are intended to enforce good practices, syntax sugar or serve as examples.


gem install bundler --no-rdoc --no-ri
bundle install --without development
gem update --system 2.1.11

bundle exec rake syntax
bundle exec rake lint
bundle exec rubocop

bundle exec rake spec
bundle exec rspec spec/acceptance # default centos-66-x64
BEAKER_set=centos-70-x64 bundle exec rspec spec/acceptance
BEAKER_set=debian-78-x64 bundle exec rspec spec/acceptance


puppet module for jboss wildfly







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