Cordova Plugin to allow message exchange between javascript and native (and viceversa).
Broadcaster plugin providing bridge for the following native technologies:
target OS | Native Technology |
IOS | NotificationCenter |
Android | LocalBroadcastManager |
date | infos | refs |
Mar 19, 2020 | Concerning Android I've added support for broadcast Intent to external Apps, receive broadcast Intents from external Apps, Flags & Category on Intent | insipred by navarrojava's fork |
Jan 16, 2018 | I've developed a complete ionic3 sample project using broadcaster | ionic-broadcaster-sample |
Jan 28, 2017 | such plugin has been added to ionic-native distribution | How to is available here |
$ cordova create <PATH> [ID [NAME [CONFIG]]] [options]
$ cd <PATH>
$ cordova platform add [ios|android]
$ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-broadcaster
console.log( "register didShow received!" );
var listener = function( e ) {
//log: didShow received! userInfo: {"data":"test"}
console.log( "didShow received! userInfo: " + JSON.stringify(e) );
window.broadcaster.addEventListener( "didShow", listener);
if( cordova.platformId === "android" ) {
var listener = function( e ) {
//log: didShow received! userInfo: {"data":"test"}
console.log( "CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE: " + JSON.stringify(e) );
var isGlobal = true
window.broadcaster.addEventListener( '', isGlobal, listener);
final Intent intent = new Intent("didShow");
final Bundle child = new Bundle();
child.putString( "name", "joker");
final Bundle b = new Bundle();
b.putString( "data", "test");
b.putBoolean( "valid", true );
b.putBundle( "child", child );
intent.putExtras( b);
NSDictionary * payload = @{
@"valid": [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES],
@"child": @{ @"name": @"joker" }
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:@"TEST.EVENT"
let payload:[String:Any] = [
"valid": true,
"child":[ "name": "joker" ]
let nc = NotificationCenter.default"didShow"), object: nil, userInfo: payload)
let event = new CustomEvent("didShow", { detail: { data:"test"} } );
document.dispatchEvent( event )
window.broadcaster.fireNativeEvent( "test.event", { item:'test data' }, function() {
console.log( "event fired!" );
} );
if( cordova.platformId === "android" ) {
// send a message with "flags" and "category"
window.broadcaster.fireNativeEvent( "message", { extras:{ item:'test data' }, flags:0, category:'android.intent.category.INFO', packageName:'org.bsc'}, function() {
console.log( "event fired!" );
if( cordova.platformId === "android" ) {
// send a global message
var isGlobal = true
window.broadcaster.fireNativeEvent( "GLOBAL_ACTION", isGlobal, { item:'test data' }, function() {
console.log( "event fired!" );
if( cordova.platformId === "android" ) {
// send a global message with "flags" and "category"
var isGlobal = true
window.broadcaster.fireNativeEvent( "GLOBAL_ACTION", isGlobal, { extras:{ item:'test data' }, flags:0, category:'android.intent.category.INFO', packageName:'org.bsc'}, function() {
console.log( "event fired!" );
final BroadcastReceiver receiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
String data = intent.getExtras().getString("data");
String.format("Native event [%s] received with data [%s]", intent.getAction(), data));
.registerReceiver(receiver, new IntentFilter("test.event"));
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserverForName:@"test.event"
queue:[NSOperationQueue mainQueue]
usingBlock:^(NSNotification *notification) {
NSLog(@"Handled 'test.event' [%@]", notification.userInfo[@"item"]);
let nc = NotificationCenter.default
object:nil, queue:nil) {
notification in
print( "\(notification.userInfo)")
document.addEventListener( "test.event", ( ev:Event ) => {
console.log( "test event", ev.detail );