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RIPE Bus API (for Javascript)

The Javascript API for the RIPE event bus.

Should be able to provide an easy-to-use API to be used by microservices of the PERI family.


import { API as RipeBusAPI } from "ripe-bus-api-js";

await RipeBusAPI.load();
const bus = new RipeBusAPI();



The producer can send one or more events:

bus.trigger("order.created", { id: 1, ... });

bus.trigger("order.created_multiple", [{ id: 1, ... }, { id: 2, ... }]);

The topic defaults to the first part of the name (separated with '.'). The example below defaults to the order topic and the event name is order.created:

bus.trigger("order.created", { id: 1, ... });

The third parameter allows to pass other options to configure event trigger operation. Additional event metadata is added by the API but you can explicitly set it as follows (using options):

bus.trigger("order.created", { id: 1, ... }, {
    topic: "ripe_core.order",
    origin: "ripe-core",
    hostname: "",
    timestamp: 16007020

Producer options

Name Type Default Adapter Description
origin str null all Name of the service that originated the message.
hostname str os.hostname() all Hostname of the service that originated the message.
datatype str json all Datatype of the payload message.
timestamp str all Timestamp of the message creation.
topic str name.split(".", 1)[0] all The topic to which the message will be sent. If no topic is provided, it defaults to the first part of the string (split by .).
globalDiffusion bool true all Enables the global diffusion of topics.
producerMetadataMaxAge int 300000 kafka Period of time in milliseconds in which a force refresh of the metadata is made if no partition leadership changes are made.
producerAutoTopicCreation bool true kafka Enables topic creation when if topic did not exist previously before sending the message.
producerTransactionTimeout int 60000 kafka The maximum amount of time in milliseconds it waits for a delivery status updated from the producer before aborting the process.
producerAcks int 0 kafka Controls the number of required acks (-1 for all replicas acknowledgements, 0 for no acknowledgments and 1 for only the leader acknowledgment).
producerTimeout int 30000 kafka The amount of time in milliseconds to await a response for acknowledgement from the message sending.
producerCompression enum null kafka The compression codec to be applied to the message (gzip or null).
maxInFlightRequests int null kafka Maximum number of requests that may be in progress concurrently. If null there is no limit.


The consumer listens for a topic and executes a callback. The second parameter allows for a callback function or an object containing the callback and other options. The second parameter also allows for callbacks for onSuccess and onError functions if the KafkaRetry consumer is used. It also receives a list of events of interest: any event with a different name is ignored.

bus.bind("order", message => { ... });

bus.bind("order", {
    events: ["order.created", "order.sent", "order.ready"],
    callback: message => { ... }

bus.bind("order", {
    events: "order.created",
    callback: message => { ... },
    onSuccess: message => { ... },
    onError: message => { ... },
    retries: 5

It is also possible to bind to multiple topics in a single call:

bus.bind(["order", "ripe_twitch:order"], message => { ... });

Consumer options

Name Type Default Adapter Description
events array [] kafka An array of events that will filter the messages payload name, only the messages with these events will be processed.
callback function null kafka The callback function that is called for each message received.
onSuccess function null kafka The callback function that is called if the message process was successful.
onError function null kafka The callback function that is called if the message process was unsuccessful.
autoConfirm bool true kafka Flag that controls if the default onSuccess method is used when a message is successfully processed (the message is sent to topic confirmation.success).
groupId str ripe-kafka kafka Kafka consumer group ID, identifies a consumer and is unique for a given Kafka broker (more here).
minBytes int 1 kafka Kafka consumer minimum amount of bytes the server should return on a fetch request.
maxBytes int 1048576 kafka Kafka consumer maximum amount of bytes the server should return on a fetch request.
maxWaitTimeInMs int 100 kafka The maximum amount of time in milliseconds the consumer will block before answering the fetch request if there isn’t sufficient data to immediately satisfy the requirement given by the minimum bytes configuration.
autoCommit bool true kafka Enables the auto commit of offsets to Kafka.
autoCommitInterval int 5000 kafka The interval min milliseconds between each auto commit of offsets.
autoCommitThreshold int 1 kafka The number of messages that need to be resolved between each auto commit of offsets.
partitionsConsumedConcurrently int 1 kafka The number of partitions from which their messages can be consumed concurrently.
eachBatchAutoResolve bool true kafka Enables the auto commit of offsets on a message batch processing success.
run bool true kafka Flag that controls if the consumer executes on the bind call (starts consuming messages).
block bool false kafka Flag that controls if the consumer event loop is blocked.
override bool false kafka Flag that controls if the consumer callbacks are overridden with the provided ones.
retries int 5 kafkaRetry The maximum number of retries of a message process after its first failure. If the retries are not enough, the onError callback is called and the message process is aborted.
retryDelay int 50 kafkaRetry The amount of time in milliseconds that is waited before retrying to process a previously failed message.
messageFailureMaxTime int null kafkaRetry The maximum amount of time in milliseconds that the retry process must last before retry of the message process is aborted.
messageDelayExponential int 2 kafkaRetry The exponential used to increase the delay between retries of a previously failed message processing.
retryPersistenceDir str data kafkaRetry Kafka retry consumer persistent directory that will store files for message retries.



Name Type Default Description
BUS_ADAPTER str kafka The name of the bus adapter adapter to be used (eg: kafka, kafkaRetry).
GLOBAL_DIFFUSION bool true Enables the global diffusion of topics.


Name Type Default Description
KAFKA_HOSTS str localhost:9092 The hostname and port of the Kafka nodes to be used, separated by a , (comma).
KAFKA_CLIENT_ID str ripe-kafka Kafka client ID, uniquely identifies a connection to a Kafka broker (more here).
KAFKA_CONNECT_TIMEOUT int 10000 The amount of time in milliseconds to wait for a successful connection to a Kafka broker.
KAFKA_REQUEST_TIMEOUT int 30000 The amount of time in milliseconds to wait for a successful request to a Kafka broker.
KAFKA_INITIAL_RETRY_TIME int 300 The amount used to calculate the retry time of a failed request to the Kafka broker.
KAFKA_MAX_RETRY_TIME int 30000 The maximum amount of time in milliseconds for a retry.
KAFKA_RETRIES int 5 Kafka max number of retries to be used when it fails to connect to a Kafka broker.
KAFKA_CONSUMER_GROUP_ID str ${RANDOM_STRING} Kafka consumer group ID, identifies a consumer and is unique for a given Kafka broker (more here).
KAFKA_CONSUMER_FETCH_MIN_BYTES int 1 Kafka consumer minimum amount of bytes the server should return on a fetch request.
KAFKA_CONSUMER_FETCH_MAX_BYTES int 1048576 Kafka consumer maximum amount of bytes the server should return on a fetch request.
KAFKA_CONSUMER_FETCH_MAX_WAIT int 100 The maximum amount of time in milliseconds the consumer will block before answering the fetch request if there isn’t sufficient data to immediately satisfy the requirement given by the minimum bytes configuration.
KAFKA_CONSUMER_AUTO_COMMIT bool true Enables the auto commit of offsets to Kafka.
KAFKA_CONSUMER_AUTO_COMMIT_INTERVAL int 5000 The interval min milliseconds between each auto commit of offsets.
KAFKA_CONSUMER_AUTO_COMMIT_THRESHOLD int 1 The number of messages that need to be resolved between each auto commit of offsets.
KAFKA_CONSUMER_PARTITIONS_CONSUMED_CONCURRENTLY int 1 The number of partitions from which their messages can be consumed concurrently.
KAFKA_CONSUMER_BATCH_AUTO_RESOLVE bool true Enables the auto commit of offsets on a message batch processing success.
KAFKA_CONSUMER_MESSAGE_FAILURE_RETRIES int 5 The maximum number of retries of a message process after its first failure. If the retries are not enough, the onError callback is called and the message process is aborted.
KAFKA_CONSUMER_MESSAGE_FIRST_DELAY int 50 The amount of time in milliseconds that is waited before retrying to process a previously failed message.
KAFKA_CONSUMER_MESSAGE_FAILURE_MAX_TIME int null The maximum amount of time in milliseconds that the retry process must last before retry of the message process is aborted.
KAFKA_CONSUMER_MESSAGE_DELAY_EXPONENTIAL int 2 The exponential used to increase the delay between retries of a previously failed message processing.
KAFKA_CONSUMER_RETRY_PERSISTENCE_DIR int 2 Kafka retry consumer persistent directory that will store files for message retries.
KAFKA_PRODUCER_METADATA_MAX_AGE int 300000 Period of time in milliseconds in which a force refresh of the metadata is made if no partition leadership changes are made.
KAFKA_PRODUCER_AUTO_TOPIC_CREATION bool true Enables topic creation when if topic did not exist previously before sending the message.
KAFKA_PRODUCER_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT int 60000 The maximum amount of time in milliseconds it waits for a delivery status updated from the producer before aborting the process.
KAFKA_PRODUCER_ACKS int 0 Controls the number of required acks (-1 for all replicas acknowledgements, 0 for no acknowledgments and 1 for only the leader acknowledgment).
KAFKA_PRODUCER_TIMEOUT int 30000 The amount of time in milliseconds to await a response for acknowledgement from the message sending.
KAFKA_PRODUCER_COMPRESSION enum null The compression codec to be applied to the message (gzip or null).
KAFKA_PRODUCER_MAX_INFLIGHT_REQUESTS int null Maximum number of requests that may be in progress concurrently. If null there is no limit.

For more details and up-to-date information on Kafka specific configs check the Kafka official documentation and KafkaJS documentation.


RIPE Bus API (for Javascript) is currently licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

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The Javascript API for the RIPE Bus







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