2.4.0 `18.11.2022`
Choose a different port for debugAdapterPort if it is already in use. This
avoids trouble with starting Perl::LanguageServer if another instance
of Perl::LanguageServer is runing on the same machine (thanks to hakonhagland) -
Add configuration debugAdapterPortRange, for choosing range of port for dynamic
port assignment -
Add support for using LanguageServer and debugger inside a Container.
Currently docker containers und containers running inside kubernetes are supported. -
When starting debugger session and stopOnEntry is false, do not switch to sourefile
where debugger would stop, when stopOnEntry is true. -
Added some FAQs in README
Fix: Debugger stopps at random locations
Fix: debugAdapterPort is now numeric
Fix: debugging loop with each statement (#107)
Fix: display of arrays in variables pane on mac (#120)
Fix: encoding for perltidy (#127)
Fix: return error if perltidy fails, so text is not removed by failing
formatting request (#87) -
Fix: FindBin does not work when checking syntax (#16)