- Make sure you have run
esy build
from the root directory
esy install
esy build
npm install
npm run build
npm start
The Revery playground is split into two components:
- The front-end (renderer) - responsible for rendering the UI
- The back-end (worker) - responsible for parsing and compiling the code
The code is structured as follows:
- Common code between the renderer and worker, common types, and the communication protocol.src/renderer
- The front-end renderer code. This is responsible for rendering, layout, and acquiring and passing UI events to the worker.src/worker
- The back-end worker code. This is responsible for picking up code changes, parsing, and notifying the UI. It also runs the app loop (animations, ticker).
- @thangngoc89 for sketch.sh and his great blog series: https://khoanguyen.me/sketch/part-2-the-engine/ (and sketch-v2 - which powers the latest builds of the playground).
- Ocsigen for the excellent js_of_ocaml tool
- Microsoft for the excellent Monaco editor