Bug Fixes
correct zh-cn translation of weibo (9937e20 )
drop cap after hr (223b67b )
emphasis point position U+2022 •
(b07107b )
fonts-src.scss & drop outdated code (ebccc0f )
generate qrcode fails when url is too long (73a0d30 )
json-ld, open-graph (6dc995a )
make color in dark mode less dazzling (262ddb1 )
render minimal-footer-about only if it exists (3be7996 )
style of blockquote (a31369a )
style of footnote-icon, drop-cap (ac0684c )
style of layout home-poetry, home-footage (76018fb ), closes #59
style of qrcode (5c81c01 )
style of qrcode again (1e6791b )
style of text-decoration, scrollbar, code (b553842 )
style of tree categories page (d2ea8c0 )
subset glyph-correction (ffc6aa7 )
tree-categories, tree-sections (04bde37 )
twitter-cards (123eea1 )
Code Refactoring
main.scss and scss folder structure (abba97f ), closes #52
restructure partials folder (299c218 ), closes #68
partials folder structure is changed
scss folder structure is changed
You can’t perform that action at this time.