Bug Fixes
- 404 page link multilingualize (2dbe047)
- add
option (3574d51) - add back to top z-index value (406e064)
- add Chinese translation for minute (a2eb95a)
- add hugo generator meta (3a21efa)
- change
font-size (fbfff7e) - change post-gitinfo icon style (8aa27f0)
- change syntax highlight style (5f878db)
- correct translation (bc84426)
- delete some testing files & update theme logo (bed70d6)
- delete useless space in footer (5716c6d)
- enable host only when env is production (cec4264)
- fix dark-mode.js (a1f88d7)
- fix katex & disqus (8d25519)
- fontFamilyTitle (ed69ee8)
- headings link style (c6cc945)
- headings link style (c2b5784)
- i18n reading time (ab53e7d)
- image hosting (35e51cb)
- link style (cd9f032)
- list link (2fc2416)
- list style (a4ef7cb)
- minimal footer link style (828eb4f)
- open graph (56971af)
- post copyright (c14b26c)
- post-nav style (0996696)
- post-tags style (3688a7e)
- reading time bug (23aaaf0)
- related-link style (ad7836d)
- replace .Pages with .Site.RegularPages (d49918f)
- replace .Site.RegularPages with .Pages (6c1f263)
- reverse (d95f896)
- section list empty title (f5ce845)
- support caption markdown (9109b5b)
- sw.js & footnote link (9e7589b)
- syntax highlight style (08b7d94)
- syntax highlight style (3111b2e)
- syntax highlight style (6b2f4f5)
- table link style (2d33f2c)
- table style (1e2f8ce)
- table style (38fb35c)
- title font family (3ce0486)
- toc link (4180784)
- update logo again (3c8174e)
- use monospace font for
Code Refactoring
- change header and menu option (4baf725)
- add back to top support (bf4d8a3)
- add displayPostDescription option (af94d6d)
- add Service Worker support (76ba288)
- add syntax highlight option (2ca9432)
- config.toml option changed
displayHeader -> enableHeader
displayMenu -> enableMenu