Common tasks and patterns implemented with Restate:
- Durable RPC, Idempotency & Concurrency: Use programmatic clients to call Restate handlers. Add idempotency keys for deduplication.
- (Delayed) Message Queue: Restate as a queue: Send (delayed) events to handlers. Optionally, retrieve the response later.
- Webhook Callbacks: Point webhook callbacks to a Restate handler for durable event processing.
- Database Interaction Patterns: Recommended approaches for reading from and writing to databases using Restate handlers.
- Convert Sync Tasks to Async: Kick off a synchronous task (e.g. data upload) and turn it into an asynchronous one if it takes too long.
- Payments signals (Advanced): Combining fast synchronous responses and slow async callbacks for payments, with Stripe.
- Sagas: Preserve consistency by tracking undo actions and running them when code fails halfway through.
- Stateful Actors and State Machines: Stateful Actor representing a machine in our factory. Track state transitions with automatic state persistence.
- Payment state machines (Advanced): State machine example that tracks a payment process, ensuring consistent processing and cancellations.
- Scheduling Tasks: Restate as scheduler: Schedule tasks for later and ensure the task is triggered and executed.
- Parallelizing work: Execute a list of tasks in parallel and then gather their result.
- Transactional Event Processing: Process events from Kafka to update various downstream systems in a transactional way.
- Event enrichment / Joins: Stateful functions/actors connected to Kafka and callable over RPC.
Use Restate to build distributed coordination and synchronization constructs:
- Durable Promises as a Service: Building Promises/Futures as a service, that can be exposed to external clients and are durable across processes and failures.
- Priority Queue: Example of implementing a priority queue to manage task execution order.
First, install the dependencies:
npm install
This example shows:
- Durable RPC: once a request has reached Restate, it is guaranteed to be processed
- Exactly-once processing: Ensure that duplicate requests are not processed multiple times via idempotency keys
- Concurrency: Restate executes requests to the same Virtual Object key sequentially, to ensure consistency of its K/V state
The example shows how you can programmatically submit a requests to a Restate service. Every request gets processed durably, and deduplicated based on the idempotency key.
- The client receives product reservation requests and forwards them to the product service.
- The Product service is a Restate service that durably processes the reservation requests and deduplicates them. Each product can be reserved only once.
Running the example
- Start the Restate Server in a separate shell:
- Start the service:
npx tsx watch ./src/durablerpc/product_service.ts
- Register the services (with
to override the endpoint during development):restate -y deployments register --force localhost:9080
- Start the Express app:
npx tsx watch ./src/durablerpc/express_app.ts
Send a request to the Express app to reserve a product:
curl -X POST localhost:5000/reserve/product1/reservation1
The response will be true
Let's change the reservation ID and run the request again:
curl -X POST localhost:5050/reserve/product1/reservation2
This will give us false
because this product is already reserved, so we can't reserve it again.
However, if we run the first request again with same reservation ID, we will get true
curl -X POST localhost:5050/reserve/product1/reservation1
Restate deduplicated the request (with the reservation ID as idempotency key) and returned the first response.
Use Restate as a queue. Schedule tasks for now or later and ensure the task is only executed once.
- Task Submitter: schedules tasks via send requests with and idempotency key.
- The send requests put the tasks in Restate's queue. The task submitter does not wait for the task response.
- The idempotency key in the header is used by Restate to deduplicate requests.
- If a delay is set, the task will be executed later and Restate will track the timer durably, like a delayed task queue.
- Async Task Worker: gets invoked by Restate for each task in the queue.
This set of examples shows various patterns to access databases from Restate handlers.
The basic premise is:
You don't need to do anything special, you can just interact with your database the same way as from other microservices or workflow activities.
But you can use Restate's state, journal, and concurrency mechanisms as helpers to improve common access problems, solve race conditions, or avoid inconsistencies in the presence of retries, concurrent requests, or zombie processes.
The code in main.ts walks gradually through those patterns and explains them with inline comments.
Running the Example
This is purely opional, the example code and comments document the behavior well. Running the example can be interesting, though, if you want to play with specific failure scenarios, like pausing/killing processes at specific points and observe the behavior.
- Sample Postgres Instance
To run this example, you need a PostgreSQL database that the Restate handlers will access/modify. Simply start one using this Docker command (from the example directory, i.e., the directory containing this README file!).
docker run -it --rm \
--name restate_example_db \
-e POSTGRES_USER=restatedb \
-e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=restatedb \
-e POSTGRES_DB=exampledb \
-p 5432:5432 \
-v "$(pwd)/db:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d" \
In a separate shell, you can check the contents of the database via those queries
(requires psql
to be installed):
psql postgresql://restatedb:restatedb@localhost:5432/exampledb -c 'SELECT * FROM users;'
psql postgresql://restatedb:restatedb@localhost:5432/exampledb -c 'SELECT * FROM user_idempotency;'
Start the Restate Server in a separate shell:
Start the service:
npx tsx watch ./src/database/main.ts
Register the services (with
to override the endpoint during development):restate -y deployments register --force localhost:9080
The below commands trigger the individual example handlers in the different services.
As with all Restate invocations, you can add idempotency keys to the invoking HTTP calls to make sure
retries from HTTP clients are de-duplicated by Restate.
Add an idempotency-key header by appending -H 'idempotency-key: <mykey>'
to any command, for example: curl -i localhost:8080/keyed/A/updateConditional --json '12' -H 'idempotency-key: abcdef'
As with all Restate handlers, if you invoke them from within another Restate handler via the Context, invocations are automatically made idempotent.
Simple DB operations:
- Simple read:
curl -i localhost:8080/simple/read -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '"A"'
- Durable read:
curl -i localhost:8080/simple/durableRead -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '"B"'
- Insert:
curl -i localhost:8080/simple/insert -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{ "userId": "C", "name": "Emm", "address": "55, Rue du Faubourg Saint-HonorΓ©, 75008 Paris, France", "credits": 1337 }'
- Update:
curl -i localhost:8080/simple/update -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{ "userId": "A", "newName": "Donald" }'
Keyed DB Operations:
- Update simple:
curl -i localhost:8080/keyed/B/update -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '12'
- Update exactly-once:
curl -i localhost:8080/keyed/B/updateConditional -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '12'
Idempotency update:
- Updating exactly-once via idempotency:
curl -i localhost:8080/idempotency/update -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{ "userId": "A", "addCredits": 100 }'
Update using 2-phase-commit:
- Updating exactly-once via 2pc txn:
curl -i localhost:8080/twoPhaseCommit/update -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{ "userId": "A", "addCredits": 100 }'
This example processes webhook callbacks from a payment provider.
Restate handlers can be used as the target for webhook callbacks. This turns handlers into durable event processors that ensure the event is processed exactly once.
You don't need to do anything special!
This example shows how to use the Restate SDK to kick of a synchronous task and turn it into an asynchronous one if it takes too long.
The example implements a data upload service, that creates a bucket, uploads data to it, and then returns the URL.
The upload client does a synchronous request to upload the file, and the server will respond with the URL.
If the upload takes too long, however, the client asks the upload service to send the URL later in an email.
Running the example
- Start the Restate Server in a separate shell:
- Start the service:
npx tsx watch ./src/syncasync/data_upload_service.ts
- Register the services (with
to override the endpoint during development):restate -y deployments register --force localhost:9080
Run the upload client with a userId: npx tsx ./src/syncasync/client.ts
This will submit an upload workflow to the data upload service. The workflow will run only once per ID, so you need to provide a new ID for each run.
Have a look at the logs to see how the execution switches from synchronously waiting to the response to requesting an email:
This example issues a payment request to Stripe. When calling Stripe, the result often comes synchronously as a response API call. But sometimes, an immediate answer is not possible, and especially some payment methods (like IBAN transfers or Klarna) frequently only return "processing" to notify you later via a webhook.
This example combines both paths in a single function that reliably waits for both paths, if needed, thus giving you a single long-running synchronous function. This is useful, for example, when the payment is processed completely asynchronously, like during periodic charging of a subscription.
And because we have a durable execution system that suspends and resumes state and promises, we can actually combine this into a single reliably promise/async-function.
Running the example
This example works end-to-end with Stripe. You need a Stripe account to run it. If you want to run everything locally, you also need a tool like ngrok to forward webhooks to your local machine.
Start the Restate Server in a separate shell:
Start the service:
npx tsx watch ./src/signalspayments/payment_service.ts
Register the services (with
to override the endpoint during development):restate -y deployments register --force localhost:9080
Create a free Stripe test account. This requires no verification, but you can only work with test data, not make real payments. Good enough for this example.
In the Stripe UI, go to "Developers" -> "API Keys" and copy the secret key (
). Add it to the stripe_utils.ts file. Because this is a dev-only API key, it supports only test data, so it isn't super sensitive. -
Run launch ngrok:
- Get a free account
- Copy your auth token (
- Download the binary, or launch a docker container. Make it forward HTTP calls to local port
:NGROK_AUTHTOKEN=<your token> ngrok http 8080
- or
docker run --rm -it -e NGROK_AUTHTOKEN=<your token> --network host ngrok/ngrok http 8080
(on Linux command). Copy the public URL that ngrok shows you:https://<some random numbers>
Go to the Stripe UI and create a webhook
- Put the ngrok public URL +
as the webhook URL (you need to update this whenever you stop/start ngrok). Example:https://<some random numbers>
- Select all "Payment Intent" event types.
- Put the ngrok public URL +
Put the webhook secret (
) to the stripe_utils.ts file.
Use as test data pm_card_visa
for a successful payment and pm_card_visa_chargeDeclined
for a declined payment.
Because the test data rarely triggers an async response, this example's tools can mimic that
if you add "delayedStatus": true
to the request.
curl localhost:8080/payments/processPayment -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{
"paymentMethodId": "pm_card_visa",
"amount": 109,
"delayedStatus": true
A few notes:
- You would usually submit payment calls through Restate also with an idempotency token,
-H 'idempotency-key: my-id-token'
- The webhook setup with ngrok is not trivial and can easily be wrong. You might end up with
some payments waiting for the webhooks. You can use the CLI to cancel them:
restate inv list
andrestate inv cancel <invocation_id>
. - Here is an opportunity for the SAGAs pattern to cancel payments in that case.
An example of a trip reservation workflow, using the saga pattern to undo previous steps in case of an error.
Durable Execution's guarantee to run code to the end in the presence of failures, and to deterministically recover previous steps from the journal, makes sagas easy. Every step pushes a compensation action (an undo operation) to a stack. In the case of an error, those operations are run.
The main requirement is that steps are implemented as journaled operations, like
or RPC/messaging.
The example shows two ways you can implement the compensation, depending on the characteristics of the API/system you interact with.
- Two-phase commit: The reservation is created and then confirmed or cancelled. The compensation executes 'cancel' and is added after the reservation is created.
- Idempotency key: The payment is made in one shot and supplies an ID. The compensation is added before the payment is made and uses the same ID.
Note that the compensating actions need to be idempotent.
Running the example
- Start the Restate Server in a separate shell:
- Start the service:
npx tsx watch ./src/sagas/booking_workflow.ts
- Register the services (with
to override the endpoint during development):restate -y deployments register --force localhost:9080
Have a look at the logs to see how the compensations run in case of a terminal error.
Start the workflow:
curl -X POST localhost:8080/BookingWorkflow/trip123/run -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{
"flights": {
"flightId": "12345",
"passengerName": "John Doe"
"car": {
"pickupLocation": "Airport",
"rentalDate": "2024-12-16"
"paymentInfo": {
"cardNumber": "4111111111111111",
"amount": 1500
Have a look at the logs to see the cancellations of the flight and car booking in case of a terminal error
View logs
Flight 51e219f8-eb34-4384-a5ff-88607e89c220 reserved
Car 643e2aea-7576-403b-adc1-53b9c183ad83 reserved
This payment should never be accepted! Aborting booking.
Payment 619d5483-7eca-44ff-8b4d-a7fac5f444d3 refunded
Car 643e2aea-7576-403b-adc1-53b9c183ad83 cancelled
Flight 51e219f8-eb34-4384-a5ff-88607e89c220 cancelled
[restate] [BookingWorkflow/run][inv_10CFKeNWhtWx37Ao0Q9uQ0Oma0zlN6zs2J][2024-12-16T10:12:08.667Z] WARN: Function completed with an error.
TerminalError: This payment could not be accepted!
... rest of trace ...
This example implements a State Machine with a Virtual Object.
The object holds the state of the state machine and defines the methods to transition between the states.
The object's unique id identifies the state machine. Many parallel state machines exist, but only state machine (object) exists per id.
The single-writer-per-key characteristic of virtual objects ensures that one state transition per state machine is in progress at a time. Additional transitions are enqueued for that object, while a transition for a machine is still in progress.
The state machine behaves like a virtual stateful actor.
The state machine transitions (object methods) themselves run with durable execution, so they recover with all partial progress and intermediate state.
What you get by this are linearized interactions with your state machine, avoiding accidental state corruption and concurrency issues.
Running the example
- Start the Restate Server in a separate shell:
- Start the service:
npx tsx watch ./src/statefulactors/machine_operator.ts
- Register the services (with
to override the endpoint during development):restate -y deployments register --force localhost:9080
Invoke the state machine transitions like
curl -X POST localhost:8080/machineOperator/my-machine/setUp
To illustrate the concurrency safety here, send multiple requests without waiting on results and see how they play out sequentially per object (state machine). Copy all the curl command lines below and paste them to the terminal together. You will see both from the later results (in the terminal with the curl commands) and in the log of the service that the requests queue per object key and safely execute unaffected by crashes and recoveries.
(curl localhost:8080/machineOperator/a/setUp -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '' &)
(curl localhost:8080/machineOperator/a/tearDown -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '' &)
(curl localhost:8080/machineOperator/b/setUp -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '' &)
(curl localhost:8080/machineOperator/b/setUp -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '' &)
(curl localhost:8080/machineOperator/b/tearDown -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '' &)
echo "executing..."
View logs
[restate] [machineOperator/tearDown][inv_1dceKvwtEc2n6bPpPFDDO6fD33NASbYjxD][2024-12-16T10:54:16.747Z] INFO: Beginning transition of a to DOWN
[restate] [machineOperator/setUp][inv_174rq2A9bm3T0SlwFGpDxhm7YmCFe98hNf][2024-12-16T10:54:16.750Z] INFO: Beginning transition of b to UP
[restate] [machineOperator/tearDown][inv_1dceKvwtEc2n6bPpPFDDO6fD33NASbYjxD][2024-12-16T10:54:21.757Z] INFO: Done transitioning a to DOWN
[restate] [machineOperator/setUp][inv_174rq2A9bm3T0SlwFGpDxhm7YmCFe98hNf][2024-12-16T10:54:21.758Z] INFO: Done transitioning b to UP
[restate] [machineOperator/tearDown][inv_174rq2A9bm3T57Pp4C02QnpcQoPPf2PdbX][2024-12-16T10:54:21.765Z] INFO: Beginning transition of b to DOWN
A failure happened!
> @restatedev/[email protected] example
> RESTATE_DEBUG_LOGGING=OFF ts-node-dev --transpile-only src/machine_management.ts
[INFO] 11:54:23 ts-node-dev ver. 2.0.0 (using ts-node ver. 10.9.2, typescript ver. 5.7.2)
[restate] [2024-12-16T10:54:23.208Z] INFO: Listening on 9080...
[restate] [2024-12-16T10:54:23.209Z] WARN: Accepting requests without validating request signatures; handler access must be restricted
[restate] [machineOperator/tearDown][inv_174rq2A9bm3T57Pp4C02QnpcQoPPf2PdbX][2024-12-16T10:54:23.519Z] INFO: Beginning transition of b to DOWN
[restate] [machineOperator/tearDown][inv_174rq2A9bm3T57Pp4C02QnpcQoPPf2PdbX][2024-12-16T10:54:28.529Z] INFO: Done transitioning b to DOWN
This example shows how to build a reliable payment state machine.
The state machine ensures that payments are processed once, not duplicated, can be revoked, and that concurrent payment requests and cancellations sort out consistently.
The example illustrates the following aspects:
- Payment requests use a token to identify payments (stripe-style)
- Restate tracks the status of each payment request by token in internal state.
- A payment can be cancelled, which prevents it from succeeding later, or rolls it back, if it was already processed.
- Virtual Object concurrency ensures that requests and cancellations don't produce tricky race conditions.
- Expiry of tokens is handled through Restate's internal timers.
Despite the relatively few lines of code (no careful synchronization, retries, or other recovery logic), this application maintains a high level of consistency in the presence of concurrent external requests and failures.
Running the example
- Start the Restate Server in a separate shell:
- Start the service:
npx tsx watch ./src/statemachinepayments/payment_service.ts
- Register the services (with
to override the endpoint during development):restate -y deployments register --force localhost:9080
Make some requests:
Make a payment. The 'my-payment-id' path segment is the unique id for the payment. For multiple payments, replace this with different IDs each time.
curl -X POST localhost:8080/payments/my-payment-id/makePayment -H 'content-type: application/json' \ -d '{ "accountId": "abc", "amount": 100 }'
Cancel a payment
curl -X POST localhost:8080/payments/my-payment-id/cancelPayment
Feel free to try and break the semantics with a storm of concurrent requests and restart processes randomly at some points. Restate will ensure full consistency in all cases.
- Have a look at the state:
restate kv get payments my-payment-id
View logs
π€ State:
Service payments
Key my-payment-id
payment {
"accountId": "abc",
"amountCents": 100
status "CANCELLED"
This example processes failed payment events from a payment provider. The service reminds the customer for 3 days to update their payment details, and otherwise escalates to support.
To schedule the reminders, the handler uses Restate's durable timers and delayed calls. The handler calls itself three times in a row after a delay of one day, and then stops the loop and calls another handler.
Restate tracks the timer across failures, and triggers execution.
This example shows how to use the Restate SDK to execute a list of tasks in parallel and then gather their result. Also known as fan-out, fan-in.
The example implements a worker service, that takes a task as input. It then splits the task into subtasks, executes them in parallel, and then gathers the results.
Restate guarantees and manages the execution of all the subtasks across failures. You can run this on FaaS infrastructure, like AWS Lambda, and it will scale automatically.
Processing events (from Kafka) to update various downstream systems.
- Durable side effects with retries and recovery of partial progress
- Events get sent to objects based on the Kafka key. For each key, Restate ensures that events are processed sequentially and in order. Slow events on other keys do not block processing (high fan-out, no head-of-line waiting).
- Ability to delay events when the downstream systems are busy, without blocking entire partitions.
Running the example
- Start the Kafka broker via Docker Compose:
docker compose up -d
. - Start the Restate Server with the Kafka broker configuration in a separate shell:
restate-server --config-file restate.toml
- Start the service:
npx tsx watch ./src/eventtransactions/user_feed.ts
- Register the services (with
to override the endpoint during development):restate -y deployments register --force localhost:9080
- Let Restate subscribe to the Kafka topic
and invokeuserFeed/processPost
on each message.
curl localhost:9070/subscriptions -H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"source": "kafka://my-cluster/social-media-posts",
"sink": "service://userFeed/processPost",
"options": {"auto.offset.reset": "earliest"}
Start a Kafka producer and send some messages to the social-media-posts
docker exec -it broker kafka-console-producer --bootstrap-server broker:29092 --topic social-media-posts --property parse.key=true --property key.separator=:
Let's submit some posts for two different users:
userid1:{"content": "Hi! This is my first post!", "metadata": "public"}
userid2:{"content": "Hi! This is my first post!", "metadata": "public"}
userid1:{"content": "Hi! This is my second post!", "metadata": "public"}
Our Kafka broker only has a single partition so all these messages end up on the same partition. You can see in the logs how events for different users are processed in parallel, but events for the same user are processed sequentially
View logs
Created post fd74fc81-2f8b-457a-aca3-2f297643ea54 for user userid1 with content: Hi! This is my first post!
Created post b0b6d057-0ec2-4a52-9942-81b675eae7c5 for user userid2 with content: Hi! This is my first post!
Content moderation for post fd74fc81-2f8b-457a-aca3-2f297643ea54 is still pending... Will check again in 5 seconds
Content moderation for post b0b6d057-0ec2-4a52-9942-81b675eae7c5 is done
Updating the user feed for user userid2 and post b0b6d057-0ec2-4a52-9942-81b675eae7c5
Content moderation for post fd74fc81-2f8b-457a-aca3-2f297643ea54 is still pending... Will check again in 5 seconds
Content moderation for post fd74fc81-2f8b-457a-aca3-2f297643ea54 is still pending... Will check again in 5 seconds
Content moderation for post fd74fc81-2f8b-457a-aca3-2f297643ea54 is done
Updating the user feed for user userid1 and post fd74fc81-2f8b-457a-aca3-2f297643ea54
Created post a05b134c-e7f6-4dcf-9cf2-e66faef49bde for user userid1 with content: Hi! This is my second post!
Content moderation for post a05b134c-e7f6-4dcf-9cf2-e66faef49bde is still pending... Will check again in 5 seconds
Content moderation for post a05b134c-e7f6-4dcf-9cf2-e66faef49bde is done
Updating the user feed for user userid1 and post a05b134c-e7f6-4dcf-9cf2-e66faef49bde
As you see, slow events do not block other slow events. Restate effectively created a queue per user ID.
The handler creates the social media post and waits for content moderation to finish. If the moderation takes long, and there is an infrastructure crash, then Restate will trigger a retry. The handler will fast-forward to where it was, will recover the post ID and will continue waiting for moderation to finish.
You can try it out by killing Restate or the service halfway through processing a post.
This example shows an example of:
- Event enrichment over different sources: RPC and Kafka
- Stateful actors / Digital twins updated over Kafka
- Streaming join
- Populating state from events and making it queryable via RPC handlers.
The example implements a package delivery tracking service. Packages are registered via an RPC handler, and their location is updated via Kafka events. The Package Tracker Virtual Object tracks the package details and its location history.
Running the example
- Start the Kafka broker via Docker Compose:
docker compose up -d
. - Start Restate Server with the Kafka broker configuration in a separate shell:
restate-server --config-file restate.toml
- Start the service:
npx tsx watch ./src/eventenrichment/package_tracker.ts
- Register the services (with
to override the endpoint during development):restate -y deployments register --force localhost:9080
- Let Restate subscribe to the Kafka topic
and invokepackage-tracker/updateLocation
on each message.
curl localhost:9070/subscriptions -H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"source": "kafka://my-cluster/package-location-updates",
"sink": "service://package-tracker/updateLocation",
"options": {"auto.offset.reset": "earliest"}
- Register a new package via the RPC handler:
curl localhost:8080/package-tracker/package123/registerPackage \
-H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{"finalDestination": "Bridge 6, Amsterdam"}'
- Start a Kafka producer and publish some messages to update the location of the package on the
docker exec -it broker kafka-console-producer --bootstrap-server broker:29092 --topic package-location-updates --property parse.key=true --property key.separator=:
Send messages like
package123:{"timestamp": "2024-10-10 13:00", "location": "Pinetree Road 5, Paris"}
package123:{"timestamp": "2024-10-10 14:00", "location": "Mountain Road 155, Brussels"}
- Query the package location via the RPC handler:
curl localhost:8080/package-tracker/package123/getPackageInfo
or via the CLI: restate kv get package-tracker package123
You can see how the state was enriched by the initial RPC event and the subsequent Kafka events.
View logs
π€ State:
Service package-tracker
Key package123
package-info {
"finalDestination": "Bridge 6, Amsterdam",
"locations": [
"location": "Pinetree Road 5, Paris",
"timestamp": "2024-10-10 13:00"
"location": "Mountain Road 155, Brussels",
"timestamp": "2024-10-10 14:00"
This example shows how you can use Restate to build Promises/Futures as a service, that can be exposed to external clients and are durable across processes and failures.
They can be used to build simple and reliable callbacks, signal and communicate between systems, or to decouple sender/receiver.
- A promise is uniquely identified by an id
- An arbitrary number of awaiters (listeners) across different processes can await the promise.
- That promise can be resolved/rejected once. If multiple attempts to resolve or reject are made, only the first will take effect. The resolution is idempotent.
The promises are a simple but expressive way to signal across distributed processes:
- Their idempotency on resolution guarantees a stable value
- Listeners can await the value for a long time, and retrieve the value again after a failure/restart (await again, get the same value).
- The result is durable once set. Completer and listeners do not need to be alive at the same time.
- It does not matter whether listener or completer comes first.
Using and running the example
Using promises from TypeScript
const promiseId = "my-durable-promise-id";
const restateUri = "restate:8080";
// get a reference to a durable promise
const durablePromise = dp.durablePromise<string>(restateUri, promiseId);
// check the promise without blocking
const peeked = await durablePromise.peek();
// awaiting the result
const resultProm = await durablePromise.get();
// completing the promise. if we are the first to complete, the actual result
// will be our completion value
const actualResult = await durablePromise.resolve("This promise will notify everyone");
// Likewise for rejections
const actualResult2 = await durablePromise.reject("Oh dear, rejected");
Using promises via HTTP/curl
curl localhost:8080/durablePromiseServer/peek -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{ "request": { "promiseName": "prom-1" } }'
curl localhost:8080/durablePromiseServer/await -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{ "request": { "promiseName": "prom-1" } }'
curl localhost:8080/durablePromiseServer/resolve -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{ "request": { "promiseName": "prom-1", "value": { "name": "Barack", "email": "[email protected]" } } }'
curl localhost:8080/durablePromiseServer/reject -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{ "request": { "promiseName": "prom-1", "errorMessage": "help!" } }'
The Durable Promises are a simple application implemented on top of Restate, making use of Restate's Virtual Objects. You can use this simple implementation and add it to your application or infra as a self-contained piece.
- Start Restate in one shell:
- Start the Durable Promises implementation in another shell:
npx tsx watch ./src/promiseasaservice/dp/runner.ts 9080
- Register Durable Promises service:
restate -y deployment register "localhost:9080" --force
Note: the '--force' flag here is to circumvent all checks relating to graceful upgrades, because this here is only an example/playground, not a production setup.
You can now await and resolve promises from different processes at different times. With via simple HTTP calls (see above) or the TypeScript API.
You can start the bundled examples via
npx tsx ./src/promiseasaservice/1_example.ts
npx tsx ./src/promiseasaservice/2_example_process.ts
npx tsx ./src/promiseasaservice/3_example_parallel_processes.ts
npx tsx ./src/promiseasaservice/4_example.ts
, optionally passing[promise-id] [restateUri]
as parameters.
An example of implementing your own priority queue using Restate state and awakeables.
Running the example
Run the example with npx tsx watch ./src/priorityqueue/app.ts
You can simulate adding work to the queue like this:
# add a single entry
curl localhost:8080/myService/expensiveMethod/send -H 'content-type:application/json' -d '{"left": 1, "right": 2, "priority": 1}'
# add lots
for i in $(seq 1 30); do curl localhost:8080/myService/expensiveMethod/send -H 'content-type:application/json' -d '{"left": 1, "right": 2, "priority": 2}'; done
As you do so, you can observe the logs; in flight requests will increase up to 10, beyond which items will be enqueued.
You can write your own queue item selection logic in selectAndPopItem
; doing so is outside the scope of this example.