This project provides the library for building microservice architecture. This library is at the core of the AFB-binder.
This project is available here
This software if available in dual licensing. See file LICENSE.txt for detail
This project depends of two other project:
- afb-binding (LGPL-3.0): for definition of the interface of bindings
- json-c (MIT): handling of json structures
It can use the other libraries:
- cynagora (Apache-2): for checking permissions
- libsystemd (LGPL-2.1+): management of events
- libmicrohttpd (LGPL-2.1+): for HTTP server and WebSocket negociation
- GnuTls (LGPLv2.1+) For TLS encryption
You can build it using the following set of commands:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local ..
make -j install
But the simplest way to build and install libafb is the use the script as below:
./ --prefix /usr/local install
mkdir build
cd build
make test
lcov --capture --directory . --exclude '/usr/*' --output-file
genhtml --output-directory coverage_report
xdg-open ./coverage_report/index.html