This project provides the header files and documentation for building components of the micro-service architecture framework. These components are called bindings of the the framework binder.
This project is available there
The binding are usually run by the micro-service architecture binder that is available here ttps://
The binding are usually run by the micro-service architecture binder that is available here ttps://
See file LICENSE.txt for detail
The project has no dependencies.
Using cmake:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local ..
make -j install
or use the script that automatize that process:
./ -p /usr/local install
It installs a package config file of name afb-binding.
That configuration file defines the cflags and libs to use as usual.
Building a binding is possible for many targets. If the binding is intended to be a shared object compatible with afb-binder, you should compile with option -fPIC.
In that case, when linking, you can use the provided version script to reduce the set of exported symbols. To get the path of the version script, use the command
pkg-config --variable=version_script afb-binding
The directory tutorials contains example of bindings written for versions 3 and 4 of the API. To run the example, you have to install afb-binder.