Google Spreadsheets API Helper - A bunch of functions to work easily with Google Sheets API
This library is a helper that encapsulate Google APIs Client Library for PHP (Documentation) for simple usage.
This library requires the following:
- Dependent on Google Client API
- PHP 5.4 or greater with the command-line interface (CLI) and
- PHP extension JSON installed
- A Google Cloud Platform project with the API enabled. To create a project and enable an API, refer to Create a project and enable the API
Run Composer in your project:
composer require reandimo/google-sheets-helper
Then you could call it after Composer is loaded depending on your PHP framework:
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$credentialFilePath = 'path/to/credentials.json';
$tokenPath = 'path/to/token.json';
$sheet1 = new \reandimo\GoogleSheetsApi\Helper($credentialFilePath, $tokenPath);
Also, you can use putenv() to set credentials.json and token.json like this:
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$sheet1 = new \reandimo\GoogleSheetsApi\Helper();
Now when you create a new instance, the class automatically detects the paths. This is the recommended way to do it.
Google API Client needs to validate with 2 files credentials.json and token.json, the last one can be generated with a script included in the package called firstauth. You can use it to generate this file for the first time only to grant access to the API.
Execute in your project's root folder with php ./vendor/reandimo/google-sheets-helper/firstauth
and follow the steps.
This is a 3 step script based on the quickstart.php mentioned in google's documentation (
You can have multiple sheet instances just invoke the Helper as many times you want:
use reandimo\GoogleSheetsApi\Helper;
$sheet1 = new Helper();
$sheet2 = new Helper();
$insert = $sheet1->get();
$insert = $sheet1->appendSingleRow([
The function will return a number of rows updated as int. So you can check if it's done like this:
if($insert >= 1){
echo 'Insert done Hackerman.';
$sheet1 = new Helper();
$i = $sheet1->append([
['test4', 'this4', 'shit4'],
['test2', 'this2', 'shit2'],
['test3', 'this3', 'shit3'],
$sheet1 = new Helper();
$update = $sheet1->updateSingleCell('B5', "Hi i'm a test!");
if($update->getUpdatedCells() >= 1){
echo 'Cell updated.';
$sheet1 = new Helper();
$update = $sheet1->update([
['val1', 'test2', 'int3', 'four', '5', 'six6'],
['val1', 'test2', 'int3', 'four', '5', 'six6'],
['val1', 'test2', 'int3', 'four', '5', 'six6'],
['val1', 'test2', 'int3', 'four', '5', 'six6'],
['val1', 'test2', 'int3', 'four', '5', 'six6'],
// Get updated cells
if($update->getUpdatedCells() >= 1){
echo 'Range updated.';
$sheet1 = new Helper();
$sheet1->setWorksheetName('Sheet1'); // select the Worksheet you want to duplicate
$newWorksheetName = 'New Duplicated Sheet'; // The name of the new sheet
$sheet_id = $sheets->duplicateWorksheet($newWorksheetName);
// Get updated cells
echo 'The sheet was duplicated B)';
$sheet1 = new Helper();
$sheet1->colorRange([142, 68, 173]);
If for some reason you need to calculate the column positions of a column by its letters, this is the way:
Helper::getColumnLettersIndex('AZ'); // this will return 52
Some things aren't very clear in Google's documentation without diggin a lot so i'll be leaving tips here:
To leave blank a cell when you do an insert or update, you have to use this const:
$sheet1->appendSingleRow([ 'John Doe', '[email protected]', Google_Model::NULL_VALUE, 'Sagittarius', ]);
This Package is open source and released under MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.
Feel free to open issues for suggestions, questions, and issues.
Renan Diaz, i'm dealing with PHP since 2017 & Google's API since 2019. Feel free to write me to my email (Please don't send any multi-level crap).