Create an OAuth application at with proper redirect URI (http://localhost:8080/auth for local run). Make sure to set your app's ID, Secret, and Redirect URI in your environmental variables (see .env.example). You can optionally set your own redis host and password.
Create an account on and set your API keys in your environment variables (see .env.example).
# Load your environmental variables after setting them
# Note: we recommend copying the blank .env.example into a .env file and setting your environmental variables there.
🎨 source .env
🎨 make pg
Then in psql:
\c postcard
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS user_info (recurse_id int UNIQUE NOT NULL, lob_address_id text DEFAULT '', accepts_physical_mail BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, num_credits int DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, user_name text NOT NULL, user_email text NOT NULL);
Finally, back in your shell
# Run rc-postcard app
🎨 make run
🎉 rc-postcard should now be running at http://localhost:8080
Ssh into prod sql after logging into fly
flyctl postgres connect -a rc-postcard-pg
- Validate address
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