VIFpkg is an R package that computes the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) of predictor variables when we have multicollinearity issues. The main funtion is VIFsM() which finds the VIF values for the variables. The other functions are Plot, which is used to plot the VIF values, and summarY which prints out the VIF values.
# load the VIFpkg pacakge
# Using Boston data from MASS package for our example
df <- data.frame(MASS::Boston[,-1])
# Find VIF values
xs <- VIFsM(df, multi=FALSE,maxim = 4)
# View the results
# Plot the VIF values
Plot(x = xs,maxx = 4)
# Find VIF values
xs <- VIFsM(df, multi=TRUE,maxim = 4)
# View the results
summarY(object=xs, multi = TRUE)
# Plot the VIF values
Plot(x = xs,multi = TRUE, maxx = 4)