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Linux Architecture

Razvan Deaconescu edited this page Sep 20, 2022 · 16 revisions

The Linux Architecture

Operating systems are a core part of software. They act as an intermediary layer between hardware and applications ensuring portability across different hardware components and system integrity.

In this chapter we discuss the common software stack of modern computing systems, focusing on Linux and the interfaces provided to the user and the developer.

After this chapter you will get a better understanding of the need and the roles of operating systems. Focus is on the user/developer interface with the aim of become a more proficient user of the CLI shell. You will understand the roles of layers in the software stack and become familiar with the use cases for each programming interface (i.e. API). Furthermore you will gain system investigation skills such as hardware inspection, process investigation and resource consumption; these are important in diagnosing problems and identifying bottlenecks.


The Software Stack

A computing system consists of hardware and software. It takes data as input, processes it, and submits it to an output channel. Users use applications to benefit from the computing system. Users must be provided an easy-to-use interface, as suitable as possible for their interests: media, gaming, net surfing, reading. From the perspective of users, applications must hide the software and hardware behind it. The rest of the software and hardware take care of this.


In its simplest form, the hardware designer will provide users with everything they needs: a device (physical component) that encodes the functionality desired by the user. The hardware interface activates the physical components needed to serve the interests of users. Such a hardware device only needs the processing circuits and the input / output hardware interface for user interaction.

This form has a major disadvantage: lack of flexibility. It's a machine that does only one thing. It cannot be used for anything else. It is purely hardware / physics.

So it makes sense to use a hardware build that we can use for a larger number of scenarios. That is, to have different instructions that the hardware can execute; that is, programs; that is, software.


The software is removable from the hardware. It can be loaded or unloaded to provide its functionality to the user. The software is loaded into memory and then runs on the processor. Memory is often loaded from an external storage device, such as a disk.

An important feature of the software is reusability. A software component can be reused as part of a larger software component. It can be distributed and then linked to other software components for wider functionality.

We call the application a software component that can be used by the user: loaded into the hardware and started, often providing the means of interaction with the user. It is the equivalent of a main() function that is run when the application is loaded.

We call a library a software component that is not used directly by the user but only in conjunction with other software components. A library is a collection of software components used to link to applications. A library does not have the equivalent of a main() function.

In the simplest form, applications will be loaded in memory and executed. This raises at least three important topics:

  1. Who is in charge of loading applications?
  2. How can multiple applications be run? How are hardware resources going to be split and protected among different applications?
  3. How can an application run on multiple types of hardware (CPU architectures, network interface cards, disks)?

The answer to these questions in the operating system.

Operating System

The operating system is the software component that mediates applications' access to hardware. Applications use the operating system as a reusable software component to not implement all hardware access software functionalities.

In this way the operating system ensures the portability of applications (hardware abstraction) on different types of hardware. Applications will implement generic, hardware-independent software components. Hardware-dependent software components (such as drivers) are implemented by the operating system.

The core of the operating system is called the kernel. Linux is an operating system kernel. It's the critical component loaded at boot time that's then in charge with providing the required software support to run applications.

The Shell

The shell is the primary application in an operating system. It can be graphical or text. It's used by users to manage other applications: starting, stopping, configuring and using them.

The SHELL environment variable points to the current shell. The process ID is stored in the $ special variable accessed by the $$ construct. The current terminal is shown by the tty command. Opening a new shell tab creates a new terminal and a new shell running in that.

Tab is used for command completion. Tab-Tab is used for multiple options.

We use reverse search to look for previous commands: press Ctrl-r then insert text part of a previous command.

Use Alt+. for the last argument of the last command.

Readline is a library for command line editing and moving in the command.

Terminal multiplexers are used to easily create multiple shell sessions, sharing screens and for keep alive remote shell sessions. tmux, screen and byobo are primary examples. We show use of terminal multiplexers for local sessions and remote sessions. tmux is configured in ~/.tmux.conf.

Common tmux commands:

  • tmux ls (in shell, outside tmux session): list sessions
  • tmux new-session -s <name> (in shell, outside tmux session): create a new session
  • tmux attach -t <name> (in shell, outside tmux session): attack to session
  • Ctrl+b c (in tmux session): open a new pane in tmux session
  • Ctrb+b <index> (in tmux session): switch to pane with index
  • Ctrl+b d (in tmux session): dettach from session
  • Ctrl+b , (in tmux session): rename current pane / window
  • Ctrl+b $ (in tmux session): rename session
  • Ctrl+d (in tmux session): close the pane (session is closed in case of last pane)
  • Ctrl+b [ (in tmux session): enter scroll mode; use arrow keys or any other keys for scrolling
  • Ctrl+c (while in scroll mode): exit scroll mode
  • Ctrl+v / Alt+v (while in scroll mode): page up, page down
  • <Esc>:q! (in Vim session): close Vim session

The Kernel and the Hardware

The core of the operating system is the kernel. The Linux kernel exposes a configuration and inspection interface in the procfs filesystem in Linux, used by process, I/O and memory inspection commands: ps, free, top, lsof. The kernel is configured in /proc/sys or by using the sysctl command.

There are commands for inspecting the operating system: uname, cat /etc/issue, lsb_release -a, getconf -a.

Commands for inspecting hardware and hardware use: lshw, lscpu, lspci, lsusb, lsblk, free, uptime, inxi.

System APIs

The specific implementation of the operating system should not concern applications. That's why the operating system exposes a software interface to applications. This interface is generic and hides the implementation features that may depend on the hardware. This interface is usually called the system call interface: system call API. It describes the appropriate functions / methods and arguments that the operating system exposes to applications. Such a function is called a system call.

In this way, the operating system takes the form of a library, a reusable software component with an interface exposed to applications (system call interface). The system call interface is used by applications to interact with the hardware. The operating system mediates access to hardware and ensures the portability of applications for different types of hardware.

However, the functions exposed by the system call interface are not only for the interaction with the hardware. The operating system provides software services to applications, software services that should otherwise be implemented differently by each application: memory allocation, file system, execution planning, network stack, frequently used data caching. For this reason, system calls are also called system services because they are functions that require services from the operating system.

The downside is that the system call API is tied to the operating system. The operating system provides portability across different types of hardware. But what if we want to provide portability across different OSes? This is where the standard C library comes into play.

The standard C library is the core software library. All other applications and libraries depend on it. The standard C library provides the ANSI/ISO C API, a standard portable API available on all OSes (Windows, Linux). It has the advantage of portability but doesn't provide all features (i.e. threads, IPC, asynchronous I/O).

In Linux, the system API is closely connected to the POSIX API, a standard API on Unix-like (i.e. POSIX-compliant OSes, a subset of OSes). POSIX and ANSI C are implemented in the standard C library.


Tracing is used for inspection and for debugging: what happens when a process crashes or blocks. We can trace applications for calls in the software stack.

ltrace is used to detect library calls. strace is used to detect system calls.

Static and Dynamic Linking

Executables may be static or dynamic. Static (or statically-linked) executables are build by having all the required bits part of their code. Dynamic (or dynamically-linked) executales rely on the dynamic linker/loader to load dynamic libraries (also called shared libraries) it uses. For dynamic executables dynamic libraries are referenced in the executable, but not part of it.

file gives information on executables. ldd is used to list dynamic library dependencies for executables. pmap can be used to list memory sections of a run-time process (spawned from an executable).


CLI use, keyboard shortcuts


Inspecting applications: static analysis, dynamic analysis

We trace a running shell and see what happens when it runs a command.

We show multiple fopen() calls and what system calls they make by tracing them using strace and ltrace. We use 01-linux-architecture/fopen-perm/.

We show the correspondence between POSIX API and system API and cases where they don't match: creating a process and a thread. We use 01-linux-architecture/posix-vs-syscall. Both fork() and pthread_create() POSIX calls use the clone() system call. But different arguments to the system call gives different outcomes.


System Investigation

Use different commands to discover information about the current system: OS version, hardware / CPU, uptime, logged in, users:

lsb_release -a
cat /etc/os-release
cat /etc/issue
uname -a
ps -ef

Use the command below to look for commands showing system information:

apropos system | grep -i info

What does the command inxi do? Run the command with -v 1, then with -v 2, then with -v 3 arguments.

What does the command lslogins do?


Run tmux and create three panes. In one pane run vim, in another one go to the /etc/ folder and in another start an HTTP server using the command:

python -m SimpleHTTPServer

Detach from the tmux session. Create a new tmux session named sleep. Create two panes, in one pane you start sleep 100; in another you list all processes using ps -ef.

Detach from the tmux session named sleep-<name>, where <name> is your name. List all tmux sessions; attach and detach to each of them.

Application Investigation and Tracing

Trace Calls

Enter the 01-linux-architecture/libc-syscall/ folder. Build the caller-32 and caller executables by running:


Investigate the executable with file and ldd. Trace the library and system calls by running ltrace and strace on the executables. Explain the similarities and difference between the 32-bit and the 64-bit executables.

Static and Dynamic

For this task you require the nasm package. Install it using:

sudo apt install nasm

Enter the 01-linux-architecture/syscall-libc-call-asm/ folder. Build the syscall-libc-call and syscall-libc-call-static executables by running:


Investigate the executables with file, ldd and nm. Trace the library and system calls by running ltrace and strace on the executables. Explain the similarities and difference between the dynamic and static executables.

Process Address Space

Enter the 01-linux-architecture/libc-syscall/ folder. Compile a statically-linked and a dynamically-linked executable:

gcc -static -o caller-static caller.c
gcc -o caller caller.c

Investigate the executables with file, ldd and nm. Trace the library and system calls by running ltrace and strace on the executables.

Add a sleep(100) call at the end of the C program. Rebuild the statically-linked and dynamically-linked executables. Run each program on a terminal and, on another terminal, run

pmap $(pgrep -f caller)

See the differences between the address spaces of the two processes.

Pure System Call Executable

Enter the 01-linux-architecture/syscall-nolibc-asm/ folder. Build the syscall-nolibc executable by running:


This is the simplest executable, with no reliance on the standard C library (libc).

Investigate the executable with file, nm, ldd, ltrace, strace. Explain the outputs.

Library Calls to System Calls Mapping

Enter the 01-linux-architecture/printf-puts/ folder. Build the printf-puts executable by running:


Investigate the executable with ltrace and strace. What are the library calls made by printf() and puts()? What are the system calls made by printf() and puts()? What is the difference between printf() and puts()?

Using System APIs

Making Calls and Tracing

Enter the 01-linux-architecture/syscall-trace/ folder. See the syscall-trace.c file. Make viable calls of the functions sleep(), system(), strdup() and strcpy(). You can check the manual page for each function or use the Internet / Google.

After that, build the syscall-trace executable by running:


Use ltrace and strace to detect the library and syscall calls made by each function call.

Page Size

Enter the 01-linux-architecture/page-size/ folder. See the page-size.c file. Make the appropriate calls for getconf() and getpagesize() to find out the system page size. You can check the manual page for getconf / getpagesize or use the Internet / Google.

After that, build the page-size executable by running:


Use ltrace and strace to detect the library and syscall calls made.

ANSI to POSIX Translation

Enter the 01-linux-architecture/ansi-to-posix/ folder. See the ansi-to-posix.c file. Build the ansi-to-posix.c executable by running:


Use ltrace and strace to see the library and system calls made.

Comment out the current contents of the main function and replace them with their POSIX equivalent. That is, replace fopen() with open(), fwrite() with write() and so on.

POSIX to Syscall Translation

Enter the 01-linux-architecture/posix-to-syscall/ folder. See the posix-to-syscall.c file. Build the posix-to-syscall.c executable by running:


Use ltrace and strace to see the library and system calls made.

This sequence in the source code file:

write(STDOUT_FILENO, "POSIX\n", 6);
syscall(SYS_write, STDOUT_FILENO, "POSIX\n", 6);

shows the equivalent of doing an ANSI library call, a POSIX call and a pure system call.

Comment out the other sequence of POSIX calls:

fd = open("a.txt", O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, 0644);
write(fd, "hello\n", 6);

and replace the POSIX calls with equivalent pure system calls.