A basic snake game using pygame
Language: Python
Directions to run: Windows -
- Press the "clone or download" button in this repository and copy the https link
- Go to command line
- Make sure you have all the packages listed on the top of the code (ex. pygame, tkinter, etc.) You likely have most already
- Open command line and go to through the cd command to the folder containing snake.py. To learn how to do that, go to https://www.digitalcitizen.life/command-prompt-how-use-basic-commands and read the the first command section.
- Type 'python snake.py' in the prompt and the program should start running
Macintosh -
- Press the "clone or download" button in this repository and copy the https link. Then proceed
- Next, open terminal and go to the folder holding snake.py through the cd command. To learn how to do that, go to https://www.digitalcitizen.life/command-prompt-how-use-basic-commands and read the the first command section.
- Next, type python snake.py
- Now the program should run.