Releases: rasikhq/discord-vcmp-client
Releases · rasikhq/discord-vcmp-client
Discord Plugin v2.0
- Switched to DPP library (Major)
- Fixed crashes
- Remove extraneous code
- Miscellaneous improvements
- SQ_onDiscordChannel is now removed
- SQ_onMemberEdit has a changed signature (string jsonFormattedData, string justHereForCompatability)
- Discord_SendMessageToChannelName was missing, added
Discord Plugin 1.5 (x64)
- Fixed a hella lot of logic issues
- Reduced settings.json options to a single defaultMode option for plugin settings
libDDiscord x64
- Squirrel events are not triggered now if default messages are enabled
- Bot status is disabled since it seems to cause issues
- Messages use Async option
libDDiscord x64
IMPORTANT NOTE: Its significantly better to load the Discord plugin first in the plugin list, even before squirrel plugin
WINDOWS USERS: Place libcurl.dll, LIBEAY32.dll, SSLEAY.dll, zlib1.dll and settings.json inside server directory
LINUX USERS: Place settings.json inside server directory. If the plugin doesn't load, install SSL; apt-get install libssl-dev
Sample script
function SQ_onDiscordConnect(data) {
function SQ_onDiscordServer(data) {
function SQ_onDiscordChannel(data) {
function SQ_onDiscordChannelMessage(serverID, channelID, userID, userName, message) {
if(message.slice(0, 1) == "!") {
local noprefixMessage = message.slice(1, message.len());
local str = split(noprefixMessage, " ");
local command = str[0];
local msg = null;
if(str.len() > 1) {
msg = "";
for(local i = 1; i < str.len(); i++) {
msg += str[i];
if(i < str.len()-1)
msg += " ";
SQ_onDiscordCommand(serverID, channelID, userID, userName, command, msg);
function SQ_onDiscordCommand(serverID, channelID, userID, username, cmd, msg) {
if(cmd == "t")
Discord_SendMessageToChannel(channelID, "test works");
function SQ_onDiscordQuit() {
function SQ_onDiscordDisconnect() {