I was messing around with the graph api, and this was the result because who wants to navigate a web UI when you have a terminal. If like me, you don't pay much attention to issues raised on your public repos, then this is marginally useful
This is an extension for GitHub CLI that just lists any issues/prs raised in your personal repos along with some handy queries that I've found useful.
- GitHub CLI is already installed and authenticated
is installedcolumn
which is a standard linux tool; already present in git+bash on windows; via util-linux on ubuntu.date
needs to support the--date "14 days ago"
style option.
To install this extension:
gh extension install quotidian-ennui/gh-my
bsh ❯ gh my
Usage: gh my [deployments|failures|help|issues|notifs|prs|report|reviews|vulns|workload] [options]
issues : list issues in your personal repositories
prs : list PRs in the current repository or all your personal repos
reviews : list PRs where you've been asked for a review
workload : list PRs and issues where you are the assignee
deployments : list deployments awaiting action on the default branch
report : show all the issues & prs you've been involved in the last 14 days
(because you have to tell people what you've done)
notifs : list unread notifications
failures : show workflow failures in your personal repositories in the last 14 days
vulns : show vulnerability alerts from dependabot in your personal repositories
'issues' can have its output in JSON format
'reviews' can have its output in JSON format
'workload' can have its output in JSON format
-j : output each row as a JSON object.
This is useful if you want to script & pipe the output.
(--jsonlines is also accepted)
'prs' shows the PRs in the current repo by default.
-a : PRs in all your personal repositories
This is the default behaviour if your current location
is not a github repo and should be explicitly set if
it is.
-j : output each row as a JSON object.
'deployments' needs more filters
-o : the organisation (e.g. -o my-company)
-t : the topic (e.g. -t my-terraform-repos)
-r : a specific repository, but why not use gh run list instead?
'report' uses 'date' so any gnu date string is valid
-d : the date string (default is "14 days ago")
-q : omit the table headers
-a : use 'author' instead of 'involves'
-v : everything involving your user (e.g. where you're a CODEOWNER)
-j : output each row as a JSON object.
'failures' uses 'date' so any gnu date string is valid
-d : the date string (default is "14 days ago")
'notifs' can also mark them as read
-n : the ID to mark as read (-n 7235590448)
-a : Mark all notifications as read
'vulns' can have more filters
-o : the owner (e.g. -o my-company | -o my-user)
default is whatever 'gh config get user -h github.com' returns
** Viewing security alerts implies permissions
-j : output each row as a JSON object.
bsh ❯ gh my issues
Num Title Who URL When
#1 能增加Apple芯片支持吗? binge6 https://github.com/quotidian-ennui/homebrew-zulufx/issues/1 2 years ago
bsh ❯ gh my issues -j
I have ignored the above issue since it was raised, I don't have a Mac any more, and certainly not one that is M1/M2 etc. If someone wants to add in arm64 support for zulufx then please do so, and comment on this issue! I'm a little bit embarrassed that I've never dealt with it.
Because of #2 you can now list deployments that are waiting for someone to approve them (perhaps you're doing something like this : https://warman.io/blog/2023/03/fixing-automating-terraform-with-github-actions/). The usage model is geared towards you filtering either explicitly by repository (in which case you can probably do gh run list -R <repo> -s "waiting"
instead, but is present for completeness) or by organisation + topic.
bsh ❯ gh my deployments -o telus-agcg -t tpm-demeter
ID URL Branch Repo Env Actionable When
5357752484 https://github.com/telus-agcg/tpm-demeter-terraform-test/actions/runs/5357752484 main telus-agcg/tpm-demeter-terraform-test main-approval false 3 days ago
bsh ❯ gh my deployments -r telus-agcg/retro-cdc
ID URL Branch When
5388868900 https://github.com/telus-agcg/retro-cdc/actions/runs/5388868900 main 3 hours ago
The json output is a direct consequence of #46 because we want to oneliner things and using awk may end up being too brittle. The output is a json object per line, so you can use jq
to filter the output.
bsh ❯ gh my reviews -j | grep "bump hashicorp" | jq -c -r '.url' | xargs -L 1 gh pr view --comments | grep "Terraform Plan"
#### Terraform Plan :book: `unchanged`
bsh ❯ gh my reviews -j | grep "bump hashicorp" | jq -c -r '.url' | xargs -I {} bash -c "gh approve {} && gh squash-merge {}"
- If you don't like JSON lines output then you can convert it into CSV if that's your bag since the keys are consistent across the output (normally you wouldn't be able to assume this with jsonl).
bsh ❯ gh my prs -j -a | jq --slurp | yq -p j -o csv
2024-05-08T16:00:37Z,quotidian-ennui,64,null,SUCCESS,feat(prs)!: switch to repo first behaviour for query_prs,https://github.com/quotidian-ennui/gh-my/pull/64
2024-05-08T12:24:37Z,mcwarman,15,CHANGES_REQUESTED,SUCCESS,feat: add checkout command to switch branches,https://github.com/quotidian-ennui/bitbucket-pr/pull/15
2024-05-08T11:28:20Z,qe-repo-updater,26,APPROVED,SUCCESS,chore(deps): Bump Apache Parquet-MR version to 1.14.0,https://github.com/quotidian-ennui/parquet-cli-wrapper/pull/26
2024-05-08T10:23:56Z,mcwarman,165,null,SUCCESS,feat: add jsonschema2pojo,https://github.com/quotidian-ennui/ubuntu-dpm/pull/165
2024-05-08T07:48:13Z,qe-repo-updater,164,null,FAILURE,chore(deps): Bump golang version to 1.22.3,https://github.com/quotidian-ennui/ubuntu-dpm/pull/164