A custom CKAN extension for Data.Qld
- Make sure that you have latest versions of all required software installed:
- Make sure that all local web development services are shut down (Apache/Nginx, Mysql, MAMP etc).
- Checkout project repository (in one of the supported Docker directories).
pygmy up
ahoy build
- You may need to use sudo on linux
Building on Ubuntu (optional: behind proxy)
- composer from compose
- sudo pip install docker-compose
- sudo apt-get install composer
- ensure /etc/gemrc has the following
http_proxy: http://localhost:3128 https_proxy: http://localhost:3128
- if squid proxy is in use on your machine ensure that
acl localnet src
# allows your public ip for loopback - https://docs.docker.com/network/proxy/
{ "proxies": { "default": { "httpProxy": "http://hostexternalip:3128", "httpsProxy": "http://hostexternalip:3128", "noProxy": "" } } }
- https://docs.docker.com/config/daemon/systemd/
sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d
sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/http-proxy.conf
[Service] Environment="HTTP_PROXY=http://localhost:3128/"
sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/https-proxy.conf[Service] Environment="HTTPS_PROXY=http://localhost:3128/"
sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl restart docker
- https://docs.docker.com/config/daemon/systemd/
sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d
sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/http-proxy.conf
Use admin
to login to CKAN.
Run each command as ahoy <command>
build Build or rebuild project.
clean Remove containers and all build files.
cli Start a shell inside CLI container or run a command.
doctor Find problems with current project setup.
down Stop Docker containers and remove container, images, volumes and networks.
flush-redis Flush Redis cache.
info Print information about this project.
install-site Install a site.
lint Lint code.
logs Show Docker logs.
pull Pull latest docker images.
reset Reset environment: remove containers, all build, manually created and Drupal-Dev files.
restart Restart all stopped and running Docker containers.
start Start existing Docker containers.
stop Stop running Docker containers.
test-bdd Run BDD tests.
test-unit Run unit tests.
up Build and start Docker containers.
Python code linting uses flake8 with configuration captured in .flake8
in .env
to allow lint failures.
ahoy test-unit
in .env
to allow unit test failures.
ahoy test-bdd
in .env
to allow BDD test failures.
We are using Behave BDD framework with additional step definitions provided by Behaving library.
Custom steps described in test/features/steps/steps.py
Test scenarios located in test/features/*.feature
Test environment configuration is located in test/features/environment.py
and is setup to connect to a remote Chrome
instance running in a separate Docker container.
During the test, Behaving passes connection information to Splinter which instantiates WebDriver object and establishes connection with Chrome instance. All further communications with Chrome are handled through this driver, but in a developer-friendly way.
For a list of supported step-definitions, see https://github.com/ggozad/behaving#behavingweb-supported-matcherssteps.
In software engineering, continuous integration (CI) is the practice of merging all developer working copies to a shared mainline several times a day. Before feature changes can be merged into a shared mainline, a complete build must run and pass all tests on CI server.
This project uses GitHub Actions as a CI server: it imports production backups into fully built codebase and runs code linting and tests. When tests pass, a deployment process is triggered for nominated branches (usually, master
and develop
Clone this repository
Activate python virtualenv and install extension:
. /usr/lib/ckan/default/bin/activate cd /usr/lib/ckan/default/src/ckanext-data-qld python setup.py develop
Add the extension to the relevant CKAN
definition:ckan.plugins = ... data_qld
A custom CKAN extension for Data.Qld for sending API requests to Google Analytics
Add the extension to the relevant CKAN
definition:ckan.plugins = ... data_qld_google_analytics
Add the config settings to relevant CKAN
file# ckanext-data_qld_googleanalytics ckan.data_qld_googleanalytics.id = UA-1010101-1 # Relevant Google analytics ID ckan.data_qld_googleanalytics.collection_url = http://www.google-analytics.com/collect # change when reporting starts from, default is 2022-11-01 ckanext.data_qld.reporting.de_identified_no_schema.count_from = 2045-01-01
The file capture_api_actions.json is a dictionary of api actions to capture to send to google analytics
a. The dictionary key is the name of the api_action from https://docs.ckan.org/en/2.8/api/index.html#action-api-reference b. The dictionary value is the event_label sent to google analytics with the {0} replaced with the query parameter value eg. package_id, resource_id, query values, sql query
Restart web server(s), e.g.
sudo service apache reload sudo service nginx reload
Note: The following assumes that a dump of production data has been imported into the CKAN database and any necessary database schema updates have been performed (ref.: https://docs.ckan.org/en/2.8/maintaining/database-management.html#upgrading).
Previously, the "Security classification" and "Used in data-driven application" fields had been added as free extras to datasets, e.g.
These fields are now part of the dataset schema via the scheming
extension (ref.: https://github.com/qld-gov-au/ckanext-data-qld/blob/develop/ckanext/data_qld/ckan_dataset.json)
The legacy field values need to be migrated to their schema counterparts.
The ckanext-data-qld
extension contains a Click command for doing this (ref.: https://github.com/qld-gov-au/ckanext-data-qld/blob/develop/ckanext/data_qld/commands.py)
Note: This command was designed to be run once for initial migration of legacy extra fields, so isn't idempotent. If migration command is run multiple times there should not be any issues, but it is not recommended to be used again once the site is live
To run the command:
Enable the python virtual environment:
. /usr/lib/ckan/default/bin/activate
Run the following command:
ckan -c /path/to/ini_file.ini data_qld migrate_extras
Rebuild the Solr index:
ckan -c /PATH/TO/YOUR_INI_FILE.ini search-index rebuild
This will iterate through each of the datasets in CKAN and copy the "Security classification" and "Used in data-driven application" extra field values to the dataset schema fields security_classification and data_driven_application respectively.
Note: The following assumes that a dump of production data has been imported into the CKAN database and any necessary database schema updates have been performed (ref.: https://docs.ckan.org/en/2.8/maintaining/database-management.html#upgrading).
There is a Click command to set the role for any users with names starting with publisher-
from admin to editor where necessary.
Note: This command was designed to be run once. If run multiple times there should not be any issues, as it will not re-assign users who are already assigned the editor role - but it is not designed to be idempotent
To run the command:
Enable the python virtual environment:
. /usr/lib/ckan/default/bin/activate
Run the following command:
ckan -c /etc/ckan/default/development.ini data_qld demote_publishers
Add the extension to the relevant CKAN
definition:ckan.plugins = ... data_qld_reporting
Add the following optional config settings to relevant CKAN
file, if desired:# ckanext-data_qld_reporting ckan.reporting.datarequest_open_max_days = 60 # Defaults to 60 ckan.reporting.comment_no_reply_max_days = 10 # Defaults to 10 ckan.reporting.engagement_json_config = PATH_TO_FILE # Defaults to os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/../engagement_report_csv.json' ckan.reporting.admin_json_config = PATH_TO_FILE # Defaults to os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/../admin_report_csv.json'