By default, this Dockerfile creates an image for Apache Knox 1.1.0
The release version can be overridden by modifying the RELEASE_VER value in the .env file.
If a different mirror is needed for the release version, modify the RELEASE_MIRROR argument in the docker-compose file.
Run docker compose to create and start the Knox container based on this image (and the demo LDAP server)
docker-compose up --build
This creates a container named knox, and it also creates a bridge network named knox-docker_knox-test
The Knox Admin UI will be accessible at https://localhost:8443/gateway/manager/admin-ui/
If running other Docker containers, with which this Knox instance must be able to interact, those other containers must be connected to this network.
For example, if running the HDP Docker Sandbox, it can be connected to the overlay network using this command:
docker network connect knox-docker_knox-test sandbox-hdp