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Berry Locations

purejosh edited this page Dec 26, 2023 · 1 revision

All custom berry crops grow on grass, podzol, and all vanilla dirts, unless otherwise stated.

Sweet Berry Bush


Sweet Berry bushes commonly generate in taiga and snowy taiga biomes. Each chunk has a 1⁄12 chance to generate sweet berry bushes in random patches. They also generate in both old growth pine taiga‌ and old growth spruce taiga‌. (source)

Blueberry Bush


Blueberry bushes commonly generate in any biome tagged with minecraft:is_taiga or minecraft:is_coniferous. Each chunk has a 1⁄12 chance to generate blueberry berry bushes in random patches.

Cloudberry Bush


Cloudberry bushes commonly generate in any biome with a temperature value below -0.15, and a Y value above 94. They often generate in Snowy Taiga biomes. Each chunk has a 1⁄16 chance to generate cloudberry berry bushes in random patches.

Goji Berry Bush


Goji Berry bushes commonly generate in any biome with a temperature value above 0.4. Each chunk has a 1⁄12 chance to generate goji berry bushes in random patches.

Glow Berry (Cave Vine)


Cave vines commonly generate in the lush caves biome, which have a chance to naturally grow glow berries on their vines. Their height varies between 1 and 20 blocks. When bone meal is used on the vine, they produce glow berries. (source 1)(source 2)

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