Replay webhooks from the rehook service.
Make sure rehook_python is installed first and then python install
# pull from http://host:port/braintee/notification/ and replay hooks on
$ -p "/braintree/notification/" -t ""
# list available replay-able hooks instead of running them.. will print like below
# braintree 83gr96 subscription_charged_successfully 2019-12-02 10:16:43 Unknown User
# braintree f7mnjw subscription_charged_unsuccessfully 2019-12-02 10:14:55 Unknown User
# braintree gmy2kr subscription_charged_successfully 2019-12-01 14:39:55 Unknown User
# braintree 4y54gb subscription_charged_successfully 2019-12-01 12:06:13 Unknown User
# ..
$ -p "/braintree/notification/" -t "" --ls
# filter hooks based on condition, chain conditions with & (in these cases below we are just printing them, not running..remove ls to run)
# available attributes (visible in list mode): provider, id (subscription id), date, user_name*, user_id*
# *note: braintree / stripe may not have this data so use at discretion
# available comparators : attribute=val, attribute<val, attribute>val, :in->val1,val2
# dates higher than 2019-12-01
$ -p "/braintree/notification/" -t "" -f 'date>2019-12-01' --ls
# dates between 11-26 -> 11-29
$ -p "/braintree/notification/" -t "" -f 'date>2019-11-26&date<2019-11-29' --ls
# raw_type is in the list 'subscription_canceled,subscriptio_went_activ' and also subscription id is 83zq6w
$ -p "/braintree/notification/" -t "" -f 'id=83zq6w&raw_type:in->subscription_canceled,subscription_went_active' --ls
Note that this will replay all the braintree sandbox webhooks which may cause issues if a webhook corresponds to a sandbox user or subscription that doesn't exist on your local installation.