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Control PULP

ControlPULP is a research platform based on PULP, an open-source multi-core computing system developed by ETH Zurich and the University of Bologna, started in 2013. ControlPULP is intended to be used as an embedded controller in application domains with different requirements in terms of time-criticality. Among those, it is employed as embedded power and thermal controller for HPC systems.


If you are using ControlPULP in your academic work you can cite us:

author="Ottaviano, Alessandro
and Balas, Robert
and Bambini, Giovanni
and Bonfanti, Corrado
and Benatti, Simone
and Rossi, Davide
and Benini, Luca
and Bartolini, Andrea",
editor="Orailoglu, Alex
and Reichenbach, Marc
and Jung, Matthias",
title="ControlPULP: A RISC-V Power Controller for HPC Processors with Parallel Control-Law Computation Acceleration",
booktitle="Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation",
publisher="Springer International Publishing",


This project is still considered to be in early development; some parts may not yet be functional, and existing interfaces and conventions may be broken without prior notice. We target a formal release in the very near future.


To build ControlPULP, you will need:

  • GNU Make >= 3.82
  • Python >= 3.6.8
  • Bender >= 0.27.1
  • RISCV GCC >= 11.2.0

We use Bender and git submodules for hardware IP and dependency management. For more information on using Bender, please see its documentation. You can install Bender directly through the Rust package manager Cargo:

cargo install bender

Depending on your desired target, additional dependencies may be needed.

Getting Started

ControlPULP uses Git submodules that have to be initialized. Either clone the repository recursively using:

git clone --recursive <url>

or fetch the submodules afterwards in the repository:

git submodule update --init --recursive

You need the pulp-runtime or freertos, vsim (10.7b_1 or newer) and pulp gcc (2.5.0 or newer). After building the simulation platform you can run tests or write your own applications.


Compile and install PULP gcc from here and make sure it is in your PATH:


Alternatively, if you are at ETH you can use precompiled toolchain by either prefixing all make commands with riscv -pulp-gcc-2.5.0 or adding this path to your PATH:

export PATH=/usr/pack/riscv-1.0-kgf/pulp-gcc-2.5.0/bin/:$PATH


Call source env/ to configure your shell to execute cycle-accurate RTL simulations using the pulp-runtime setup.


Freertos isn't natively available in the control_pulp repository after you clone it.

To download freertos call make freertos. Call source env/ to configure your shell to use pulp-freertos. Examples to run are available in sw/freertos/tests and sw/freertos/demos.

Building the RTL simulation platform

You can build the simulation platform for Questasim by doing the following:

# set path to to-be-simulated model
source env/
# build RTL source
make all

Similary for vcs

# set path to to-be-simulated model
source env/
# build RTL source
make vcs-build

and verilator

# set path to to-be-simulated model
source env/
# build RTL source
make veri-build

If you add or remove rtl code you have re-generate the build scripts. Call make gen to re-generate the build scripts.

The ControlPULP IP does integrate the accelerator cluster by default. In some implementations, for example some chips, we use the platform in single-core mode (without the cluster).

You can refer to said chips repositories to build the hardware and software with the cluster option disabled.

Running tests

Finally, you can run the tests. Just go the respective test and call:

cd tests/pulp_tests/hello
make clean all run

The open-source simulation platform relies on JTAG to emulate preloading of the PULP L2 memory. If you want to simulate a more realistic scenario (e.g. accessing an external SPI Flash), look at the sections below.

In case you want to see the Questasim GUI, just append gui=1 like this

make run gui=1

before starting the simulation.

Hardware-In-The-Loop (HIL) power and thermal management on FPGA

Please refer to fpga/ for more information on the full flow. As initialization steps, please download the co-simulation (power/thermal model and HIL manager) framework. The Power Control Firmware (PCF) is already integrated as sw/pcf.

make hpc-cosim

Address mapping overview

The Control PULP specific address mapping is defined with a set of macros in hw/includes/soc_mem_map.svh and hw/includes/ They are not finalized.

From the Control PULP viewpoint:

Memory Area Name (Control PULP viewpoint) Address range
Cluster Subsystem 0x1000_0000 - 0x103F_FFFF
SoC peripherals and L2 0x1A00_0000 - 0x1FFF_FFFF

The exploded version of this memory map can be found in the PMS MAS-HW Reference Manual.

From an external viewpoint:

Memory Area Name (external viewpoint ) Address range
SoC peripherals and L2 0x1A00_0000 - 0x1FFF_FFFF

Note that in the current configuration, the cluster address space is not externally visible.

AXI interfaces

Control PULP exchanges off-IP information through the AMBA AXI4 protocol. The 5 AXI channels are internally characterized by the following AXI widths in either directions to- and from- Control PULP:


where EXT is an actor external to the ControlPULP IP.

In addition, AXI_ID_WIDTH and AXI_DATA_WIDTH are made configurable through AXI data width and ID width converters modules. This means that AXI_ID_WIDTH and AXI_DATA_WIDTH, in either to- and from- Control PULP directions, are passed as parameters in the top-level IP instantiation, and converted internally to match the aforementioned table.

Clocking and reset

The clock ports are as follow:

Clock name Direction Description
sys_clk_i Input System input clock (500 MHz). It generates SoC and Cluster clocks internally through integer division.
ref_clk_i Input Reference input clock (100 MHz). It generates peripheral and timer (32 kHz) clocks internally through integer division.
soc_clk_o Output SoC clock. It clocks AXI4 interfaces and L2 SoC memory.
cluster_clk_o Output Cluster clock. It clocks L1 cluster memory.

While for reset:

Reset name Direction Description
rst_ni Input System input reset.
rst_l2_no output Output reset towards L2 SoC Memory.
rst_l1_no Output Output reset towards L1 Cluster Memory.

Visit the boot and tb directories for more information about the supported bootmodes and booting procedure respectively.

Proprietary verification IPs

The full simulation platform can take advantage of a few models of commercial SPI, I2C, I2S peripherals to attach to the open-source PULP simulation platform. Read the output of ./generate-scripts --help

When the SPI flash model is installed, it will be possible to switch to a more realistic boot simulation, where the internal ROM of PULP is used to perform an initial boot and to start to autonomously fetch the program from the SPI flash. To do this, the LOAD_L2 parameter of the testbench has to be switched from JTAG to STANDALONE.

Control PULP directory structure

After being fully setup as explained in the Getting Started section, this root repository is structured as follows:

Directory Description Documentation
hw/pulp Contains PMS RTL top-level and first-level hierarchy modules. rtl/pulp/
tb Contains the main platform testbenches and the related files. tb/
tb/vip Contains the verification IPs used to emulate external peripherals, e.g. SPI flash and camera. tb/vip/
ips Contains all IPs downloaded by update-ips script. Most of the actual logic of the platform (the SoC and the Cluster accelerator RTL code) is located in these IPs. ips/
sim Contains the ModelSim/QuestaSim simulation platform. -
sw/pulp-runtime Contains the basic runtime used for bare-metal tests sw/pulp_runtime/
sw/freertos Contains the main operating system used sw/freertos/
boot Contains the bootcode and autogenerated bootroms for ASIC/RTL and FPGA targets. boot/
synth Contains the constraints of the PMS for ASIC synthesis and information about technology-dependent cells. synth/
fpga Contains the FPGA emulation of the PMS on the Xilinx Zynq ZCU102. fpga/
util Contains utility tools util/
ipstools Contains the utils to download and manage the IPs and their dependencies. ipstools/
ips_list.yml Contains the list of IPs required directly by the platform. Each of them could in turn depend on other IPs, so you will typically find many more IPs in the ips directory than are listed in this file. ---
rtl_list.yml Contains the list of places where local RTL sources are found (e.g. tb, tb/vip). ---

Repository organization and dependencies

The Control-PULP repository is a flattened and modified version of Open PULP, generated with git subtree. Version tagged commits are considered stable.


The RTL platform has the following requirements:

  • Relatively recent Linux-based operating system; we tested CentOS 7.
  • ModelSim in reasonably recent version (we tested it with version 10.7b).
  • Python 3.6, with the pyyaml module installed (you can get that with pip3 install pyyaml).

Verible support

Control-PULP supports Verible for code linting and formatting. For more information, see the under util/verible.


Unless specified otherwise in the respective file headers, all code checked into this repository is made available under a permissive license. All hardware sources and tool scripts are licensed under the Solderpad Hardware License 0.51 (see LICENSE) with the exception of generated register file code, which is generated by a fork of lowRISC's regtool and licensed under Apache 2.0. All software sources are licensed under Apache 2.0 or MIT.