This is an automation project written by Nathan Ho for Terrapin Works. The purpose of this application is to aggregate and display data from the NIST NEMO API about lab usage for Terrapin Works lab spaces (specifically the IFL, RPC, and RPL).
Assuming you have Python (preferably >=3.11, the version this was written in), follow these steps to get set up for aggregation:
I recommend using a virtual environment, but this step is completely optional.
Setup the virtual environment:
# python3.11 -m venv venv
Activate the virtual environment:
# ./venv/Scripts/activate
# source ./venv/bin/activate
MacOS: idk tbh google lol
# pip3 install -r requirements.txt
If you already have a token:
# touch .env # echo "export NEMO_token = \"<your token here>\"" >> .env
If you don't have a token, you will have to be granted administrator access to get one.