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feat(HelpMessageWriter): Improve implementation + polish help message
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Signed-off-by: prajwalch <[email protected]>
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prajwalch committed Sep 8, 2024
1 parent 05eab5f commit 3659f1b
Showing 1 changed file with 249 additions and 58 deletions.
307 changes: 249 additions & 58 deletions src/HelpMessageWriter.zig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,9 +3,10 @@ const HelpMessageWriter = @This();
const std = @import("std");
const Arg = @import("Arg.zig");
const BufferedWriter =, std.fs.File.Writer);
const Command = @import("Command.zig");
const ParsedCommand = @import("./parser/ParseResult.zig").ParsedCommand;

/// The immediate buffer.
/// Used to store the help content before writing into the `stderr`.
buffer: BufferedWriter,
/// Command whose help to write.
command: *const ParsedCommand,
Expand All @@ -22,7 +23,8 @@ pub fn init(command: *const ParsedCommand) HelpMessageWriter {
pub fn write(self: *HelpMessageWriter) !void {
try self.writeDescription();
try self.writeHeader();
try self.writeCommands();
try self.writePositionalArgs();
try self.writeSubcommands();
try self.writeOptions();
try self.writeFooter();

Expand All @@ -39,24 +41,15 @@ fn writeDescription(self: *HelpMessageWriter) !void {

fn writeHeader(self: *HelpMessageWriter) !void {
const writer = self.buffer.writer();

try writer.print("Usage: {s}", .{});

const command = self.command.deref();

if (command.countPositionalArgs() >= 1) {
const braces = getBraces(command.hasProperty(.positional_arg_required));

for (command.positional_args.items) |arg| {
try writer.writeByte(' ');
try writer.writeByte(braces[0]);

try writer.print("{s}", .{});
if (arg.hasProperty(.takes_multiple_values)) {
try writer.writeAll("...");

try writer.writeByte(braces[1]);
try writer.print(
" {c}ARGS{c}",

if (command.countOptions() >= 1) {
Expand All @@ -74,37 +67,111 @@ fn writeHeader(self: *HelpMessageWriter) !void {
try writer.writeByte('\n');

fn writeCommands(self: *HelpMessageWriter) !void {
const writer = self.buffer.writer();
fn writePositionalArgs(self: *HelpMessageWriter) !void {
const command = self.command.deref();

if (command.countSubcommands() == 0) {
if (command.countPositionalArgs() == 0) {

try writer.writeAll("\nCommands:\n");
const right_padding: usize = if (command.countOptions() == 0) 10 else 30;
const writer = self.buffer.writer();
try writer.writeAll("\nArgs:\n");

for (command.subcommands.items) |subcmd| {
try writer.print(" {[0]s:<[1]}", .{, right_padding });
for (command.positional_args.items) |arg| {
var line = Line.init();
try line.signature.addPadding(4);

if (subcmd.description) |d| {
try writer.print("\t\t{s}", .{d});
_ = try line.signature.writeAll(;

if (arg.hasProperty(.takes_multiple_values)) {
_ = try line.signature.writeAll("...");

const description = arg.description orelse {
// Description is not set for the current arg.
// Print current line and move to the next iteration.
try writer.print("{}", .{line});

if (try line.description.writeAll(description)) |remaining_description| {
// Description is too long to fit into the current line.
// First print the current line and then print the remaining
// description at the new line but just below the first half description.
try writer.print("{}", .{line});

var new_line = Line.init();
_ = try new_line.description.writeAll(remaining_description);

try writer.print("{}", .{new_line});
} else {
// Description fits into the current line.
// Print the current line.
try writer.print("{}", .{line});
try writer.writeByte('\n');

fn writeOptions(self: *HelpMessageWriter) !void {
fn writeSubcommands(self: *HelpMessageWriter) !void {
if (self.command.deref().countSubcommands() == 0) {

const writer = self.buffer.writer();
const command = self.command.deref();
try writer.writeAll("\nCommands:\n");

for (self.command.deref().subcommands.items) |*subcommand| {
try self.writeSubcommand(subcommand);

fn writeSubcommand(self: *HelpMessageWriter, subcommand: *const Command) !void {
const writer = self.buffer.writer();

var line = Line.init();
try line.signature.addPadding(4);

if (command.countOptions() == 0) {
_ = try line.signature.writeAll(;

const description = subcommand.description orelse {
// Description is not set for the current subcommand.
// Print the current line and return.
try writer.print("{}", .{line});

if (try line.description.writeAll(description)) |remaining_description| {
// Description is too long to fit into the current line.
// First print the current line and then use the new line to print
// the remaining description.
try writer.print("{}", .{line});

var new_line = Line.init();
_ = try new_line.description.writeAll(remaining_description);

try writer.print("{}", .{new_line});
} else {
// Description fits into the current line.
// Print the current line and move to the next iteration.
try writer.print("{}", .{line});

fn writeOptions(self: *HelpMessageWriter) !void {
if (self.command.deref().countOptions() == 0) {

const writer = self.buffer.writer();
try writer.writeAll("\nOptions:\n");
for (command.options.items) |*option| {

for (self.command.deref().options.items) |*option| {
try self.writeOption(option);

Expand All @@ -115,56 +182,68 @@ fn writeOptions(self: *HelpMessageWriter) !void {
fn writeOption(self: *HelpMessageWriter, option: *const Arg) !void {
const writer = self.buffer.writer();

// Signature refers to the option name (short and long) and its value name
// if available.
// For e.x.: -h, --help <description>
// -f, --file <FILE> <description>
// ^---signature---^
// Signature pattern makes so much easy to add padding between it and the
// description since we will only have two components to handle.
var signature_buffer = try std.BoundedArray(u8, 100).init(50);
var signature_writer = signature_buffer.writer();
var line = Line.init();
try line.signature.addPadding(4);

// Option name.
if (option.short_name != null and option.long_name != null) {
try signature_writer.print(
try line.signature.print(
"-{c}, --{s}",
.{ option.short_name.?, option.long_name.? },
} else if (option.short_name) |short_name| {
try signature_writer.print("-{c}", .{short_name});
try line.signature.print("-{c}", .{short_name});
} else if (option.long_name) |long_name| {
try signature_writer.print(" --{s}", .{long_name});
try line.signature.addPadding(4);
try line.signature.print("--{s}", .{long_name});

// Value name.
if (option.hasProperty(.takes_value)) {
// Otherwise print the option actual value name or option name itself.
const value_name = option.value_placeholder orelse;
try signature_writer.print("=<{s}>", .{value_name});
try line.signature.print("=<{s}>", .{value_name});

if (option.hasProperty(.takes_multiple_values)) {
try signature_writer.writeAll("...");
_ = try line.signature.writeAll("...");

// First write the signature into the buffer with some padding.
try writer.print(" {s:<80}", .{signature_buffer.constSlice()});

// Then write the description.
if (option.description) |description| {
try writer.print("\t\t{s}", .{description});
const description = option.description orelse {
// Description is not set for the option.
// Print the current line and return.
try writer.print("{}", .{line});

if (option.valid_values) |valid_values| {
// FIXME: Remove this hacky implmentation
try writer.print("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t values: {s}", .{valid_values});
if (try line.description.writeAll(description)) |remaining_description| {
// Description is too long to fit into the current line.
// First print the current line and then print the remaining
// description at the new line but just below the first half description.
try writer.print("{}", .{line});

var new_line = Line.init();
_ = try new_line.description.writeAll(remaining_description);

try writer.print("{}", .{new_line});
} else {
// Description fits into the current line.
// Print the current line.
try writer.print("{}", .{line});

// End of line.
try writer.writeByte('\n');
// If the acceptable values are set for the option, print them at the new
// line but just below the description.
if (option.valid_values) |valid_values| {
var new_line = Line.init();
try new_line.description.addPadding(2);
try new_line.description.print("values: {s}", .{valid_values});

try writer.print("{}", .{new_line});

fn writeFooter(self: *HelpMessageWriter) !void {
Expand All @@ -179,3 +258,115 @@ fn writeFooter(self: *HelpMessageWriter) !void {
fn getBraces(required: bool) struct { u8, u8 } {
return if (required) .{ '<', '>' } else .{ '[', ']' };

/// Represents a line in the terminal.
/// As compere to regular line composed of single row and multiple columns,
/// this line is composed of two blocks named `signature` and `description`.
const Line = struct {
/// A name of either subcommand or option including its value placeholder
/// (`-t, --time=<SECS>`).
const Signature = LineBlock(30);
/// A description of either subcommand or option.
const Description = LineBlock(70);

signature: Signature,
description: Description,

/// Creates an empty line.
pub fn init() Line {
return Line{
.signature = Signature.init(),
.description = Description.init(),

pub fn format(
self: Line,
comptime fmt: []const u8,
options: std.fmt.FormatOptions,
writer: anytype,
) !void {
_ = fmt;
_ = options;

try writer.print("{}{}\n", .{ self.signature, self.description });

/// Represents a certain space within a `Line` where signature or description
/// can be write.
fn LineBlock(comptime width: usize) type {
return struct {
const Self = @This();

/// A character used for padding.
const WHITE_SPACE = ' ';
/// Used for storing content.
const Buffer = std.BoundedArray(u8, width);

buffer: Buffer,

/// Creates an empty block having given width.
pub fn init() Self {
return Self{
.buffer = Self.Buffer.init(0) catch unreachable,

/// Adds the `n` number of padding.
pub fn addPadding(self: *Self, n: usize) !void {
if (n > self.buffer.capacity()) {
return self.addPadding(self.remainingSpaceLength());
try self.buffer.appendNTimes(Self.WHITE_SPACE, n);

/// Appends the content based on the given format.
fn print(self: *Self, comptime fmt: []const u8, args: anytype) !void {
try self.buffer.writer().print(fmt, args);

/// Appends the given content as-is.
/// If the content is too long to fit into the buffer it writes upto to
/// the writable portion and returns the remaining.
pub fn writeAll(self: *Self, content: []const u8) !(?[]const u8) {
const remaining_space_length = self.remainingSpaceLength();

if (content.len <= remaining_space_length) {
try self.buffer.appendSlice(content);
return null;

const writeable_portion = content[0..remaining_space_length];
const remaining_portion = content[remaining_space_length..];
_ = try self.writeAll(writeable_portion);

return remaining_portion;

/// Returns the total length of remaining space into the buffer.
fn remainingSpaceLength(self: *const Self) usize {
return self.buffer.capacity() - self.buffer.len;

pub fn format(
self: Self,
comptime fmt: []const u8,
options: std.fmt.FormatOptions,
writer: anytype,
) !void {
_ = fmt;
_ = options;

var mut_self = self;

if (mut_self.remainingSpaceLength() != 0) {
mut_self.addPadding(mut_self.remainingSpaceLength()) catch {};

try writer.writeAll(mut_self.buffer.constSlice());

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