Byte vector backed, utf8 strings for Clojure.
To use this for a Leiningen project
[pjstadig/utf8 "0.1.0"]
Or for a Maven project
<dependency> <groupId>pjstadig</groupId> <artifactId>utf8</artifactId> <version>0.1.0</version> </dependency>
utf8 strings can be created using the utf8-str
pjstadig.utf8> (utf8-str "foo") #<Utf8String foo>
Pass more than one argument to utf8-str
, and it will concatenate all the
arguments into one utf8 string.
pjstadig.utf8> (utf8-str "foo" " " "bar") #<Utf8String foo bar>
You can get the empty version of a utf8 string (after all it’s a persistent
collection) by calling utf8-str
with no arguments.
pjstadig.utf8> (utf8-str) #<Utf8String >
utf8 strings are backed by Clojure’s byte vectors, and can be appended at the end efficiently.
pjstadig.utf8> (conj (utf8-str "foo") \b) #<Utf8String foob>
You can get a String back out of a utf8 string using str
pjstadig.utf8> (str (utf8-str "foo")) "foo"
It also handles surrogate pairs
pjstadig.utf8> (into (utf8-str) "\ud852\udf62¢€") #<Utf8String 𤭢¢€>
You can use into
pjstadig.utf8> (into (utf8-str "foo") (utf8-str "bar")) #<Utf8String foobar>
A utf8 string is a CharSequence
and calling seq
on it gets you a lazy seq
of chars (duh!).
pjstadig.utf8> (seq (utf8-str "foo")) (\f \o \o)
You can use sequence operations on a utf8 string
pjstadig.utf8> (first (utf8-str "foo")) \f pjstadig.utf8> (rest (utf8-str "foo")) (\o \o) pjstadig.utf8> (map int (utf8-str "foo")) (102 111 111)
Since utf8 strings are CharSequences
and deal with chars (though the chars
are stored in utf8), you can mix utf8 strings and String strings.
pjstadig.utf8> (into (utf8-str "foo") "bar") #<Utf8String foobar> pjstadig.utf8> (clojure.string/join " " [(utf8-str "foo") (utf8-str "bar")]) "foo bar"
Though, as you can see in that last case, the result is a String, so you have to manually convert it back to a utf8 string.
pjstadig.utf8> (utf8-str (clojure.string/join " " [(utf8-str "foo") (utf8-str "bar")])) #<Utf8String foo bar>
You can even match regular expressions against them (surprise!)
pjstadig.utf8> (re-matches #"foo" (utf8-str "foo")) "foo" pjstadig.utf8> (re-matches #"bar" (utf8-str "foo")) nil
Glad you asked. You can get a Writer by calling utf8-writer
, and it will
directly encode and store as utf8 every character you write to it. So you
can stream characters into a utf8 string without having to use two bytes of
storage for each ASCII character.
You just write a bunch of stuff to it, then call utf8-str
on it when you’re
pjstadig.utf8> (let [w (utf8-writer)] (with-open [f ( "/etc/hosts")] ( f w)) (utf8-str w)) #<Utf8String localhost jane # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts ::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback fe00::0 ip6-localnet ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix ff02::1 ip6-allnodes ff02::2 ip6-allrouters >
utf8 strings define the normal equals
and hashCode
methods, so you can
compare them and stuff them in hash maps
pjstadig.utf8> (= (utf8-str "foo") (utf8-str "foo")) true pjstadig.utf8> (map hash [(utf8-str "foo") (utf8-str "foo")]) (101574 101574) pjstadig.utf8> (get {(utf8-str "foo") :foo} (utf8-str "foo")) :foo
The equals comparison is done character by character; not byte by byte. The usual Unicode normalization caveats apply. (However, since utf8 strings implement CharSequence you can use java.text.Normalizer! :))
utf8 strings will only compare as equal to their own kind. So
pjstadig.utf8> (= (utf8-str "foo") "foo") false
If this makes you sad, then realize that this will always be false
pjstadig.utf8> (= "foo" (utf8-str "foo")) false
So unless/until Clojure’s =
is defined as an open protocol, we can’t make
Strings equal to utf8 strings.
As a consolation you can compare sequences of characters
pjstadig.utf8> (= (seq "foo") (seq (utf8-str "foo"))) true pjstadig.utf8> (= (seq (utf8-str "foo")) (seq "foo")) true
Well like any use of utf8, counting and indexing characters is O(n). It may be possible to store a count so that counting can be constant time, but we’ll see.
You tell me. I was thinking maybe a reader literal. What else would be useful?
Copyright © 2013 Paul Stadig. All rights reserved. This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.