The project is an insurance application for 2 types of users: internal staff and customers. Customers can sign up or sign in, obtain quotes and book appointment with staff while staff can manage customers detail and products. The project is written in Java, using JDBC with MySQL
This is group project of CSIT214: IT Project Management by HD group. Members are:
- Thai Quang Thinh - Project Manager
- Phu Vinh Nguyen
- Chai Forest
- Felicina Chau
- Jonathan Souleyo
Our group achieved 23.5/25 for whole project(including documents and source code). We achieved full mark for demonstrating application.
- Java 11.0.4
- mysql connector java 5.1.23
- Sign in and sign up for customers and staff
- Obtain and purchase insurance quotes
- Manage company customers: view and edit personal details, view bought products
- Store all data, customers' purchasement in MySQL database
To-do list:
- improve quality of code, make it neat and clean
- develop some future features
Project is: finished
Add here credits. Project inspired by..., based on...
Source code created by @Phu Vinh Nguyen and Chai Forest