These are my working dotfiles, configurations, and one liners for *nix consoles, mainly revelvant to Linux and macOS, with some specific things thrown in. I built this repo to standarize my configs across all hosts I work on, plus I like to be transparent, so they're all here. I use another project of mine, philcryer/basejump, which uses Ansible to automate the distribution of these files, as we all setting other standards on target hosts. See the basejump for directions and usage.
Battle tested configs and setups for:
- .aliases - some helpful settings
- .bash_profile - a decent display prompt ouf the box, also includes ~/bin in you $PATH
- .curlrc - verbose output on
- .editorconfig
- .exports
- .gitconfig - with many aliases for productivity
- .gitignore_global
- .gvimrc - if you use a GUI, I don't but keep this here for fun
- .hushlogin - simplify logins by not getting all the junk from the server
- .i3 - (a minimal and fast Linux window manager)
- .inputrc
- .screenrc
- .screenrc.full - more options than I need
- .tmux.conf
- .vimrc - old config
- .wgetrc
- .zprofilec - a holdover from sbusso/zprezto a nice zsh setup
- .zshrc - a holdover from sbusso/zprezto a nice zsh setup
- .osx - a WIP, compling best practices from projects like mathiasbynens/dotfiles
Check out the project, change into the directory
git clone
cd dotfiles
Then copy whatever you want into your `${HOME}' directory to try them out
Run Linux... obviously, and vim-nox
to take advantage of the vim plugins:
sudo apt-get install vim-nox
sudo apt-get install zsh
Just let me know in the Issues section