Creating meaningful spatial representations of the world, the relationships in the world and its entities
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Accurate 3D (Three Dimensional) model construction has been sought for many years as the key to unlocking many other related applications and scientific endeavors. This trend regards all aspects of 3D model construction from research aspects as well as focus on different types of sensing technologies being pursued. Both external and internal models are the topic of this trend. Methods are needed for rapid 3D model construction of urban areas. |
SLAM is a computational problem of constructing or updating a map of an unknown environment while simultaneously keeping track of progress within this unknown environment. Examples of approaches are self-driving cars, unmanned aerial vehicles, autonomous underwater vehicles, planetary rovers, newly emerging domestic robots and even inside the human body - (DSTL). |
A digital twin is a virtual representation of a physical object, which can be used to simulate how the physical object might behave in the physical world under different situations |
Accurate indoor positioning unlocks a new set of possibilities for mobile services. Consumers will benefit from personalized, contextual information and offers, as well as new services such as indoor navigation. Venue owners will benefit from increased customer satisfaction and enhanced information on customer behavior - (InLocation Alliance). |
This is now starting to be referred to as an “Earth-fixed” datum but previously was often referred to as a “dynamic datum”. Conceptually, the term “dynamic datum” confuses many people, who assume it to mean that the datum itself is constantly changing. This is obviously not the case – the datum is uniquely defined and fixed in orientation and location. Rather, an “Earth-fixed” datum allows the changes in coordinates of points on the Earth’s “dynamic” surface to be referenced and represented. (ANZLIC). The revision of ISO 19111 anticipates the need for Dynamic Datums. |
The advance of mobile computing and internet-connected sensors (including sensors and GPS transponders in cell phones and notebook computers) brings with it a rapid rise in applications for moving feature data, typically representing vehicles or pedestrians. Many innovative moving feature applications will require the overlay and integration of moving feature data from different sources. Examples can easily be imagined for disaster risk management, traffic information services, security services, navigation for robots, aviation or maritime traffic monitoring, and wildlife tracking and conservation. (Moving Features press release). |
Maps created at centimetre or sub-centimetre precision, typically to support driverless-cars and other autonomous ground vehicles that operate in built-up areas |
Trends merged into above or retired
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Spatial Temporal Point Cloud. A point cloud refers to a set of data points in some coordinate system. Spatial Temporal components are incorporated (DSTL). Point clouds can be terrestrial, bathymetric, atmospheric. Streaming of point cloud data in real time. |
It’s evident that bringing BIM and GIS together will benefit many application domains such as architecture, urban planning, disaster management, infrastructure engineering, facilities management, decision-making, construction, etc. However, there are many challenges in integrating BIM and GIS. M - (Kalantar in GIM International). |
The widespread adoption of smartphones by consumers worldwide has not only led to the advent of new indoor location technologies but also the increasing popularity and use of indoor venue maps. In the last several years, leading mapping technology companies have been competing to bring tens of thousands of high-quality indoor venue maps to smartphone users. There are indoor venue maps for thousands of museums, airports, shopping malls, restaurants and other venues - (Programmable Web). |
Time-Aware Applications, Computers, and Communication Systems (TAACCS) A new economy built on the massive growth of endpoints on the internet will require precise and verifiable timing in ways that current systems do not support. Applications, computers, and communications systems have been developed with modules and layers that optimize data processing but degrade accurate timing. State-of-the-art systems now use timing only as a performance metric. Correctness of timing as a metric cannot currently be designed into systems independent of hardware and/or software implementations. To enable the massive growth predicted, accurate timing needs cross-disciplinary research to be integrated into these existing systems- (NIST). |
features that are represented at multiple scales, automatically (OAB). |