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Releases: pboesu/debinfer

CRAN release 0.4.3

24 Apr 12:27
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Changes in version 0.4.3

Minor bug fixes and improvements

  • clarifications in documentation
  • patched bug in truncdist::dtrunc
  • internal type checking and control flow tidied up to be compatible with upcoming changes in R 4.2.0

deBInfer 0.4.1: Initial CRAN release

14 Sep 21:09
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This is the initial CRAN release of an R package implementing Bayesian inference for differential equation models. A preprint describing this method is available at

The package is derived from methods and code published in Voyles et al. (2012)( and Johnson et al. (2013)(

Software development is supported by NSF grant PLR-1341649.

This release reflects the state of the package at the time of the initial submission of the companion paper to

Revised arXiv submission

09 Jun 04:54
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journal submission - arxiv v2

Initial arxiv submission

05 May 16:25
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This release reflects the state of the package at the time of the initial submission of the companion paper to