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pboesu committed Dec 30, 2017
1 parent a16793b commit d1271da
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Showing 8 changed files with 103 additions and 60 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions DESCRIPTION
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Expand Up @@ -10,3 +10,4 @@ Encoding: UTF-8
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RoxygenNote: 6.0.1
Suggests: testthat
Imports: pracma
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
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@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand

71 changes: 41 additions & 30 deletions R/get_lb.R
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@@ -1,66 +1,77 @@
## get_lb
# Obtains scaled length at birth, given the scaled reserve density at birth

get_lb = function(p, eb, lb0=NA){
#' get_lb
#' Obtains scaled length at birth, given the scaled reserve density at birth
#' @param p 3-vector with parameters: g, k, v_H^b (see below)
#' @param eb optional scalar with scaled reserve density at birth (default eb = 1)
#' @param lb0 optional scalar with initial estimate for scaled length at birth (default lb0 = NA, will use lb for k = 1)
#' @author Bas Kooijman
#' @return [lb, info] = lb: scalar with scaled length at birth; info: indicator equals 1 if successful, 0 otherwise
#' @export
get_lb = function(p, eb = 1, lb0 = NA){
# created 2007/08/15 by Bas Kooijman; modified 2013/08/19, 2015/01/20

## Syntax
# [lb, info] = <../get_lb.m *get_lb*>(p, eb, lb0)

## Description
# Obtains scaled length at birth, given the scaled reserve density at birth.
# Obtains scaled length at birth, given the scaled reserve density at birth.
# Input
# * p: 3-vector with parameters: g, k, v_H^b (see below)
# * eb: optional scalar with scaled reserve density at birth (default eb = 1)
# * lb0: optional scalar with initial estimate for scaled length at birth (default lb0: lb for k = 1)
# Output
# * lb: scalar with scaled length at birth
# * lb: scalar with scaled length at birth
# * info: indicator equals 1 if successful, 0 otherwise

## Remarks
# The theory behind get_lb, get_tb and get_ue0 is discussed in
# The theory behind get_lb, get_tb and get_ue0 is discussed in
# < Kooy2009b>.
# Solves y(x_b) = y_b for lb with explicit solution for y(x)
# y(x) = x e_H/(1-kap) = x g u_H/ l^3
# and y_b = x_b g u_H^b/ ((1-kap)l_b^3)
# d/dx y = r(x) - y s(x);
# with solution y(x) = v(x) \int r(x)/ v(x) dx
# and v(x) = exp(- \int s(x) dx).
# A Newton Raphson scheme is used with Euler integration, starting from an optional initial value.
# A Newton Raphson scheme is used with Euler integration, starting from an optional initial value.
# Replacement of Euler integration by ode23: <get_lb1.html *get_lb1*>,
# but that function is much lower.
# Shooting method: <get_lb2.html *get_lb2*>.
# Bisection method (via fzero): <get_lb3.html *get_lb3*>.
# In case of no convergence, <get_lb2.html *get_lb2*> is run automatically as backup.
# Consider the application of <get_lb_foetus.html *get_lb_foetus*> for an alternative initial value.

## Example of use
# See <../mydata_ue0.m *mydata_ue0*>

# unpack p
g = p[1] # g = [E_G] * v/ kap * {p_Am}, energy investment ratio
k = p[2] # k = k_J/ k_M, ratio of maturity and somatic maintenance rate coeff
vHb = p[3] # v_H^b = U_H^b g^2 kM^3/ (1 - kap) v^2; U_H^b = M_H^b/ {J_EAm}


info = 1
if (!exists('lb0')){
lb0 = NA
#if (!exists('lb0')){
# lb0 = NA

if (k == 1){
lb = as.complex(vHb)^(1/ 3) # exact solution for k = 1
info = 1

if ({
lb = as.complex(vHb)^(1/3) # exact solution for k = 1
lb = as.complex(vHb)^(1/3) # exact solution for k = 1
} else {lb = lb0}

if (!exists('eb')){
Expand All @@ -75,13 +86,13 @@ get_lb = function(p, eb, lb0=NA){
x = seq(1e-6, xb, length=n)
dx = xb/ n
x3 = x ^ (1/3)

b = beta0(x, xb)/ (3 * g)
t0 = xb * g * vHb
i = 0
norm = 1 # make sure that we start Newton Raphson procedure
ni = 100 # max number of iterations

while (i < ni && norm > 1e-8 && !{
l = x3 / (xb3/ lb - b)
s = (k - x) / (1 - x) * l/ g / x
Expand All @@ -104,7 +115,7 @@ get_lb = function(p, eb, lb0=NA){
norm = Re( t^2 )
i = i + 1

if (i == ni || lb < 0 || lb > 1 || { # no convergence
# try to recover with a shooting method
if ({
Expand All @@ -121,11 +132,11 @@ get_lb = function(p, eb, lb0=NA){

if (info == 0){
print('warning get_lb: no convergence of l_b')
warning('get_lb: no convergence of l_b')

return(c(lb, info))

3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion R/get_tb.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
#' @author Bas Kooijman
#' @return 3-element vector containing tb: scaled age at birth tau_b = a_b k_M; lb: scalar with scaled length at birth: L_b/ L_m; info: indicator equals 1 if successful, 0 otherwise
#' @importFrom pracma quad
#' @export
#' @examples
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -75,7 +76,7 @@ get_tb <- function(p, eb = 1, lb=NA){

xb = g/ (eb + g) # f = e_b
ab = 3 * g * xb^(1/ 3)/ lb # \alpha_b
tb = 3 * quad(dget_tb, xa= 1e-15, xb=xb, tol = 1.0e-12, trace = FALSE, abxb)
return(c(tb, lb, info))
Expand Down
54 changes: 27 additions & 27 deletions R/get_tm.R
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Expand Up @@ -2,50 +2,50 @@
# Obtains scaled mean age at death fro short growth periods

#function [tm, Sb, Sp, info] =
#function [tm, Sb, Sp, info] =

get_tm_s = function(p, f, lb, lp){

# created 2009/02/21 by Bas Kooijman, modified 2014/03/17, 2015/01/18

## Syntax
# [tm, Sb, Sp, info] = <../get_tm_s.m *get_tm_s*>(p, f, lb, lp)

## Description
# Obtains scaled mean age at death assuming a short growth period relative to the life span
# Divide the result by the somatic maintenance rate coefficient to arrive at the mean age at death.
# Divide the result by the somatic maintenance rate coefficient to arrive at the mean age at death.
# The variant get_tm_foetus does the same in case of foetal development.
# If the input parameter vector has only 4 elements (for [g, lT, ha/ kM2, sG]),
# it skips the calulation of the survival probability at birth and puberty.
# If the input parameter vector has only 4 elements (for [g, lT, ha/ kM2, sG]),
# it skips the calulation of the survival probability at birth and puberty.
# Input
# * p: 4 or 7-vector with parameters: [g lT ha sG] or [g k lT vHb vHp ha SG]
# * f: optional scalar with scaled reserve density at birth (default eb = 1)
# * lb: optional scalar with scaled length at birth (default: lb is obtained from get_lb)
# * lp: optional scalar with scaled length at puberty
# Output
# * tm: scalar with scaled mean life span
# * Sb: scalar with survival probability at birth (if length p = 7)
# * Sp: scalar with survival prabability at puberty (if length p = 7)
# * info: indicator equals 1 if successful, 0 otherwise

## Remarks
# Theory is given in comments on DEB3 Section 6.1.1.
# Theory is given in comments on DEB3 Section 6.1.1.
# See <get_tm.html *get_tm*> for the general case of long growth period relative to life span

## Example of use
# get_tm_s([.5, .1, .1, .01, .2, .1, .01])

if (!exists('f')){
f = 1
else if ({
f = 1

if (length(p) >= 7) {
# unpack pars
g = p[1] # energy investment ratio
Expand All @@ -63,19 +63,19 @@ get_tm_s = function(p, f, lb, lp){
ha = p[3] # h_a/ k_M^2, scaled Weibull aging acceleration
sG = p[4] # Gompertz stress coefficient

if (abs(sG) < 1e-10){
sG = 1e-10

li = f - lT
hW3 = ha * f * g/ 6/ li
hW = hW3^(1/3) # scaled Weibull aging rate
hG = sG * f * g * li^2
hG3 = hG^3 # scaled Gompertz aging rate
tG = hG/ hW
tG3 = hG3/ hW3 # scaled Gompertz aging rate

info_lp = 1
if (length(p) >= 7){
# if (!exist(lp) & !exist(lb)) {
Expand All @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ get_tm_s = function(p, f, lb, lp){
# elseif exist('lp','var') == 0 || isempty('lp')
# [lp lb info_lp] = get_lp(p, f, lb);
# end
# get scaled age at birth, puberty: tb, tp
tblbinfo = get_tb(p, f, lb)
Expand All @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ get_tm_s = function(p, f, lb, lp){
hGtb = hG * tb
Sb = exp((1 - exp(hGtb) + hGtb + hGtb^2/ 2) * 6/ tG3)
hGtp = hG * tp
Sp = exp((1 - exp(hGtp) + hGtp + hGtp^2/ 2) * 6/ tG3)
Sp = exp((1 - exp(hGtp) + hGtp + hGtp^2/ 2) * 6/ tG3)
if (info_lp == 1 & info_tb == 1){
info = 1
Expand All @@ -106,39 +106,39 @@ get_tm_s = function(p, f, lb, lp){
Sp = NaN
info = 1

if (abs(sG) < 1e-10) {
tm = gamma(4/3)/ hW
tm_tail = 0
else if (hG > 0){
tm = 10/ hG # upper boundary for main integration of S(t)
tm_tail = expint(exp(tm * hG) * 6/ tG3)/ hG
tm = quad(fnget_tm_s, 0, tm * hW, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5, trace = FALSE, tG)/ hW + tm_tail
tm = pracma::quad(fnget_tm_s, 0, tm * hW, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5, trace = FALSE, tG)/ hW + tm_tail
else {# hG < 0
tm = -1e4/ hG # upper boundary for main integration of S(t)
hw = hW * sqrt( - 3/ tG) # scaled hW
tm_tail = sqrt(pi)* erfc(tm * hw)/ 2/ hw
tm = quad(fnget_tm_s, 0, tm * hW, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5, trace = FALSE, tG)/ hW + tm_tail
tm = pracma::quad(fnget_tm_s, 0, tm * hW, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5, trace = FALSE, tG)/ hW + tm_tail

return(c(tm, Sb, Sp, info))


# subfunction

fnget_tm_s = function(t, tG){
# modified 2010/02/25
# called by get_tm_s for life span at short growth periods
# integrate ageing surv prob over scaled age
# t: age * hW
# t: age * hW
# S: ageing survival prob

hGt = tG * t # age * hG
if (tG > 0) {
S = exp(-t(1 + sum(cumprod(t(hGt) * (1/(4:500)), 2), 2)) * t^3)
Expand All @@ -148,4 +148,4 @@ fnget_tm_s = function(t, tG){

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/get_ue0.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ get_ue0=function(p, eb = 1, lb0 = NA){
xb = g/ (eb + g)
uE0 = (3 * g/ (3 * g * xb^(1/ 3)/ lb - beta0(0, xb)))^3

print(paste("uE0", uE0))
#print(paste("uE0", uE0))

return(c(uE0, lb, info))
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions man/get_lb.Rd

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6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion man/get_ue0.Rd

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