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pboesu committed Jan 30, 2018
1 parent 04a5408 commit 65e2541
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Showing 14 changed files with 913 additions and 0 deletions.
51 changes: 51 additions & 0 deletions DEBKiss/DEBKiss_llik.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@

DEBKiss_obs_model <- function(data,, samp){

w.obs <- simdat <- NA
test <- FALSE

## choose at which times to evaluate the likelihood
w.obs <- which([,"time"] %in% data$time)

## The simulated data set at only the correct tims
simdat <-[w.obs,]

## this is a small correction used to keep the arguments of the
## log normal distribution from being exactly zero
ec <- 1e-6

## The calculate of the cummulative number of eggs, calculated
## from the total amount of energy in the reproductive buffer,
## times the efficiency of the conversion of the reproductive
## buffer to eggs, divided by the energy per egg
cumEggs <- (simdat[,"WR"]*as.numeric(samp[["yBA"]])/as.numeric(samp[["WB0"]])) + ec

## this is code to produce a plot of the data + simulation for
## testing purposes
par(mfrow=c(1,2), bty="n")
plot(simdat[,"time"], simdat[,"Lw"], type="l", ylab="structural length",
points(data$time, data$L, col=2)
plot(simdat[,"time"], cumEggs, type="l", ylab="total eggs", xlab="time")
points(data$time, data$Egg, col=3)

## log likelihood for the length portion of the data
llik.L <- sum(dlnorm(data$L, meanlog = log(simdat[,"Lw"] + ec),
sdlog = samp[["sdlog.L"]], log = TRUE))

## log likelihood for the cumulative eggs
llik.E <- sum(dlnorm(data$Egg+ec, meanlog = log(cumEggs),
sdlog = samp[["sdlog.E"]], log = TRUE))

## sum the egg and length components together
llik<- llik.L + llik.E

if(test) print(c(llik.L, llik.E, llik)) ## check the likelihood


58 changes: 58 additions & 0 deletions DEBKiss/DEBKiss_model.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
## DEBKiss Process Model


with(as.list(c(y, params)),{

ec<-0.000001 ## value of WB below which hatching occurs, this
## is >0 for numerical reasons

## physical length, Lw, is the input
L<-Lw*deltaM ## structural length
L3<-L^3 ## structural volume

## calculating the length at puberty from the weight at
## puberty
if(!is.null(Wp)) Lp<-(Wp/dV)^(1/3)

JA<-f*JAM*L^2 ## assimilation
JX<-JA/yAX ## feeding

## first check if still egg stage and modify if needed
JA <- JA*fb/f ## this sets f to fb, if needed
JX <- 0
dWB <- - JA
}else dWB<-0

JM<-exp(logJMv)*L3 ## volume maintance costs
JV<-yVA*(kappa*JA-JM) ## growth
JR<- (1-kappa)*JA ## repo buffer

## Starvation conditions, after hatching
if( JV<0 ){

if(L<Lp) JR<-0 ## check for being mature

dLw <- JV/(3*dV*L^2*deltaM) ## change in length
dWR <- JR ## change in reproductive buffer



207 changes: 207 additions & 0 deletions DEBKiss/DEBKiss_snail.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
### These provide the code from the package, the implemented model,
### and likelihood, respectively

## First read in the simplified dataset
dat<-read.csv("snail_1food_clean.csv", header=TRUE)

## these are the initial parameters based on the fits from the
## original paper. Note that because we're not beginning at egg laying
## that we set the initial embryo buffer to 0

y<-c(WB=0.000001, Lw=12.8, WR=0)
parms<-c(deltaM=0.401, f=1, fb=0.8, JAM=0.11, yAX=0.8,
kappa=0.89, logJMv=log(0.008), yVA=0.8, yAV=0.8,
dV=0.1, Wp=70, yBA=0.95, WB0=0.15)

## Plot the data together with the model output based on the
## parameters from the paper
times<-seq(0, 160, by=0.1)
out <- ode(y, times, DEBKiss1, parms, method="rk4")

par(mfrow=c(1,2),mai=c(.8,.8,.2,.1))# bty="n")
plot(out[,1], out[,3], type="l", ylab="observed length", xlab="time (days)", lwd=2, col=2, lty=1, pch=23, ylim=c(12, 31), xlim=c(0,148))
points(dat$time, dat$L, lwd=2)
plot(out[,1], out[,4]*parms["yBA"]/parms["WB0"], type="l", ylab="total eggs", xlab="time (days)", ylim=c(0, 1100), lwd=2, col=4, lty=1, xlim=c(0,148))
points(dat$time, dat$Egg, pch=25, lwd=2)

##### Below is code necessary to perform inference for this model

## setting up DEB parameters. We choose a subset to estimate based on
## which parameters were estimated in the original paper. For this
## example we do not estimate all of the parameters they did as to do
## so would require fitting all 3 food levels simultaneous.

## DEB parameters to estimate
kappa <-debinfer_par(name = "kappa", var.type = "de", fixed = FALSE,
value = parms["kappa"], prior = "unif",
hypers = list(min=0, max=1),
prop.var = 0.001, samp.type="rw")

## because JMv is small and positive I sample it in log space
logJMv <-debinfer_par(name = "logJMv", var.type = "de", fixed = FALSE,
value=parms["logJMv"], prior = "norm",
hypers = list(mean = 0, sd = 10 ),
prop.var = 0.01, samp.type = "rw")

## Observation parameters to estimate
sdlog.L <-debinfer_par(name = "sdlog.L", var.type = "obs", fixed = FALSE,
value = 1, prior = "lnorm",
hypers = list(meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1 ),
prop.var = c(4,5), samp.type = "rw-unif")

sdlog.E <-debinfer_par(name = "sdlog.E", var.type = "obs", fixed = FALSE,
value = 1, prior = "lnorm",
hypers = list(meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1),
prop.var = c(4,5), samp.type = "rw-unif")

## These were estimated in the original paper, but we fix them here
Wp <-debinfer_par(name = "Wp", var.type = "de", fixed = TRUE,
value=parms["Wp"], prior = "lnorm",
hypers = list(meanlog = 1, sdlog = 0.1 ),
prop.var = c(4,5), samp.type = "rw-unif")

JAM <-debinfer_par(name = "JAM", var.type = "de", fixed = TRUE,
value=parms["JAM"], prior = "lnorm",
hypers = list(meanlog = 0, sdlog = 0.1 ),
prop.var = c(4,5), samp.type = "rw-unif")

## These parameters were assumed and fixed in the original paper
deltaM <-debinfer_par(name = "deltaM", var.type = "de", fixed = TRUE, value=parms["deltaM"])
f <-debinfer_par(name = "f", var.type = "de", fixed = TRUE, value=parms["f"])
fb <-debinfer_par(name = "fb", var.type = "de", fixed = TRUE, value=parms["fb"])
yAX <-debinfer_par(name = "yAX", var.type = "de", fixed = TRUE, value=parms["yAX"])

yVA <-debinfer_par(name = "yVA", var.type = "de", fixed = TRUE, value=parms["yVA"])
yAV <-debinfer_par(name = "yAV", var.type = "de", fixed = TRUE, value=parms["yAV"])
dV <-debinfer_par(name = "dV", var.type = "de", fixed = TRUE, value=parms["dV"])
WB0 <- debinfer_par(name = "WB0", var.type = "obs", fixed = TRUE, value=parms["WB0"])

## two values of yBA were considered in the paper, we focus on one
yBA <-debinfer_par(name = "yBA", var.type = "obs", fixed = TRUE, value=parms["yBA"])

## Initial conditions
WB <- debinfer_par(name = "WB", var.type = "init", fixed = TRUE, value = y["WB"])
L <- debinfer_par(name = "Lw", var.type = "init", fixed = TRUE, value = y["Lw"])
WR <- debinfer_par(name = "WR", var.type = "init", fixed = TRUE, value = y["WR"])

## Once all parameters have been individually specified, we combine
## them using a setup function<-setup_debinfer(kappa, sdlog.L, sdlog.E, deltaM, f, fb, JAM, yAX, logJMv,
yVA, yAV, dV, Wp, yBA, WB0, WB, L, WR)

## do inference with deBInfer
## MCMC iterations
iter <- 20000

## inference call
mcmc_samples <- de_mcmc(N = iter, data = dat, de.model = DEBKiss1,
obs.model = DEBKiss_obs_model, all.params =,
Tmax = max(dat$time), data.times = dat$time, cnt = 500,
plot = FALSE, verbose.mcmc = TRUE,
solver = "ode", method="rk4")

## plotting samples using built in functions, based on the CODA package in R
plot(mcmc_samples, burnin=1000)

pairs(mcmc_samples, burnin=1000)

post_prior_densplot(mcmc_samples, burnin=1000)

## creating posterior trajectories

y<-c(WB=0.000001, Lw=12.8, WR=0)
parms<-c(deltaM=0.401, f=1, fb=0.8, JAM=0.11, yAX=0.8,
kappa=0.89, logJMv=log(0.008), yVA=0.8, yAV=0.8,
dV=0.1, Wp=70, yBA=0.95, WB0=0.15)

## Plot the data together with the model output based on the
## parameters from the paper
times<-seq(0, 160, by=0.1)

thin<-seq(1001, 20000, by=10)

## creating objects to hold the length and reproduction trajectories
Lws<-WRs<-matrix(NA, nrow=length(times), ncol=length(thin))

## this for loop will call the solver with the thinned parameter samples
for(i in 1:length(thin)){
## replace kappa and logJMv with the posterior samples

## solve the ODEs
out <- ode(y, times, DEBKiss1, ptemp, method="rk4")

## save just the Length and reproduction

## calculates the posterior mean trajectories
Lwmean<-apply(Lws, 1, mean)
WRmean<-apply(WRs, 1, mean)

## calculates the posterior credible intervals of the MEAN trajectory
## (not the full prediction intervals that would include the
## observation noise)
Lwqs<-apply(Lws, 1, quantile, probs=c(0.025, 0.975))
WRqs<-apply(WRs, 1, quantile, probs=c(0.025, 0.975))

## plots the posterior means and CIs of the trajectories with the data
par(mfrow=c(1,2),mai=c(.8,.8,.2,.1))# bty="n")
plot(out[,1], Lwmean, type="l", ylab="observed length", xlab="time (days)", lwd=2, col=2, lty=1, pch=23, ylim=c(12, 31), xlim=c(0,148))
lines(out[,1], Lwqs[1,], lty=3, lwd=2, col=2)
lines(out[,1], Lwqs[2,], lty=3, lwd=2, col=2)
points(dat$time, dat$L, lwd=2)

plot(out[,1], WRmean*parms["yBA"]/parms["WB0"], type="l", ylab="total eggs", xlab="time (days)", ylim=c(0, 1100), lwd=2, col=4, lty=1, xlim=c(0,148))
lines(out[,1], WRqs[1,]*parms["yBA"]/parms["WB0"], lty=3, lwd=2, col=4)
lines(out[,1], WRqs[2,]*parms["yBA"]/parms["WB0"], lty=3, lwd=2, col=4)

points(dat$time, dat$Egg, pch=25, lwd=2)

## Extra plots


par(mfrow = c(1,3))
ps<-c("kappa", "logJMv", "sdlog.L", "sdlog.E")
for (pp in ps[1:2]){
pretty_posterior_plot(samps, ss, ref.params = parms,
param = pp, legend = FALSE)
#for (pp in ps[3:4]){
# pretty_posterior_plot(samps, ss, ref.params = parms,
# param = pp, legend = FALSE)

legend("topleft", legend = c("true parameter value", "posterior mean value", "95% HPDI"), lty = c(2,1, NA), pch = c(NA,NA,15), col = c("black", "black", rethinking::col.alpha("black",0.15)))

47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions DEBKiss/plotting_extras.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
#HDPI figure code
# rethinking is not yet on CRAN but can be installed using devtools:

## install.packages(c("devtools","mvtnorm","loo","coda"), repos="",dependencies=TRUE)
## library(devtools)
## install_github("rmcelreath/rethinking")

## The code for the figure itself is


pretty_posterior_plot <- function(samples, summary, ref.params, param, HDPI = 0.95, legend = TRUE){
rethinking::dens(unlist(samples[,param]), show.HPDI = 0.95, main = param)
abline(v = ref.params[param], lwd = 2, lty = 2)
abline(v = summary$statistics[param, "Mean"])
legend = c("true parameter value", "posterior mean value", "95% HPDI"),
lty = c(2,1, NA), pch = c(NA,NA,15),
col = c("black", "black", rethinking::col.alpha("black",0.15)))

### where samples is a coda object, i.e. the samples slot of a debinfer_result object (i.e. debinfer_result$samples)

### summary is created using the summary method for the coda object (i.e. summary(debinfer_result$samples))

### ref.params is a named vector with the true values

### param is a string of the parameter to be plotted

#par(mfrow = c(3,3))
#for (pp in names(freeparams(fixedEG_freeobs1))[1:8]){
# pretty_posterior_plot(fixedEG_freeobs_samples,
# fixedEG_freeobs_summary,
# ref.params = c(params_Lumter,
# c(sdlog.EWw = 0.05, sdlog.R = 0.1)),
# param = pp, legend = FALSE)
# legend = c("true parameter value", "posterior mean value", "95% HPDI"),
# lty = c(2,1, NA), pch = c(NA,NA,15),
# col = c("black", "black", rethinking::col.alpha("black",0.15)))
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions DEBKiss/snail_1food_clean.csv
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@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
Binary file added StandardDEB/Rplots.pdf
Binary file not shown.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions StandardDEB/data/Lumbricus_terrestris_mass_Butt1993.txt
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@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
days_since_hatching mass_g se_up se_lw
0.464 0.067 NA NA
31.520 1.231 1.429 1.084
60.722 3.429 3.803 3.056
91.778 4.930 6.066 3.865
121.444 6.094 7.409 4.790
152.500 6.337 7.666 5.024

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